Page 3 - Martin Downs Bulletin - January '23
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Martin Downs, Page 3

                                                                                                           Hibiscus Children’s Center from page 1
              Arts & EntErtAinmEnt                                                                           The festivities

                                                                                                           began with cocktails
         Exceptional Collection                          Foundation, The Kiplinger Family Foundation, Gloria   and hors d’oeuvres
                                                                                                           and then guests got the
         Of J.C. Leyendecker And                         Whittle and Stan O’Hoppe, Henry and Rachelle (Rocky)   chance to roll the dice
                                                                                                           in our casino where
                                                         Grady, Bob Massey, Bill and Carole Hauke, Florida
         Norman Rockwell Art                             Department of State Division of Cultural Activities, and   they experienced all
                                                         The Community Foundation Martin-St. Lucie.
                                                                                                           the  glitz,  glamour
         Opens At Elliott Museum                           “A tremendous amount of support is required to   and excitement of
                                                         bring such a rare exhibit to our museum and without   Las Vegas! The lucky
           An exceptional collection of art, never before   the generosity of our sponsors, this display would not   raffle prize winners  Frank and Pat Noonan
         presented in Florida, recently opened at the Elliott   be possible,” said Rob Steele, president and CEO of the   took home incredible
         Museum in Stuart. The exhibit will run through March   Historical Society of Martin County. “We are grateful   baskets including spa, golf, bar, wine, and dine around baskets.
         3 and features Norman Rockwell and his mentor, J.C.   to have such strong support.”                 Hibiscus Children’s Center is deeply grateful to our generous
         Leyendecker,  known  as  two  of America’s  greatest     The Elliott Museum is open seven days a week from   sponsors: Royal Flush – Barrie and Joan Damson, Richard
         illustrators.                                   10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for major holidays, and is   and Deborah Kessler, Frank and Patricia Noonan, and Ted and
           The exhibit features 20 original works of art – 10   located at 825 N.E. Ocean Blvd. in Stuart. For more   Pat Tiemeyer; Straight Flush – Braden and Braden, Architects
         by Rockwell and 10 by Leyendecker – and each artist’s   information, visit the website, or call   and Planners, A.I.A., P.A., Albert M. Covelli Foundation – Jo
         complete collection of vintage Saturday Evening Post   the Elliott Museum at (772) 225-1961.      Covelli, Arthur and Marylin Levitt, B.D. and Jane McIntyre
         covers – 323 by Rockwell and 322 by Leyendecker.   About The Historical Society Of Martin County  Foundation, RBC Wealth Management, Nearing & Dallas
         The magazine covers range  from  1899 through     Since 1955, the Historical Society of Martin County   Wealth Management Group, and The Jack Strickland Charitable
         1963, showing an interesting visual history of the   has served as a guardian of local history and a cultural   Fund; Four of a Kind – Sally Batz and Henley Sandidge, John and
         United States through an ever-changing time. Major   center by operating the Elliott Museum and the House   Andi Brennan, Richard and Nancy Cassell, Al and Pam Gardner,
         events depicted include both World Wars, the Great   of Refuge Museum at Gilbert’s Bar, which opened in   Senator Gayle Harrell, Dick and Molly Hoffman, Neece Jewelers
         Depression, 16 presidential terms, and everlasting   1876 and served as a haven for shipwrecked survivors.   – Pam and Matt Neece, David and Joyce Powell, Taube Family
         scenes of family life and childhood.            The Elliott Museum seeks to preserve and celebrate   Giving, The Law Offices of Travis R. Walker, P.A., and Robert
           Though not as well known as Rockwell, the American   the region’s colorful history by presenting an eclectic   J. Weissman Family Fund; Full House – Ability Home Care,
         public overwhelmingly considered Leyendecker to be   mix of traveling  and rotating permanent  exhibits,   Timothy and Maureen Cotter, Richard and Kathleen Lennon,
         “the best illustrator” in the 1920s, according to Judy   lectures and experiential events. The House of Refuge’s   Savastano Family Foundation, Team Parks, and Richard A.
         Goffman Cutler, director of the National Museum of   mission is to educate the public about the historical   Zappala Family Foundation. Special thanks to D.J. Brian Lemen
         American Illustration. Leyendecker and Rockwell   significance of Martin County’s iconic landmark and   of Hometown Financial Services, Auctioneer Michael Izzolo of
         eventually became close friends and the similarities in   to ensure its historical integrity and preservation. For   Michael Leonard’s Salon, Showgirls Joanne Caras and Maria
         their artworks, particularly in Rockwell’s early career,   more information, go online to or   Colonna, Casino Party Planners Rebecca Blumenstein and Riza
         are evidence of their close partnership.        call (772) 225-1961.                              Mutluguler, and staff of Mariner Sands.
           “I t hink t he                                                                                    Event Chair Diana Baker and her committee dedicated many
         similarity between                                                                                hours to planning this successful fundraiser to raise critical
         the two artists will be                                                                           funding for the children that live at Hibiscus Children’s Center.
         the most surprising                                                                               We are grateful to everyone that helped with their time, talent,
         to  the  public,”  said                                                                           and treasures to help provide the much-needed services abused,
         Cutler. “Most people                                                                              neglected, and abandoned children need to heal from their abuse.
         have heard of Norman                                                                              You are making a difference! If you would like more information
         Rockwell and are                                                                                  about Hibiscus, please email Lori Swift at
         familiar  with  his                                                                               or visit our website at
         images of classic                                                                                                          Photos by MaryAnn Ketcham
         Americana, but few
         have heard of J.C.
           This exhibit,
         presented by the
         Historical Society
         of Martin County,
         is made possible
         through the generosity
         of these sponsors:
         The  Lichtenberger

                                                                                                           Event Chair Di Baker with Showgirls Joanne Caras and
           TAKING CARE OF FAMILIES ON THE TREASURE COAST                                                   Maria Colonna
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                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

              BEFORE                                                                                                      1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
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