Page 14 - Talk of Tequesta - October '22
P. 14

Page 14, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                              cleveland clinic

                                                                  florida neWs

                 Comprehensive Cancer Care In Your Community

        After a century of caring                         • Expert surgical care with access to minimally invasive   center director of the Maroone Cancer Center. “Advances
      for patients, including                           and robot-assisted approaches                      in personalized therapies have led to a paradigm shift in the
      more than three decades in                          • Chemotherapy or immunotherapy treatments delivered   management of breast cancers and hold promise of more to
      Florida, Cleveland Clinic                         in infusion suites focused on patient safety and comfort  come.”
      knows what matters most                             • Advanced radiation therapies using state-of-the-art   Compassionate, Holistic Care
      to patients facing a cancer                       technology, including intensity modulated radiation therapy     Patients have access to an array of cancer support services
      diagnosis. Patients want to                       and intraoperative radiation therapy               that promote well-being during treatment and beyond. These
      have access to high quality,                        • Participation in clinical trials and cancer research under   services include:
      comprehensive cancer                              the direction of leading physician scientists      • Patient navigator services
      services close to home.                           Research-Driven, Personalized Breast Cancer Care   • Cancer support groups
        Cleveland Clinic Florida                          The introduction of targeted precision therapy and   • Art therapy
      is part of a global, physician-                   immunotherapy has led to a new era of tailored breast cancer   • Beauty/body image services
      led organization that provides                    therapies that considers a patient’s genetic makeup; tumor   • Massage therapy
      outstanding  patient  care                        composition at the detailed biological level; medical history;   • Music therapy
      guided by a “patients first”  Zeina Nahleh, M.D.   and response to therapy. Many drugs have been developed   • Nutrition services
      philosophy. The nonprofit,                        in the last decade that target specific types of breast cancer,   • Social work services
      multispecialty, academic medical center integrates clinical   including hormone receptor positive, HER2-positive or triple   • Wig boutique
      and hospital care with research and education.    negative breast cancer with several subtypes within each     Cleveland Clinic Florida provides patients the
      Commitment To Industry Standards                  group.                                             compassionate, comprehensive care they deserve
        Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Maroone Cancer Center     “We now know we can achieve better outcomes by treating   close to home. And that makes all the difference. Visit
      harnesses the full resources of the Cleveland Clinic   patients at the molecular level based on the specific genetic to learn more.
      enterprise, including collaboration with the Taussig Cancer   mutations of the tumor and unique characteristics of each     To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nahleh or
      Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, which is one of the top cancer   individual patient,” says Zeina Nahleh, M.D., FACP, Regional   another Cleveland Clinic Florida cancer specialist, go to
      centers in the country and part of the NCI-designated Case   Institute Chair for Cancer at Cleveland Clinic Florida and or call (877) 463-2010.
      Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Maroone Cancer Center
      has earned recognition for providing quality cancer care,
      including accreditation by the American College of Surgeons’
      Commission on Cancer , and Cleveland Clinic Florida has
      been recognized as High Performing in Colon Cancer Surgery
      and Lung Cancer Surgery by U.S. News & World Report for                                                   You’re Retired
      Collaboration Across Specialties                                                                          Your Money Isn’t.
        Cleveland Clinic Florida’s multidisciplinary team of
      cancer specialists works together to address malignancies
      in virtually every part of the body using evidenced-based                                                  To learn why consolidating your
      modalities and the latest research. Teams of specialists                                                   retirement accounts to Edward Jones
      conduct weekly cancer conferences to review and discuss                                                    makes sense, contact your Edward
      cases and develop personalized treatment plans that may
      include:                                                                                                   Jones  nancial advisor today.

                                                                      Sally S Stahl, AAMS®              
                                                                      Financial Advisor                             M e m b  P I S   r e  C
                                                                      1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                                                                      Jupiter, FL 33458


                 November 6                                     Est. 1926              The Heart of Hobe Sound

                                                                     ART CLASSES OFFERED
                     Answer for                               ON THE CHURCH CAMPUS                               WE are YOUR Community

                Crossword Puzzle                            Church member Debra Monet is offering                              Church
                                                               art classes on our church campus.                   All Visitors Welcome
                                                             How to draw, paint in Watercolor and                 We Invite You to Worship with Us
                                                             Acrylic will be the main focus for the                  Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
                                                            lessons. The cost for each 3 hour class                    WE ARE ON FACEBOOK LIVE
                                                             is $20, a portion of which will be donated to          every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                 the Church Building Improvement Project.              Give us a call or visit our
                                                               For more class details, or to schedule a class,       website for more information.
                                                             contact Debra Monet at the Sunday coffee hour,
                                                            or call her at 772-240-2063. Everyone is welcome.             (772) 546-5043
                                                                           MONTHLY DINNERS
                                                               Monthly dinners to help offset some of the almost $350,000 in
                                                             renovation cost to our Church – Dinner will be held on the 2nd Friday
                                                                    of the month at 5:30 p.m.  Cost is $15 per person
                                                            OCTOBER 14 -  PORK BBQ       NOVEMBER 11 - CHICKEN
                                                            NOVEMBER 24 - TURKEY         DECEMBER 9 - POT ROAST

                                                                           11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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