Page 5 - The Islander - February '23
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The Islander, Page 5

                                                               loCal government

                   Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                     removals of exemptions.                           there will be fewer new condominium units added to the
         My office is busy                                  The numbers cited below are as of Jan. 9 and are   2023 Tax Roll than were added in the previous year.
      preparing the 2023 Tax Roll,                       subject to change.                                   • New Single-Family Homes – 3,742 up 10 percent from
      a report of the combined                              Our estimates show a decrease in sales volume over last   2022
      value of all the property (real                    year. This is a good indicator of slowing demand.      • New Condominium Units – 876 down 32 percent from
      and tangible) in Palm Beach                           • Commercial sales are down from 809 to 782 or 3.3   2022
      County as of Jan. 1.                               percent.                                             • New Commercial Buildings – 310 up 49.8 percent from
         This report will reflect                           • Condo sales are down from 26,174 to 19,221 or 26.6   2022
      market data gleaned from                           percent.                                             New construction numbers represent property that has
      property sales last year as                           • Residential sales are down from 24,729 to 18,893 or   never been taxed before, adding new value to the 2023 Tax
      well as new construction,                          23.6 percent.                                     Roll. This contributes to the tax base while sharing the tax
      demolition, land splits,                              New construction has been mixed. While an estimated   burden.
      land combinations, ownership changes, and additions or   5,000 new structures will be added to the 2023 Tax Roll,   As the deadline to file for a homestead exemption
                                                                                                           is March 1, this is an excellent time of year to review
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              your homestead exemption status and examine additional
                                                                                                           exemptions that may yield tax savings. In this month’s
                                                                                                           newsletter, you will find information to help you do just that.
        Dating is Not a “Do-It-                         clients two at a time. There is always something to do in our   I hope you find it useful.   Respectfully,

