Page 26 - PGA Community News- March '22
P. 26

Page 26, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 March 2022                                                                                                                                                    March 2022

      Kakadu And Arnhem Land from page 25

      Twin Falls in Kakadu National Park

      in an overland river, as the dry season begins when the      Jabiru is “the” major
      water is not replenished. As the flood plain begins to   town  in  Kakadu  Park.
      dry, large areas of water are trapped, forming ponds and   Located at the border
      lakes that the Australians call “billabongs.” Yellow River   of Arnhem Land, it was
      billabong is the largest in the park. Here is where the   constructed to supply
      crocs and waterbirds gather as the dry season continues   housing to  the foreign
      to evaporate the water from the billabongs.       workers who came to work
         Almost 500 square kilometers are tied up in the tidal   the Ranger uranium mine.
      and coastal flats on the northern tip of the peninsula.   This facility has greatly
      Mangrove forests that run through this area are ideal for   slowed its production
      fish breeding, especially the barramundi, which is the   because of the cost to
      staple fish of the Aborigine. This water-intensive habitat   extract and supply the ore   The Gagudju Crocodile Hotel
      is internationally recognized as being significant for   from this location and the
      migratory birds.                                  plunging price for uranium ore. Long before the mine   knowledge has been handed down to them in Dreamtime.
         Arnhem  Land,  named  after  the  Dutch  ship  Arnhem   work was even started, the Aborigine knew the area   They know that the appearance of certain butterflies,
      that explored the territory in 1623, is today the northern   around the mine as the “sick place.” It is suspected that,   grasshoppers,  worms  and  other  insects  –  and  certain
      homeland of the Aborigine. Its borders have been   over the millennia, low levels of radiation may have   colors of plants – signify specific consequences in terms
      established and a permit, issued by the Aboriginal clan,   affected parts of the population, creating this omen over   of weather. We could only wish that our meteorologists
      is required to visit and travel over the land. Joint tribal   the land.                              were that accurate.
      authorities manage the land, attempting to keep it in its      Arnhem Land exists today without hard surface      Throughout the ages they have used fire and controlled
      natural  condition.  Even  when  the  Gagudju  Crocodile   roads, power distribution, water and other elements of   burning. It is a part of their way of life. Quoting Big Bill
      Hotel was built on the border of Arnhem Land, the tribal   a civilization as we know them; however, this is not a   Neidjie, Bunitj Clan elder:
      council dictated its design. The first order was that it be   deterrent  to  the people. They continue to  live  as  their
      no higher than the surrounding trees; this was no problem.   ancestors did – off the land and protected from nature in   The earth, I never damage.
      However the floor plan generated unique requirements.   the caves of the area of simple corrugated metal huts that   I look after. Fire is nothing, just clean up.
      What better place to enter the building than through the   they have built. Because they have always been hunters   When you burn, new grass coming up.
      mouth of the crocodile? This leads into the croc’s head   and gatherers, they do not build large communities, but   That means good animal soon.
      (lobby). Large exhaust fans have become the eyes, and as   rather, live in small clans and tribes … working as a unit   Might be goanna, possum, wallaby.
      you may suspect, the rooms are in the belly of the beast,   for survival. They have learned to manage their resources   Burn him off, new grass coming up, new life all over.
      looking onto a center courtyard with a pool the shape of   wisely, taking only what they need for subsistence. To
      a croc’s heart. This pool is the only one the park service   do this to the utmost advantage, they have learned to
      has considered safe for swimming in all of Kakadu and   accurately forecast the weather and the seasons. This   Kakadu And Arnhem Land on page 27
      Arnhem Land. By the way, as you might expect, the hotel’s
      services entrance is at the other end of the croc.

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