Page 26 - Boca Club News - November '22
P. 26

Page 26, Boca Club News
          How The Breast Center At West Boca Diagnostic

          Imaging Finds Cancer Early

            Chances are you or someone you know will  highest risk patients, for example, would receive    “Between our experienced team and our
          be diagnosed with breast cancer.  One in eight  an annual mammogram and breast MRI.            comprehensive care, we are extremely proud of
          women at some point in their life will learn    “The goal is to find breast cancer early,” Dr.  the life-saving service we provide at the Breast
          they have it.  According to the American Cancer  Kalis said.                                   Center,” said George Rizzuto, CEO of West Boca
          Society, more than a quarter million women will    The Breast Center has the full complement  of  Medical Center. “The center is a shining example
          be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year  biopsy services. So, the patient wouldn’t have to  of our world class care at the community level.”
          alone.  Almost 50,000 women will die from it in  go off-site for diagnostic tests. The center also    To learn more about the Breast Center at
          2022.  Early detection can make all the difference,  has close relationships with fellowship trained  West Boca Diagnostic, please visit https://www.
          and that’s how the Breast Center at West Boca  breast surgeons, so patients can be fast tracked or
          Diagnostic Imaging stands out: its ability to find  for treatment seamlessly.                  call (866) 724-6002.
          the cancer is award winning.
          On top of prevention and early detection, the
          Breast Center provides a comprehensive breast
          program to accurately diagnose what type of
          cancer it is and how to treat it.  A patient navigator
          will walk you through the breast cancer beating
            On site, the Breast Center has radiologists
          fellowship trained in breast disease and
          licensed mammographers and licensed breast
          ultrasonographers.  It’s important to have the
          radiologist on site, so if something comes back
          from an exam abnormal, the patient can find out
          results that day instead of waiting days or weeks.
          Depending on the outcome, we can develop the
          management plan same day as well. Patients won’t
          be stuck worrying and waiting.
            “That’s a big positive here.  We’re not run like
          a factory.  We have a personal touch that we pride
          ourselves in,” said Dr. Marc Kalis, a radiologist
          with a subspecialty in breast imaging. “It’s not a
          one-size-fits-all policy here; we treat each patient
          as an individual.”
            Based on risk factors that a patient may have,
          like if breast cancer runs in their family, the Breast
          Center can tailor the screening process.  The

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