Page 3 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '23
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The Shores, Page 3
      Rex Recommends                                                                                        Bill’s Box from page 1

      By Rex Hearn                                       thrill you with their playing. And on Feb. 27 at 8 p.m.,   of Longshore and Northfolk Drive. Both times cars
      Palm Beach Opera                                   England’s premier chamber orchestra, The Academy of   from the Northfork road failed to stop at Longshore,
        Mozart’s opera  Cosi                             St. Martin-in-the-Fields with conductor and violin soloist,   crashing into guardrails and trees at the preserve in
      Fan Tutti goes up Feb. 24,                         Joshua Bell, promise dazzling performances. Early   The Shores. One would think the driver was asleep or
      25 and 26 with alternating                         warning! The New World Symphony appears on March   suicidal. On the recent event, another car was hit. I am
      casts. His librettist,                             13 and the Palm Beach Symphony appears on March 14   unsure of injuries, but it could easily have been fatal.
      Lorenzo  da  Ponte,                                with pianist Misha Dichter in George Gershwin’s only   Northfork, I believe, is in the county’s jurisdiction.
      immigrated to America at                           piano concerto; it’s not Rhapsody in Blue! Call for tickets   If so, contact will be made with the sheriff’s office
      age 56 in 1805 and became                          at (561) 832-7469.                                 to explore a blinking caution light on Northfork to
      a citizen in 1828. So we can                       The Society Of Four Arts                           announce an eminent stop sign.
      say an American wrote the                            Famous for its wide range of excellent talks, they too   Shores Events
      words! The title translates                        provide good music choices. The Miro String Quartet     The Shores Events and Social Media Committee,
      to “Women are Fickle”;                             appears on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m., with astonishing   cochaired by Kristi and Barry Parker has a very active
      one might add “and men like to cheat” for the “MeToo-  clarinet player, David Shifrin. Also, catch the high   and effective group of volunteers staging impressive
      ers.”  The opera is a confection testing the fidelity   definition Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on certain   events at the Bud Zisson Park. The movie night event
      of four sweethearts in charming ways. And Mozart   Saturdays. Call for tickets at (561) 655-2766.     on Feb. 4 will have been held before you receive this
      uses Mesmer’s 18th century discovery of “hypnotic   Maltz Jupiter Theatre                             newsletter, but I know it will be successful. Kristi has
      magnetism” through the character of Despina, cleverly.     Good People, the play, goes up on Feb. 12 to 26,   produced an event schedule for 2023. It can be viewed
      Glorious music describes the young lovers’ emotions   with Delphi Harrington. It’s a dramatic comedy about a   on our website, which is listed in the left yellow panel
      beautifully. Don’t miss it. It’s at the Kravis Center. Call   working class girl out of a job who crashes a party given   on Page 2 of this newsletter. The Shores is also on
      for tickets at (561)-833-7888.                     by an old flame – a successful doctor. Be prepared for   Facebook.
      Flagler Museum                                     hard truths and scintillating Boston wit. Call for tickets   Longshore Lighting
        At  “Whitehall”  the  Gilded Age  home  of  the  late,   at (561) 575-2223.                           The Board and RealTime are working to finalize with
      great, philanthropist Henry Flagler, their music series   Eissey Campus Theatre                       the Town new lighting along Longshore, which has always
      has returned to its classical beginnings including four     Spotlight  on  The  Symphonic  Band of  the  Palm   been poorly lighted. The bulbs will be LED, which are
      professional groups in February.  The music series   Beaches, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m., (561) 832-3115.       brighter and longer lasting. The project is in process and
      includes The Viano String Quartet on Feb. 7, violinist,     Patriotic Playbill, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m., stirring music   is expected to be complete over the next two to three
      Simone Porter on Feb. 21, the Summit Piano Trio on Feb.   from The Palm Beach Gardens Concert Band. Take Me   months. Board president Dave Lindley and Alexa Schuck
      28, String Cuarteto Latinamericano on Feb. 28 and the   Home the story of the late John Denver and his music   of RealTime, in consultation with Mayor Jim Kuretski,
      Neave String Trio on March 7.                      featuring Jim Curry goes up Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. Do not   are carrying this important improvement project.
