Page 11 - Lifestyles in Palm Bach Gardens - December '22
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 11
      Little Smiles 13th Annual Toy Drive Needs Community’s

      Help To Bring Holiday Cheer To Local Kids In Need

      Donate A New, Unwrapped Toy, Donate By Text Or     People can shop and bring new, unwrapped gifts to one   Smiles now partners with 32 pediatric facilities from St.
      Online, Shop From Little Smiles’ Amazon Wish List,   of the many drop-off locations found at   Lucie to Miami that include hospitals, medical day care
      Or Become A Drop-Off Location To Be A Part Of South   or directly to Little Smiles’ North Pole at Harbourside   centers, hospices, shelters, foster care homes, and medical
      Florida’s Largest Toy Drive                        Place in Jupiter. Online options are available by texting   support facilities. Their mission is to help kids during
        Little Smiles of Florida continues its mission to help kids   LITTLESMILES to 44321, shopping from the Amazon   difficult times. They provide smiles to children and their
      be kids through difficult times by spreading holiday cheer   Wish List, or donating at  support staff with fun events, including movie night, arts
      with its Annual Holiday Toy Drive. The organization is     Little Smiles provides year-long support bringing joy   and crafts, and snack breaks. They fulfill individual needs
      collecting gifts through Dec. 25, for newborns to 18 years.   and smiles to the many impacted children, caregivers,   and requests, such as providing a toy to help distract a child
      The gifts are distributed through collection centers for   and families at local hospitals and other facilities. The   after surgery, pajamas to stay extra comfy during their time
      families to pick up and directly to Little Smiles’ 32 pediatric   organization’s donations bring fun events for children   at the facility, or even a cake and a present to celebrate a
      partners, including hospitals with children fighting life-  undergoing various hardships.  They provide movie   birthday during their time at one of the facilities.
      threatening illnesses, medical daycare centers, hospices,   nights, arts and crafts, and comfort foods to stock hospital   Calendar Listing
      shelters, foster care homes, and medical support facilities.   pantries. In addition, they fulfill individual needs and     Now through Dec. 25, Little Smiles 13th Annual
        “The holidays are a magical time for children, and with   requests such as giving a toy to help distract a child after   Holiday Toy Drive is collecting toys for newborns to
      the help and generosity of our community, the Little Smiles   surgery, pajamas to stay extra comfy during their time   18 years old. The gifts will be distributed to collection
      Toy Drive brings joy to so many local children,” said   at the facility, or even a cake and a present to celebrate   centers for families in need to pick up or directly to Little
      Executive Director Nicole Mercado De Leon. “Whether   a birthday during their time at one of the facilities. For   Smiles’ 32 pediatric partners. Businesses of all sizes are
      the toys go to a child in the hospital, a foster child, or a   more information, visit  encouraged to participate and can request a box to become
      child whose family is having a difficult time, the kindness   About Little Smiles Florida            a toy drop-off location or become a sponsor. Ways to donate
      is never forgotten, and the smiles on the kids’ faces are     Little Smiles is a not-for-profit organization operating   include texting LITTLESMILES  to  44321,  shopping
      priceless.”                                        in Palm Beach County and the greater Southeast Florida   online from the Amazon Wish List, and dropping off toys
        Little Smiles goal is to raise $150,000, and they have   region. The charity was founded in 1999 by local   at the Little Smiles’ North Pole at Harbourside Place in
      made giving easier than ever this holiday season. Businesses   businessman Paul L. Donohue, who saw a need and inspired   Jupiter or in locations that can be found at littlesmilesfl.
      of all sizes are encouraged to participate and can request a   the community to bring comfort and joy to children and   org throughout South Florida. Donations of any amount
      box to become a toy drop-off location or become a sponsor.   their caregivers at Palm Beach Children’s Hospital. Little   can be made online at

      Nicole Mercado (far right) receiving
      toys from donors              Toys being loaded in Little Smiles’ van   North Pole toys                        Jerry Somma, Virginia Sinicki, Nicole Mercado

                                                                     February 7 at 7:30pm
                                                                                                                             February 27 at 7:30pm

              The Doo Wop Project
              January 20 at 7:30pm

          GET YOUR
          TICKETS TODAY!                                                                                                     March 27 at 7:30pm

          (561) 207-5900                              March 16 at 7:30pm

          11051 Campus Drive, Palm Beach Gardens
          Box Office open Monday-Friday 10AM-5PM & one hour prior to curtain
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