Page 7 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - January '22
P. 7

Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 7
      Northern Notes

      Snowbirds                                          daylight hours reduce. Migration cannot begin, however, until
                                                         the young birds have fledged in their breeding range and all
      By Katie Roundtree,                                birds have eaten extra food for the long journey. Many species
      Director of Finance and                            double their weight to fuel their migration. Purple martins, as
      Administration, Northern                           an example, eat three times their weight in mosquitoes in a day
      Palm Beach County                                  in preparation for the trip.
      Improvement District                                 Generally, birds migrate when the weather and atmospheric
        Snowbirds (an affectionate                       structure are good. This means winds are blowing in the direction
      name for a subspecies of Homo                      that they are headed, and tailwinds are available to increase their
      sapiens) flock to Florida each                     speeds. Navigational options for birds include the use of the stars,
      winter from all around the                         sun, and internal sensitivity to the Earth’s magnetic field as their
      world; many can be spotted                         compass. They also learn routes from other birds.
      enjoying Florida’s great                             Birds using powered flight that involves continuous flapping
      outdoors as well as shops and                      and a level course through the air are often nocturnal migrants.
      restaurants in the area. However, there are true migratory birds   At night the air is calmer or more stable and predators are fewer.     When migrants start moving, they form broad, diffuse waves
      of the feathered species that visit or pass through south Florida   These can be viewed with a telescope as they pass by the light   that merge into great “rivers” of birds. The four main North
      during the cooler months.                          of a full moon. Soaring birds, on the other hand, prefer daylight   American “rivers,” or “flyways,” are known as the Pacific,
        Annually many bird species migrate as their food supply   when they can ride thermals of rising hot air. (Source: South   Central, Mississippi and Atlantic. Florida is the southernmost
      disappears, water sources freeze, shelter options lessen, and   Florida Audubon Society)             point within the United States on the Atlantic flyway. The bird
                                                                                                           species in these great bird-rivers in the sky pass specific spots
                                                                                                           on the map at more or less predictable times. For instance,
                                                                                                           when spring’s first yellow warblers, which winter from southern
                                                                                                           Mexico south to Peru and Brazil, return northward each year
                                                                                                           they reach southern California and southern Florida around April
                                                                                                           1. By May 1, their “northern front” lies along a line running
                                                                                                           between Washington State and New York State. By June 1,
                                                                                                           they’ve reached the Arctic region of northern Canada.
                                                                                                             Enjoy the cooler temperatures of the Florida winters and
                                                                                                           get out and try to spot some of these transients. There are many
                                                                                                           preserves and natural areas that attract birds this time of year.
                                                                                                           These areas are rich in food sources and attract birds as either
                                                                                                           a destination or stopover on the way to areas further south, like
                                                                                                           the Caribbean or South America; similar to our cruise ship ports
                                                                                                           attracting visitors cruising to points south. Happy travels!
                                                                                                             NPDES tip: Please pick up after your pet. When pet waste is
                                                                                                           washed into lakes or canals the waste decays, using up oxygen
                                                                                                           and sometimes releasing ammonia. Low oxygen levels and
                                                                                                           ammonia combined with warm temperatures can kill fish. Pet
                                                                                                           waste also contains nutrients that encourage weed and algae
                                                                                                           growth. Overly fertile water becomes cloudy and green –
                                                                                                           unattractive for boating and fishing. Perhaps most importantly,
                                                                                                           pet waste carries diseases that make water unsafe for humans
                                                                                                           and animals alike.
                                                                                                           Make Your Child

                                                                                                           A Better Reader

                                                                                                           By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
                                                                                                           School Psychologist
                                                                                                             Every child needs to learn
                                                                                                           how to read but one in five
                                                                                                           children have dyslexia so
                                                                                                           it is no surprise that many
                                                                                                           kids have problems learning
                                                                                                           to  read. Warning  signs  of
                                                                                                           dyslexia include having a
                                                                                                           family member diagnosed or
                                                                                                           suspected to have dyslexia,
                                                                                                           slow reading aloud, difficulty
                                                                                                           sounding out unfamiliar words, and weak everyday spelling.
                                                                                                             Here are three ways you can help make your child a
                                                                                                           better reader.
                                                                                                             First, make reading enjoyable and capitalize on your child’s
                                                                                                           interests since when we are interested in a topic it holds our
                                                                                                           attention and intrinsically motivates us. Children who struggle
                                                                                                           with reading need adults to read to and with them well into middle
                                                                                                           school. While typical readers prefer to read by themselves starting
                                                                                                           in about fourth grade, struggling readers continue to need you to
                                                                                                           be the guide by their side. Many children enjoy reading graphic
                                                                                                           novels such as I Survived or The Baby-Sitters Club.
                                                                                                             Next, recognize and verbalize that you notice your child’s
                                                                                                           struggle. It is alright to say, “I know reading is harder for
                                                                                                           you but you have what it takes to become a good reader. The
                                                                                                           more we practice, the better you’ll become.” Teach your child
                                                                                                           to have grit which is the ability to start and stick with a task
                                                                                                           until it’s finished. Notice your child having grit in a preferred
                                                                                                           task and then link it back to the harder task. You might say,
                                                                                                           “You really stuck with that project and put in a lot of effort to
                                                                                                           finish it. You can have that same kind of grit when it comes
                                                                                                           to reading or anything you set your mind to accomplish.”
                                                                                                             Third, if your child and you butt heads during academic
                                                                                                           work time, hire a well-qualified reading tutor. It takes at least
                                                                                                           twice a week tutoring to make a substantial difference in your
                                                                                                           child’s reading ability. I have a list of specialized reading tutors
                                                                                                           at or visit the Lindamood-Bell Learning
                                                                                                           Center in Palm Beach Gardens or the Reading Success Center
                                                                                                           in Palm City.
                                                                                                             We offer dyslexia, learning disability, IQ, and ADHD/ADD
                                                                                                           testing. Learn more at or call (561) 625-4125.
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