        Meet the players for champagne and snacks after the   miss it. (941) 207-1038. A Night to Remember from the   Balance
      concert. Call for tickets at (561) 655-2833.       Palm Beach State College Big Band, is on Feb. 21 at     I am perfecting the art of falling down. The older
      Kravis Center                                      7:30 p.m. And last but not least, Rock Rhapsody the hits   I get, the better I get at it. Sometimes, I am a little
        Amid the myriad of their wonderful Broadway      of England’s famous group called “Queen” is on Feb.   lightheaded too. That too is something I’m studying.
      musicals is the well-established Regional Arts Classical   27 at 7:30 p.m. I wonder if they have a Freddie Mercury   This is usually, a simple and correctable problem that
      Music Series with visiting orchestras. On Feb. 5 at 2 p.m.,   impersonator. Call for tickets at (561) 207-5900.  can be corrected. Eating better and remembering to
      the brilliant Munich Symphony Orchestra plays. On Feb.                                                breathe can help. Don’t worry. I don’t plan to cross
      13 at 8 p.m., the incredible Philadelphia Orchestra will                                              over before age 105.
                                                                                                              Anyhow, with help from Mr. and Mrs. Google, I
      What Makes Kids Anxious?                                                                              researched balance with both Mayo and Cleveland
                                                                                                            Clinics and found a number of relatively easy ways to
                                                                                                            improve balance. As simple as walking more is one of
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              television news on. Children listen, watch, and understand   the suggestions. If you are having problems with balance,
      School Psychologist                                more than some adults acknowledge. Hearing about   take a look at those websites. I just browsed “ways to
        Jenny was an adolescent                          college murders, war, and violence can create inner angst   improve balance.” Beware of “sponsored” or “ad.” Skip
      who was an outside the                             that manifests as kids not wanting to sleep alone or a   those and read legitimate qualified information.
      box type of teen girl                              general worry that something bad will happen if they or     I am leaving you with a Facebook post that showed
      with uniquenesses that                             their parent leave the home.                       no author. Pretty good though.
      elementary bullies targeted                          Peer influences also create anxiety. When you were   If You Want 2023 To Be Your Year
      and caused her anxiety.                            a child there was not so much technology access but     • Don’t sit on the couch and wait for it. Go out.
      When the coronavirus                               now young kids are exposed to some scary games like   Smile more. Be excited.
      caused school shutdowns,                           Five Nights at Freddy’s, Slender Man or Amnesia. Kids     • Do new things.
      she enjoyed only online                            playing these games often develop fears that events in     • Throw away your clutter.
      friendships with others                            the games might happen in real life.                 • Unfollow negative people on your social media.
      having her same interests. This reduced her anxiety but     What can you do to help your child? First, limit access     • Move your body more.
      caused social isolation. When in-person school resumed   and prevent your young child from playing scary games.     • Make more plans.
      she attended and experienced extreme social anxiety and   Second, only watch the news in a separate room such as     • Be fierce.
      school phobia so mom allowed her to return to online   the bedroom. Third, if you recognize your child’s anxiety     • Don’t gossip.
      school. They contacted us for help.                read the book What to Do When You Worry Too Much to     • Show more gratitude.
        Jenny was like many children who struggle with   your child or buy your teen the book, My Anxious Mind.     • Do things that challenge you.
      anxiety from bullying and other reasons. Genetics is one   Parents can read my book Stressed Out! Solutions to Help     • Be brave.
      reason kids may experience anxiety as anxiety occurs   Your Child. Finally, seek help when anxiety interferes             *****
      within the family tree. If a family member has anxiety,   with life.                                             Valentine’s Day is Feb. 14.
      your child is at high risk for developing anxiety.    Call to discuss your child. We test children through    Take your sweetheart to dinner!
        Another reason for a child’s anxiety is exposure to   college for dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADHD,                *****
      world  events.  Children  who  have  a  predisposition  for   depression, anxiety, and processing disorders.  Visit   Copy deadline for March is Feb. 15.
      anxiety worry when the family excessively leaves the or call (561) 625-4125.
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