Page 7 - Abacoa Community News - October '22
P. 7

Abacoa, Page 7
       Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                      Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton. Take a break      Not only is The Eagle faster, but it is also smarter
         With six service centers                        from the city bustle and enjoy a walk on the boardwalk,   too. In the past, rejected mail had to be manually fed into
      and an administration office                       visit the outdoor aquariums that represent the different   a separate machine for processing, but this new Eagle
      processing more than two                           Florida marine habitats, relax in the butterfly garden, or   machine has the ability to reprocess mail that was rejected
      million online, mail and                           check out the sea turtle rehabilitation facility. The cooler   the first time, which saves processing time. But remember,
      in-person transactions                             temps also signal the return of many of our municipalities’   please do not include staples or tape with your payment
      each year, we are always                           green markets where you can stock up on locally grown   and do not write on the envelope or your payment stub
      looking for individuals                            produce, plants, and baked goods. This market is in its   and always include your payment stub with your payment.
      to join my agency. There                           28th  season  and  has  been  ranked  in  the  top  spot  over   This will help us process your payment quicker.
      are several positions                              places such as Boston, Seattle and Hawaii. Looking for      While  The Eagle is still in flight training, I am
      currently available and the                        something with a little more action? Go out and play   looking forward to it earning its wings and taking off
      entry-level client service                         some pickleball, a fun sport that combines elements of   into production for this upcoming property tax season.
      positions are a good way                           tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Many  of our Palm
      to build upon one’s service                        Beach County parks have multiple pickleball courts and   Make Your Vote Count
      oriented experience. My                            provide high energy fun for the whole family!
      agency offers competitive                          Gumbo Limbo Nature Center                            Election season is right around
      salaries, medical, dental                          1801 North Ocean Boulevard, Boca Raton, FL 33432  the  corner  and  it’s  important
      and vision benefits and                        to be aware of current voter
      participation in the Florida                       Phone: (561) 544-8605                             information.
      Retirement System pension                          West Palm Beach GreenMarket                          Did you know that due to
      plan. If you are looking for                       101 S. Clematis St., West Palm Beach, FL 33401    redistricting, which occurs every
      a work/life balance where                          ten years, voting precincts and
      no  nights or no weekends                          community-events/west-palm-beach-greenmarket      many polling locations in Palm
      are required and there are                         Phone: (561) 832-5328                             Beach County have been reassigned? Anyone affected by
      paid holidays, consider                            Pickleball Courts                                 these changes has been mailed a new Voter I.D. card listing
      joining our team.                                  Multiple locations in Palm Beach County           the updates. Voters can also find any changes online at the
         I encourage you to apply by visiting www.pbctax.  Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections website, www.
      com/culture-and-careers and reviewing the current open   USAPA Official Rules:
      positions. I look forward to possibly welcoming you to                                                  Here are important deadlines for the upcoming 2022 General
      our agency and joining the more than 320 employees who   Fly Like An Eagle!                          Election in Palm Beach County:
      strive to provide unparalleled service that inspires trust.                                          Deadline to register to vote: Tuesday, Oct. 11
                                             Sincerely,     This year’s property tax season marks the inaugural   Early Voting: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Oct. 24 through Nov. 6
                                       Anne M. Gannon,   flight of our latest addition to the tax collector’s office   Deadline to request that a Vote-by-Mail ballot be mailed to
                             Constitutional Tax Collector,   (TCO), The  Eagle! Yes,  you  read  that  right;  however,   you: 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29
                              Serving Palm Beach County  it isn’t a predatory bird that has joined the TCO, it’s   Deadline to return your Vote-by-Mail ballot: 7 p.m. on
                                                         the name of our new mail processing machine. With a   Tuesday, Nov. 8
      Outdoor Fun For Everyone                           wingspan of 19 feet in length this state-of-the-art piece   Election Day: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 8
                                                         of machinery is capable of processing 16,000 pieces of

                                                                                                             Can’t make it to the polls on Election Day? You have options
         As autumn rolls in, us South Floridians will start   mail per hour or four pieces of mail per second, triple the   to vote your ballot. You can choose to cast your ballot by mail
      enjoying a much-needed break from the heat. This is a   output of our previous machine!              or at a designated early voting site. To vote-by-mail you will
      great time to enjoy and experience many of the outdoor                                               need to request a ballot, which can be made online, by email,
      activities  Palm  Beach County  has  to  offer. For  those                                           fax, phone, or mail. A request for a vote-by-mail ballot must be
      of you who are nature lovers, you might enjoy visiting                                               received (not postmarked) by 5 p.m. on the tenth (10th) day
                                                                                                           before Election Day (§101.62(2), F.S.). If you miss the request
                                                                                                           deadline you can go in person to an elections office and pick
                                                                                                           up a mail ballot.

                                                                                                           Noteworthy Dates

                                                                                                           Oct. 10
                                                                                                           Columbus Day – Tax Collector Offices Closed

                                                                                                            Northern Notes from page 6

                                                                                                               We also get requests to remove rodents from
                                                                                                            preserves. Northern staff does not treat for rodents or
                 Susan Has Moved To A                                                                       any other pests in the preserves. The baits and poisons
                                                                                                            used for that purpose are designed to attract and kill
                                                                                                            rodents but are also known to attract other nontarget
                               New Location!                                                                mammals. Aside from the risk of primary exposure to
                                                                                                            nontarget mammals in the preserves, there is also the
                                                                                                            risk of secondary exposure.
                                                                                                               Rodents, including mice and rats, are a key
           Androcles Hair Salon                                                                               component of the food chain in the natural ecosystems
                                                                                                            throughout the preserves. Many of the desired animals
                4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108                                                                  in the preserves rely on rodents as food, including
              Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                                                                  animals such as hawks, owls, bobcats, foxes, and
                                                                                                            snakes. When the rodents are poisoned, they become
                                Susan                                                                       weak and are easy prey for predators. If these predators
                                                                                                            eat the poisoned rodents, they will get secondary
                                                                                                            exposure to the poison and will likely die. If we start
                            Swafford                                                                        targeting organisms on the lower end of the food chain,
                                                                                                            this will disrupt the rest of the food chain and could

                                                                                                               An essential part of preserving the preserves is
                                                                                                              cause serious harm to the health of the preserves.
           561-312-0457                                                                                     to let nature be nature. Removing exotic species of
                                                                                                            plants and allowing for nature to take its course are
                                                                                                            important for the health of the preserves and the rest
                                                                                                            of our environment in South Florida. Nature is not
                                     10%                                                                    always  perfectly  groomed,  but  for  everything  there
                                                                                                            is a purpose. What may seem like an old ugly tree to

                                     OFF                                                                    you, may be home to birds and other wildlife. Leaving
                                                                                                            the preserves in their natural state is required and the
                                                                                                            right thing to do.
                                                                                                               NPDES tip: Planting a rain garden with native plants

                                      Tues.                                                                 somewhere around your home helps lock rainwater in
                                                                                                            the ground, reducing the flow of pollutants and poisons
                                                                Products starting at  69                    into the drains. Using organic fertilizers and pesticides
                                     New clients only                                                       in your garden further protects and brings health to your
                                                                                                            yard and all the species living there.
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