Page 6 - The Jewish Voice - December '22
P. 6

Page 6, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 5

         The baskets reach                                                                                   The rabbi shared stories about the manner in which his
      approximately 280 individual                                                                        community has taken upon themselves the responsibility
      recipients, including Alpert                                                                        to serve the spiritual needs of all of the 60,000 Jews in the
      JFS Kosher food pantry clients,                                                                     neighboring country of Iran. Most exciting was the peaceful
      counseling clients, homebound                                                                       coexistence that he described between the majority Muslim
      seniors, single-parent families,                                                                    population and the small Jewish community of Azerbaijan.
      families who recently lost                                                                          So supportive is the Muslim government that they provide
      a job, households that have                                                                         and  maintain  a  public  school  in  Baku  exclusively  for
      trouble making ends meet,                                                                           Jewish children to receive a solid Jewish education. The
      ALICE households (Asset                                                                             Muslim president regularly attends important events at the
      Limited, Income Constrained,                                                                        Chabad Center of Baku!
      Employed), households
      with three generations,                                                                             Families Invited to
      clients  experiencing  health                                                                       Free Sensory-Friendly
      complications, etc.
         More information about                                                                           Hanukkah Celebration
      the Alpert JFS food insecurity
      program and the kosher food                                                                            Caregivers whose children would benefit from a
      pantry can be found online                                                                          Hanukkah event with sensory considerations are invited
      at                                                                          to attend a free, fun, festive, and thoughtfully designed
      insecurity/.                                                                                        community celebration at Temple Beth David in Palm
                                                                                                          Beach Gardens on December 18 from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
                                                        Azerbaijani Rabbi Speaks                            Federation of Palm Beach County’s Commission for Jewish
                                                                                                             The event, open to everyone, is sponsored by Jewish
                                                        at Chabad                                         Education, Yad Hebrew School for Students with Differing
                                                                                                          Abilities, and Temple Beth David.
                                                           Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently held its Friday      The first of its kind in the Palm Beaches, the celebration
                                                        Night LIVE series with special guest speaker Rabbi Pesach   will feature music and movement, arts and crafts, story
                                                        Mirov of Baku, Azerbaijan. Rabbi Mirov spoke of his early   time with interactive role play, Hanukkiah lighting, and
                                                        youth in Baku, with his family going back at least 400 years   donuts.
                                                        in the Caucasus Mountains. Under the Soviet Union, Rabbi      Organizers are creating this event with various sensory
                                                        Mirov was denied the ability to have a Jewish education. He   considerations, including volumes, lights and scents, plus
                                                        had very limited exposure to any form of Jewish life until   smaller groups and high staff ratios.
                                                        Chabad opened in the area after the fall of the Iron Curtain.      Visit to register. For
                                                        At that point he began studying Torah with his family at the   more information, please contact Susan Kanzel at susan.
                                                        Chabad and has brought profound meaning and purpose to or 561.242.6675.
                                                        their lives. Though he never dreamed of going back to live in
                                                        Azerbaijan, he was asked to serve as rabbi of the Mountain   MorseLife Ranked
      Pets Parade Around Beth David                     Jews Synagogue in Baku soon after his marriage to his
                                                        Azerbaijani wife, Naomi, who herself had a similar story of   Among the Best Workplaces
         Preschool Shabbat is always a treat at Temple Beth David  self-discovery.
      and one never knows                                                                                  in Aging Services
      who will show up to
      participate. Recently,                                                                                  Based  on  an independent  confidential  survey  of  its
      the “visitors” just                                                                                  employees, MorseLife Health System in Palm Beach
      happened to have been                                                                                County was selected by Fortune magazine as one of the
      preschool  pets!  The                                                                                Best Workplaces in Aging Services for 2022.
      event began with a                                                                                      The feature appeared in Fortune magazine’s print and
      Pet Parade as families                                                                               online editions in early October 2022.
      and their pets drove or                                                                                 According to Fortune’s Great Place to Work Global
      walked by the entrance                                                                               Employee Engagement Study, 86 percent of MorseLife
      to the preschool. They                                                                               employees felt it is a “great place to work” compared
      were greeted by Cantor                                                                               with 57 percent of those employed at typical comparable
      Danielle Bensimhon,                                                                                  U.S.-based aging services organizations.
      who blessed each
      pet  individually. The                                                                              Local Happenings on page 7
      proud pet owners were
      then given a certificate
      (suitably decorated
      with Noah’s Ark!) that
      cited the name of the                                                            Happy
      pet and the date of
      the blessing. The pets
      were each presented
      with a “puppichino”
      reward — a small cup
      of delicious whipped-
      cream. If those pets                                                    H   lidays
      c oul d t a l k, t he y
      would certainly have
      asked for seconds! To
      extend  the  fun,  each
      preschooler was asked
      to bring a favorite
      stuffed animal to class
      — and that “pet” spent
      the morning being
      cuddled and fussed
         Temple Beth David
      combined  the  fun                                                 We wish everyone a safe and healthy
      morning with  a  pet
      supply drive; families                                                            holiday season with
      brought donations that
      were later given to a
      local pet charity.                                                         your family and loved ones.
         The day was an
      overall success for
      parents, children,
      and their pets. It also
      served to continue                                                              
      teaching the children about tikun olam – how to make the
      world a better place.
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