Page 2 - The Islander - October '22
P. 2

Page 2, The Islander

      Singer Profile from page 1                         Chef Thomas from Tavern Pi, and new this year Elena   the material girl, Madonna
                                                         Alfano with her Pasta by Pollio will all be creating   featuring Blonde Ambition
      Italy draws three generations of                   special Italian dishes right before your eyes! Do not miss   performing decades of pop hits
      families with a promise to offer                   a taste from the free Voga Wine seminars throughout the   for all ages and music spinning
      something special for everyone to                  weekend by wine connoisseur, Anthony Acampa.      by DJ Michael.
      enjoy and remember as they create                     Cheers! Salute! Come toast to your Italian American      Saturday night will
      memorable moments together that                    heritage with a beer, prosecco, spritz or cocktail. The   explode with traditional
      last a lifetime.                                   Peroni Bar, Aperol Spritz Piazza, or Voga Proseco Lounge   Italian American  music
         “We invite families, friends,                   will be the places to be seen.                    featuring Austin  Giorgio
      and our surrounding neighbors to                      Spoil yourself and the entire family and relax in your own   known from TV fame from
      join us as we share in the passion                 private VIP villa located near the stage for your enjoyment   NBC’s  The Voice. His   Franco Corso
      and love of our culture and are                    including a large table, eight seats, complimentary Aperol   smooth sounds will seduce
      so grateful that we get to come                    Spritz for each guest in your villa and waiter/waitress   the audience with popular songs made famous by Sinatra,
      together,” said Jerry Somma,   Elena Alfano        service or enjoy reserved stage pod seating with four chairs,   Dean Martin, and other classics. The headliners will have
      cofounder and producer of the                      table and including waiter/waitress service. Reservations   you on your feet dancing and singing Oh’ What a Night! with
      festival.                                          are available at                  the sounds and hits by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
         Experience national  and local  chefs  that come out      For the entire family, there will be festival rides and
      to the Feast of Little Italy and demonstrate how to   carnival games for all ages. Little Smiles will be on site
      cook specialty Italian dishes. This year, The La Cucina   with fun kid’s activities.
      Galbani  Cooking Stage will feature nationally known   Entertainment
      chefs like most notably,                              The feast is pleased
      Galbani Celebrity Chef                             to announce the return of
      Marco Sciortino from the                           its  fabulous  Master  of
      hit TV  show  Come Dine                            Ceremonies – Virginia Sinicki,
      With Me, and local favorites                       on-air personality from the
      Erik Pettersen from Evo,                           KVJ show on 979WRMF.
      and Anthony Acampa from                               The party kicks off on stage
      “Fat’s Where the Flavor’s                          Friday night with a tribute to   Virginia Sinicki
      At,” and Nina  Tomasik
      from Nina’s Fresh Bakery,  Chef Marco

      Chef Erik Petterson of EVO

                                                                                                           Singer Profile on page 4

                                                                            YOUR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL,

                                                                                 SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY.

                                                                                BILL CONDA

       Nina’s Fresh Bakery

        Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
        Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
        the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

         Seabreeze Publications                                                             MAKING IT ALL ABOUT YOU

                                                                                            THE CLIENT, YOUR NEEDS, YOUR MISSION
                          Publisher                                                         is how I built a top producing 34 year career.
                          M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid                                                         MY RESPONSIBILITY TO YOU:
                                                                                            Honesty and Integrity
              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick                                     MY PROMISE TO YOU: Comprehensive Market Analysis,
                                                                                            Marketing to Achieve a Timely Sale, Top Value, Strong
                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant                                           Negotiating Skills, Knowledge of Market and Industry.

                     Production Department                                                  CONTACT ME TODAY
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek                         | 207-450-5030
            Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz

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            1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                                                          RESIDENT OF SINGER ISLAND SERVING
                   (561) 746-3244                                                        THE LUXURY MARKET FOR OVER 35 YEARS
                  FAX (561) 746-2509
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