Page 8 - Juoiter Spotlight - November '22
P. 8

Page 8, Jupiter Spotlight
      Commissioner’s Update

      Budget Brief                                        If you notice an increase in the property taxes on your     ○ $10M for affordable housing development
                                                        bill, please note this is due to higher assessed values of   • Infrastructure
      By County Commissioner                            real estate, not an increase in the tax rate. Of the 650,420     ○ $59M in capital improvements
      Maria Marino                                      parcels of real property in Palm Beach County as of 2022,     ○ $73.3M for Palm Tran vehicles and operations
        For the first time in                           total market value is $404.3 billion, and total taxable   • Public Safety
      11 years, the County                              value is $255.3 billion.                             ○ $743.3M for the Sheriff
      Commission approved a                               The county’s total gross budget is $6.7 billion, of which     ○ $10.3M toward Animal Care & Control
      reduction in the countywide                       $1.9 billion is in the General Fund. Current property taxes     ○ $2.7M for Emergency Management
      millage rate for fiscal                           fund 24.9 percent of the gross budget. In addition to     ○ $3.5M for Victims Services
      year 2023 – the tax rate                          property taxes, revenues include the fund balance – the   • Substance Use and Behavior Disorders
      per $1,000 of your real                           excess of fund assets over liabilities; intergovernmental     ○ $1M toward the addiction stabilization center
      property’s value – from                           revenues in the form of grants, entitlements, shared     ○ $1.5M for recovery support
      4.7815 down to 4.715 mills.                       revenues, or payments in lieu of taxes; licenses, permits     ○ $6.3M for financially assisted partner agencies
      At the new millage rate, a                        and fees; charges for services; and, inter-fund transfers.    Expenditures also include an increase in reserves from
      homesteaded property at the median value of $365,000     The county continuously explores innovative means   $189M in FY 2022 to $261.9M in FY 2023.
      would save approximately $21.68 per year. While the   to use taxpayer dollars efficiently and leverage the costs     Beginning in March, county departments were required
      savings is not huge, it was important to give people a   of providing programs and services through grants and   to submit their budgets with service levels at status quo,
      break as costs all across the board for goods and services   partnerships. In formulating the FY2023 budget, the   allowing additional requests only for critical needs.
      have escalated.  The millage reduction was possible   Board prioritized six strategies. These are the highlights:  Review continues through April and May, culminating
      without affecting the delivery of high quality county   • Economic Development                       in a budget workshop in June. The millage rate is set at a
      services to the public.                             ○ $4.5M in business incentives                   public meeting in July, and two separate public hearings
        Additionally, Palm Beach County received revenue   • Environmental Protection                      occur in September, where members of the public can
      replacement dollars through the Federal American Rescue     ○ $4M for natural areas management       participate in the process.
      Plan Act to cover general government expenses and offset     ○ $750,000 for the manatee protection program    Your comments and questions are welcome, and if I
      the impact of the pandemic on our community. This   • Housing and Homeless                           can assist you please contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by
      frees up ad valorem funds to pay for projects previously     ○ $11.5M for homeless resource centers  email at
      approved by the Board.                              ○ $2.4M for a non-congregate shelter in the Glades
      Northern Notes

      Easements And Rights-Of-                             Some common easements in our area are drainage, water   otherwise agreed between the easement owner and the owner
                                                                                                           of the underlying property. The easement owner can make
                                                         management, utility and landscape buffers. Each of these
      Way On Your Property                               allows the holder to access the property for the purpose   repairs and improvements to the easement, provided that
                                                         stated. They could be a means to access a pipe, a water body,   those repairs or modifications do not interfere with the use
      By Katie Roundtree,                                an electrical connection, or landscaping around a facility.   and enjoyment of the easement by the owner of the property
      Director of Finance and                              A right-of-way is a broader type of easement that allows   through which the easement exists.
      Administration, Northern                           anyone to travel through the subject property to reach another     Please be mindful of easements on your property and keep
      Palm Beach County                                  destination. Like other easements, a right-of-way agreement   those areas clear of personal property. Access to the district’s
      Improvement District                               gives the recipient no ownership over your property.   facilities is critical, especially during storm events.
        If you own property in                           However, a right-of-way does not give the holder access to     Suppose district staff or contractors cannot get to an area
      Florida, you may encounter                         another person’s property for “use” of the property. A right-  needing maintenance. In that case, there could be future
      the terms easement and                             of-way only allows a person to pass over another person’s   unintended consequences.
      right-of-way. Both of                              property. Rights-of-way are for travel purposes across the     NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking
      them affect how you can                            land, such as a driveway or a walkway. They do not allow   lots and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer
      use your property and the                          you to use the land for any other reasons.        system and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up
      rights  to  your  property.                          Once an easement is created, the easement owner has   litter and debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots,
      They are used frequently in areas where Northern Palm   the right and the duty to maintain it for its purpose unless   especially around storm drains.
      Beach County Improvement District has maintenance
      responsibilities. They are essential to allow the district   Have Medicare questions? I have answers.
      to access areas where it may not have ownership rights
      near our facilities or waterways.
        An easement is a legal agreement that allows another
      party to use the subject property for a specific purpose.
      They do not give the user ownership over the property;
      they enable the user to use the subject property without                     Kathy Olejniczak
      being arrested for trespassing. An example is a drainage
      easement located between two homes. Within one or both                       Licensed Sales Agent
      parcels is a designated area where the easement holder                       561-212-7640, TTY 711
      may travel to access something on the other side. Another
      example is flowage easement which allows water from
      one location to travel through a water body owned by
      someone else to another.


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