        Yourself” Project                               loving office. Time management is key for our schedule and                   Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS,
                                                        we are very selective with our time. This protects our clients
        By Kelly Leary, M.S., C.E.O./                   (and you) too!                                                    Palm Beach County Property Appraiser
        Matchmaker                                         BONUS CLIENTS: APPROXIMATELY HALF OF OUR
           Welcome to Revolution                        CLIENTS ARE NEW TO THE AREA IN THE LAST THREE         Homestead Exemption On
        Dating 2.0, Circa 2023. Our                     YEARS! THAT IS A HUGE “NEW CLIENT DROP” SO TO
        mission today is to provide                     SPEAK. OUR DATABASE IS CHANGING EVERY DAY.                      Real Property
        you with new updates and                        OUR NEW MARKET IS HOT--MUCH HOTTER THAN REAL
        plot twists we have noticed                     ESTATE!
        in the last few years in the                       Set your intention to find REAL romance in 2023…and      If you are a permanent Florida resident, you may be
        love business. Our mission,                     you will! It is that simple. Everyone can win in love if you position   eligible for a homestead exemption, which can save you
        as always, is to go above                       yourself to be received by good people who want the same as   generally $750 to $1,000 in property taxes each year. All
        and beyond just blindly                         you. This is more organic than one would think. The signs are   homestead exemption applications must be submitted
        setting clients up on dates.                    all around you.
        Our objective is to help our                       I   look forward to meeting you in my beautiful office soon   by March 1.
        clients find true love and/or                   which is located in Palm Beach Gardens (central to all of you).      A $25,000 exemption is applied to the first $50,000
        long-lasting companionship organically and OFF-LINE via our   It is no wonder we chose to root our corporate headquarters in   of your property’s assessed value if your property is your
        connections. We are all about setting you up IRL (in real life)   this area TEN YEARS AGO! So let’s get romance right this year   permanent residence and you owned the property as of Jan.
        and we so are grateful to share our talent with ALL of you. In   and take the next step.           1. This exemption applies to all taxes, including school
        the last several years (even during the pandemic), we have seen      Talk to you soon!  Lights, camera, action!
        record-breaking numbers of new enrollments, couples, and close      Wishing you a Happy Valentines Day 2023! The love in me   district taxes. An additional exemption of up to $25,000 will
        friendships. You decide your “endgame” goal, while we simply   honors the love in you!             be applied if your property’s assessed value is between at
        help you obtain that goal despite challenges you may have                                XoXo,     least $50,000 and $75,000. This exemption is not applied
        experienced before this moment. We are super excited about our                            Kelly    to school district taxes. In addition, a homestead exemption
        growth--especially during the last few years. It is amazing what   #BeTheChangeYouSeek #RDCouples #LeaveYourComfortZone     limits any increase to your assessed value to a maximum
        brilliant people can accomplish when they come TOGETHER   #MeetTHEFloridaMatchmakers #LoveOffLine  #CallStartLove
        with a common goal (that means all of you and us).   #KISS #TellYourFriends                        of 3 percent each year or the amount of the change in the
           Online Dating has taken a bigger nose dive since the      Kelly Leary© has 32 years in the dating industry and a   Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower.
        pandemic. Therefore, we are witnessing next-level clientele   Masters Degree in Psychology. She’s been profiled by The      Three ways to apply:
        that normally would not consider a dating service (for whatever   Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News,      • E-file at
        reason) and this boom has happened fast. In this regard, I am   The Sun Sentinel, Vero Beach 32963 and many more over the      • Visit one of our five service centers to file in person.
        happy we had a break from all the events--to keep up with the   years. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened including
        new client enrollments. We have had more time to get back to   background checks.  Professional photos are taken by the      • Complete the application online, print it out, and mail
        our passion for matchmaking. As a result, we have come to truly   staff.  Revolution Dating is not online dating or blind dating. In   it to the Property Appraiser’s Office.
        dominate the SINGLES market in the Palm Beaches, Treasure   addition to providing matchmaking services that make singles      Once you qualify, your homestead exemption will be
        Coast, and Lauderdale areas. In my 32 years in the love business,   “UN-single” through their exclusive   renewed for you annually as long as you continue to qualify
        this boom in new clients and client types is fascinating compared   club membership, Kelly and her team   for the exemption.
        to the years gone by. I think everyone has changed including me.   also provide feedback from your dates
        It’s time to transcend any limits that have held you back from your   when appropriate. Call 561-630-XOXO      Visit to E-file and for information on
        romantic and social goals. It seems that everyone who is smart   (9696) or 772-932-HERE (4373) for a   other available exemptions for seniors, families, veterans,
        (and single) is talking about Revolution Dating and we LOVE     LIVE chat with a matchmaker. You may   and more.
        being the dating powerhouse of the Florida Market. Bigger is   also visit us at www.revolutiondating.
        BETTER when choosing a singles network to join. LOCAL   com. *All inquiries are confidential.            Additional Exemptions
        HEADQUARTERS are KEY too. In-person screening is crucial
        to saving your time and heart. One step into our local office for   Local Love Featured Photos by Revolution Dating
        your first meeting with us--and you will know you are in the right                                    If you receive a homestead exemption, you may be eligible
        place at the right time with the right people. Our establishment is                                for additional exemptions or discounts in the categories
        similar to going to a doctor’s office--but much more fun--as you                                   listed below. The application deadline for all additional
        will see for yourself!                                                                             exemptions is March 1.
           We are here to help make your dreams a reality so you
        can focus on your career, work, or family. Dating online or
        looking for love in all the wrong places is no longer YOUR   St. Valentine,  we                    Local Government on page 6
        problem. TOGETHER: We become part of the solution to the   thank you for being
        dating dilemma. You have intelligently found the answer through   our guiding light for
        us AND this is all much easier than you think. In 2023, it is   32 years in the love  The REV & Clients celebrate a
        finally time to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. One   business.   successful day of matches together!
        thing is for certain: The calendar will continue to turn faster
        and faster as the years go by, making now the ideal time to take
        action. Post-pandemic, people have realized what they want, who
        they want, and who they don’t want. Your timing is perfect! This
        Valentines Day brings rise to change like no other year before.
        Everyone is ready for authentic sustainable relationships. Enter...
        Matchmaking by Revolution Dating. Use Code: VDAY2023
        when booking your appointment too. This is our gift to you!
           Furthermore, I cannot forget to thank you for spreading our
        epic message of love, life, laughter, and romance to your family                Happy Valentines
        and friends. People need good news too. We are all over the bad                 Day from Kelly,
        news, right? Shut the television off. Put down those screens. Vow               C.E.O. of the REV!
        to meet new people this month. Connection is the spice of life.
        “All of the good ones are not taken!” JUST LOOK IN THE
           Thanks to our current dating climate, the word “matchmaker”
        has become a household word--just like doctor, accountant, and   Kelly & Miranda
        dentist. Everyone wants to hire a pro these days! Dating is not   take th eir
        a D.I.Y. project.                               Meet George – One  matchmaking very
           LIVE Matchmakers are standing by for your introductory   of our newest clients  seriously. They
        phone chat as your next step. We like to keep a “FULL LOVE   of the month!   make a dynamite   Meet Adria – One of
        TANK (of clients)” thanks to all of you new-bees and when       team.           our newest clients of
        we are not enrolling new clients we are matching our existing                   the month!
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