Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - January '22
P. 12

Page 12, Palm City Spotlight

                                                    tip of tHe tail

       Litterbox Woes                                    the most important tip is to keep the litterbox sparkling clean!   help prevent future problems. Also a feline pheromone diffuser

                                                         The litterbox should be scooped at least once a day. Does daily   called Feliway can soothe stresses in your kitty’s life if it is a
                                                         sound like a lot? How often do you flush your toilet? Giving   behavioral problem.
                                                         your cat the litterbox they want increases the likelihood they     All cat owners have been there … sniffing around the room
                                                         will use it.                                      trying to figure out where your cat has urinated or coming
                                                           And now for the cleanup step. It is important to clean any   home to a soiled rug. While frustrating, it a problem that can
                                                         areas that your cat has soiled thoroughly. If it smells like urine   be solved if addressed quickly and if you see to your cat’s
                                                         or stool, in a cat’s brain it is an appropriate place to void.   medical, behavioral, and litterbox needs. Hopefully the tips
                                                         You think bleach, vinegar, or coconut water is up to the job?   in this article will keep your cat using the litterbox, so you
                                                         Think again! A cat’s nose is 9 to 16 times more sensitive than   and your cat can have a happily ever after.
                                                         a human's. Head to the pet store and pick up an enzymatic     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
                                                         cleaner specifically designed to break down the odors of urine   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
                                                         and stool. If the soiled item is easily replaceable like a floor   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
                                                         mat or a pillow, it may be easier just to throw it out. Also, think   rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics,
        Cats urinating and defecating outside the litterbox is a   about creative ways to block access to problem areas where   and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      common and frustrating problem. As much as you may love   your cat tends to go outside the box. Close doors to rooms,   combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy
      your furry feline family member, finding pee on your pillow   pick up rugs they tend to urinate on, and put an inch of water   for pets and their owners. For more information, call (772)
      is hard to live with. If not addressed, it can lead to damage to   in sinks or tubs that they void in. Cleaning up previously soiled   283-0920, visit or find
      your home, rehoming of your pet, or even euthanasia. Time   surfaces and deterring your cat away from problem areas can   us on Facebook at
      is of the essence, the longer your cat voids outside the box
      the less likely the problem can be solved. Here are some tips
      to keep your cat happily using the litterbox.         cleveland clinic martin
        First, it is important to determine if your cat is going outside
      of the box due to a medical problem, a behavioral problem,
      or if there is something your cat finds undesirable about the
      litterbox. If your cat is experiencing discomfort in the litterbox,        HealtH news
      it may start to go outside the box because it associates the box
      with pain. Arthritis making it difficult to step into the box,
      constipation, and bladder problems such as infection, stones,
      and feline idiopathic cystitis can all cause pain leading to   Common Knee Injuries And                Q: What are treatment options for these injuries?
      litterbox avoidance. A visit to your veterinarian is the best                                          A: Mild arthritis and degenerative meniscus tears
      way to rule out medical problems. Behavioral problems can   Treatments                               may be treated using rest, ice and compression or anti-
      also lead to soiling outside the box. When cats are unsure or                                        inflammatory medication. However, if a patient has an
      uncertain of their surroundings, the stress can cause them to     Whether you’re a                   acute injury with a swollen, painful knee or instability
      mark the home with urine or stool. Something as simple as   professional athlete or just             during activity, the injury may require surgery to
      new furniture, house guests, or an unwelcome neighborhood   playing a game of pickup in the backyard, it’s important to   reconstruct the ligament or the cartilage. Cleveland
      cat lurking around outside a window can trigger marking   know how to prevent knee injuries. Cleveland Clinic Martin   Clinic Martin Health provides a wide range of minimally
      behavior. Whether the problem is determined to be medical   Health’s orthopaedic and sports medicine team provides   invasive treatment options if reconstructive surgery is
      or behavioral, you can work with your veterinarian to find a   answers to some commonly asked questions about knee   needed.
      solution.                                            injuries and treatments.                          Q: I have knee arthritis and I am having recurrent
        The next consideration is to make the litterbox as desirable     Q: What are some common knee sports injuries for   pain and swelling. This limits my daily exercise
      as possible for your cat. Would you rather use the bathroom   any age group?                         regimen and ability to play golf.
      in a spacious, sparkling clean hotel with fancy soap, or a     A: Injuries can be as complex as a knee dislocation with     A: There are many treatment options for moderate
      dirty port-o-let at a music festival? When presented with a   multiple torn ligaments, or as common as a meniscus tear.   to severe arthritis, including cartilage restoration
      port-o-let you might decide to head for the woods. The same   These injuries can occur at any age and to the recreational or   procedures, as well as partial and total knee replacement.
      goes for your cat. So what makes an ideal bathroom for your   professional athlete.                  Cleveland  Clinic  Martin  Health’s  orthopaedic  and
      cat? First, you need enough bathrooms. We don’t like sharing     Q: What are some tips to prevent these types of   sports medicine team provides a comprehensive array
      bathrooms and neither does your cat. Ideally, you should have   injuries?                            of options for knee osteoarthritis and can help create
      one litterbox per cat, plus an extra. For example, if you have     A: We encourage all athletes to remain active and   a customized plan to meet each patient’s activity and
      three cats, you should have four litterboxes. Next, evaluate   conditioned. A daily regimen of exercise will help keep your   lifestyle goals.
      where in the house your litterboxes are. They should be in quiet   joints flexible and your muscles strong. Stretching before     Visit to learn more about
      areas that are easily accessible, where they will be undisturbed   activity is also essential in preventing injuries. To be safe, it’s   orthopaedic services available at Cleveland Clinic
      by sniffing dogs and loud dryer buzzers. Placing litterboxes   critical to have realistic expectations and train for your sport.  Martin Health.
      in multiple locations is also a good idea, that way if your cat
      does not like one area they have the option of another. Also,
      just like us, cats prefer plenty of space. Your average sized
      litterbox does not allow your cat the normal behaviors of
      circling, sniffing, and scratching in the litter. Trade in your
      litterbox for an oversized under the bed Tupperware to give
      your cat lots of room. Next, as any cat owner can tell you, cats
      are finicky creatures when it comes to food, their choice of
      humans, and their litter. Do not buy whatever litter is on sale;
      get your cat the litter that they are used to and happy with.
      Another good tip is to take the hood off of your box. We like
      hoods on litterboxes because it traps odors in. You guessed
      it, most cats do not like hoods because it traps odors in. And

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