Page 3 - Hobe Sound Reflections - February '23
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Hobe Sound, Page 3

                                                    Symphony newS

      Palm Beach Symphony Names                          inspire students while                            About Palm Beach Symphony

                                                                                                             Palm Beach Symphony is South Florida’s premier
      Bak Middle School Educator                         also taking an active                               orchestra known for its diverse repertoire and commitment
                                                         role in the community.
      As Its Instrumental Music                            Symphony’s education                            to community. Founded in 1974, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts
                                                           The Palm Beach
                                                                                                           organization adheres to a mission of engaging, educating,
      Teacher Of The Year                                programs are  made                                and entertaining the greater community of the Palm
                                                         p ossi b l e  t h ro ug h                         Beaches through live performances of inspiring orchestral
      Hobe Sound Resident Paul Destito Is A Nine-Time Teacher   support from The Paul                      music. The orchestra is celebrated for delivering spirited
      Of The Year In Martin And Palm Beach Counties      and Sandra Goldner                                performances by first-rate musicians and distinguished
         Paul Destito, assistant band director at Bak Middle School   Conservatory of Music,               guest artists. Recognized by The Cultural Council for Palm
      of the Arts in West Palm Beach, has been named the Palm   Frederick A.  DeLuca                       Beach County with a 2020 Muse Award for Outstanding
      Beach Symphony Instrumental Music Teacher of the Year.  Foundation, The                              Community Engagement, Palm Beach Symphony continues to
         Destito counts members of the symphony among the   McNulty Charitable                             expand its education and community outreach programs with
      many students he has taught during his long and distinguished   Foundation, James R.                 children’s concerts, student coaching sessions and master
      career. A Hobe Sound resident, he is a nine-time teacher   Borynack and Adolfo                       classes, instrument donations and free public concerts that
      of the year in Martin and Palm Beach counties and was   Zaralegui/Findlay                            have reached more than 65,000 students in recent years. For
      named the sole winner of the Educational Foundation of   Galleries, Peter and                        more information, visit
      Palm Beach County Dwyer Award for Excellence in Middle   Felicia Gottsegen/ Palm Beach Symphony Music                      Photo by Capehart Photograhy
      School Teaching in 2019. He has been chosen to conduct the   The Gottsegen Family  Director Gerard Schwarz and
      Florida Middle School All-State Band at the Florida Music   Foundation, William  Paul Destito
      Educators Conference in January of 2024.           Robertson, The Rickel                              Harbour Ridge Mah Jongg from page 1
         “Paul is widely sought after as an adjudicator, clinician   Foundation, James H. and Marta T. Batmasian Family
      and guest conductor,” said Palm Beach Symphony Music   Foundation, Florida Power & Light, Edith Hall Friedheim/    A sumptuous lunch prepared by the skilled Harbour
      Director Gerard Schwarz as he bestowed the award. “He has   Eric Friedheim Foundation, Inc., The Spoto Family Fund,   Ridge chefs will be served from 12:30 to 1:20 p.m.,
      served as assistant band director at South Fork High School,   The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Foundation Inc., and Lois Pope.  and play resumes at 1:30 p.m.
      band director at Indiantown Middle School, adjunct professor      Proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony include Max     An awards ceremony wraps up the day’s events at 3:45 p.m.
      of music at Indian River State College and band director at   and Christine Ansbacher, Mrs. James N. Bay, JoAnne      The $75 entry fee includes cash prizes, breakfast
      Jupiter Middle School. It is an honor for me to present this   Berkow, David C. and Eunice Bigelow, Leslie Rogers   and lunch, awards, and valet parking at the clubhouse.
      award to him.”                                     Blum, James R. Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui/Findlay      Enrollment is limited to 100, with no cancellations
         Maestro Schwarz will visit Destito’s classroom as part   Galleries, Braman Motorcars, Thomas and Carol Bruce,   accepted (substitutions will be accommodated).
      of the prizes that come with the award, which also includes   CIBC Private Wealth, The Colony Hotel, The Frederick A.      The event supports The Education Foundation of
      coaching sessions by Palm Beach Symphony musicians, an   DeLuca Foundation, Echo Fine Properties, Bill and Kem   Martin County and its many educational enrichment
      invitation for a student music ensemble of Destito’s choice   Frick/The Frick Foundation, Inc., Paul and Sandra Goldner,   programs which benefit teachers and students in the
      to perform at a symphony event, and complimentary tickets   Peter and Felicia Gottsegen/Gottsegen Family Foundation,   Martin County’s public schools.
      for his classes to attend a symphony concert this season.   Irwin and Janet Gusman, Thomas E. Harvey and Cathleen      Current sponsors include Sandhill Cove Retirement
      Destito also received a “basket of indulgences” filled with   P. Black Foundation, Doris Hastings Foundation, John   Living, Pinder’s Nursery, and MIDFLORIDA Credit Union.
      gift items and gift certificates.                  Herrick, Addison Hines Charitable Trust, George Hines,      For information about how you can sponsor or
         The  award  presentation  was  made  at  the  Sixth   HSS Florida, IYC, Charles and Ann Johnson/The C and A   play in the tournament, call (772) 600-8062 or visit
      Annual Holly Jolly Symphony Fête which supports the   Johnson Family Foundation, Barbara and William Karatz Make plans to join other
      symphony’s education community outreach and music   Fund/William Karatz and Joan G. Smith, Leonard and   players who believe that good friendships are like Mah
      education programs.                                Norma Klorfine Foundation, Gary and Linda Lachman/  Jongg – easy to play, hard to win.
         “You are what answered prayers look like to band   The Lachman Family Foundation, Patricia Lambrecht,      To learn more about Education Foundation of Martin
      directors like me,” Destito told the symphony supporters in   Lugano Diamonds, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, The McNulty   County, visit
      attendance. “For 20 years Palm Beach Symphony has sent   Charitable Foundation, David Moscow, NetJets, Palm Beach                   Photos by EFMC
      their musicians into middle and elementary schools all over   Design Masters, Patrick and Milly Park, PNC Private Bank,
      Palm Beach County to help our children. I couldn’t get a kid   Lois Pope, Provident Jewelry, Ari Rifkin, Karen and Kenneth
      to play a bassoon. We had the symphony’s woodwind quintet   Rogers, Ronald Rosenfeld, David Schafer, Seth Sprague
      come in and four kids fell in love with that instrument. For   Foundation, Robin B. Smith, Kimberly Strauss, Dodie and
      20 years, I’ve had bassoon players. The contributions you   Manley Thaler and the Thaler/Howell Foundation, Jerome
      make to this orchestra go deep, deep, deep into our county   and Carol Trautschold, Sieglinde Wikstrom/The Wikstrom   Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
      and into the hearts of young people.”              Foundation, and The Ann Eden Woodward Foundation/James   Palm Beach County and is a privately
         The Instrumental Music Teacher of the Year Award is open   and Judy Woods. Programs are also sponsored in part by the   owned and managed company.
      to K-12 educators in public, private and charter schools in   State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and   Captain’s is committed to providing
      Palm Beach County and recognizes educators who teach and   Culture, and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.  dependable, reliable and professional
                                                                                                            ground transportation to and from all
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