Page 19 - The Jewish Voice - April '23
P. 19

The Jewish Voice, Page 19

      Lifestyles from page 18                           Friday, April 28                                   10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically
                                                        7 p.m. – The Way We Were Revue and Reception – The   and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance
      Saturday, April 22                                Temple Israel Sisterhood presents a delightful production   postures to strengthen your body through the use of a simple
      9 a.m. (earlier than usual) – Online Weekly Torah Study   highlighting 100 years of Temple Israel and its involvement   chair! Free and Open to All.
      – We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   in the Palm Beach communities. A reception with auction   Friday, May 5
      week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with   follows. Open to all. For more info and to RSVP, call the   6:30 p.m. – “Education Shabbat” – In honor of the temple’s
      modern applications. Open to all via Zoom and also offered   Temple at (561) 833-8421.               centennial, this special service, presentation and reception
      in-person on the first Saturday of each month (coffee and   Saturday, April 29                       will honor all current and former students and teachers of
      snacks included).                                 9:30 a.m. – Online Weekly Torah Study – We discuss the   Temple Israel. Temple members celebrating a May birthday
      Wednesday, April 26                               English text for the Torah portion of the week, providing   or anniversary will also be recognized. Held in-person and
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom –   thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with modern   livestreamed to our Facebook page (Temple Israel, West
      Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   applications. Open to all via Zoom and also offered in-person   Palm Beach.) Enjoy music and easy-to-follow passages on
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the   on the first Saturday of each month (coffee and snacks   our overhead screens. A reception follows. Open to all. For
      use of a simple chair! Free and Open to All.      included).                                         more info, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.
      Friday, April 28                                  Sunday, April 30                                   Saturday, May 6
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Abbreviated services   12 p.m. – Whole Self – a safe place for Jewish LGBTQ+   9:30 a.m. – In-person and online Weekly Torah Study – We
      are held in-person and livestreamed to our Facebook page   youth and their allies to be themselves, their whole self.   discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the week,
      (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach), followed by a special   Exciting activities, programs, social action, resources and   providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with modern
      revue and reception. Enjoy music and easy-to-follow   more. For more information, email   applications. Open to all via Zoom and also offered in-person
      passages on our overhead screens. Open to all. For more   (a program of Temple Israel of West Palm Beach supported   on the first Saturday of each month (coffee and snacks
      info, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.          by the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.)    included, please call to confirm in-person status).
                                                        Wednesday, May 3                                   Sunday, May 7
                                                                                                           12 p.m. – Whole Self – a safe place for Jewish LGBTQ+
                                                                                                           youth and their allies to be themselves, their whole self.
                                                                                                           Exciting activities, programs, social action, resources and
                                                                                                           more. For more information, email
                                                                                                           (a program of Temple Israel of West Palm Beach supported
                                                                                                           by the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.)
                                                                                                           Wednesday, May 10
                                                                                                           10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically
                                                                                                           and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance
                                                                                                           postures to strengthen your body through the use of a simple
             CARDIAC SURGERY                                                                               chair! Free and Open to All.
                                                                                                           Friday, May 12
           An innovative approach to minimally invasive heart surgery                                      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Services are held in-
                                                                                                           person and livestreamed to our Facebook page (Temple Israel,
           Joe Santoro had been dealing with                                                               West Palm Beach.) Enjoy music and easy-to-follow passages
           mitral valve disease for almost                                                                 on our overhead screens. Open to all. For more info, call the
           a decade when his cardiologist                                                                  Temple at (561) 833-8421.
           told him his new symptoms were                                                                  Saturday, May 13
           caused by an additional heart                                                                   9:30 a.m. – Online Weekly Torah Study – We discuss the
           condition – atrial fibrillation.                                                                English text for the Torah portion of the week, providing
                                                                                                           thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with modern
                                                                                                           applications. Open to all via Zoom and also offered in-person
           After his doctor advised him to                                                                 on the first Saturday of each month (coffee and snacks
           undergo a procedure to treat the                                                                included).
           valve disease, Joe, a first-grade                                                               Wednesday, May 17
           teacher and musician, decided to                                                                10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically
           get a second opinion. He chose                                                                  and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance
           Cleveland Clinic Florida, where                                                                 postures to strengthen your body through the use of a simple
           he met with Jose L. Navia, MD,                                                                  chair! Free and Open to All.
           Director of the Cleveland Clinic   Three weeks after Joe’s robotically assisted valve repair surgery,   Friday, May 19
           Florida Heart, Vascular and        he was back to normal activities. His band played a gig – and he   6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Services are held in-
           Thoracic Institute and Minimally   played right along with them.                                person and livestreamed to our Facebook page (Temple Israel,
           Invasive Valve Program.                                                                         West Palm Beach.) Enjoy music and easy-to-follow passages
                                                         He chose a robotically assisted approach          on our overhead screens. Open to all. For more info, call the
           “I left my appointment with Dr. Navia         to his mitral valve repair surgery because        Temple at (561) 833-8421.
                                                                                                           Saturday, May 20
           knowing I had more options,” Joe says.        it was less invasive than traditional open-       9 a.m. (note earlier time than usual) – Online Weekly Torah
                                                         heart surgery and he would heal faster.           Study – We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of
           “I was jumping around, playing                                                                  the week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts
           guitar and singing three weeks                “A robotically assisted approach for valve        with modern applications. Open to all via Zoom and also
                                                         repair surgery is the ultimate new use for
                                                                                                           offered in-person on the first Saturday of each month (coffee
           post heart surgery. It was                    technology,” Dr. Navia says. “This approach       and snacks included).
           amazing how fast I recovered.”                provides the patient with a better option to      Wednesday, May 24
                                                                                                           10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically
                                                         have a durable repair or replacement of the
                                    — JOE SANTORO        valve.”                                           and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance
                                                                                                           postures to strengthen your body through the use of a simple
                                                                                                           chair! Free and Open to All.
                                                                                                           Thursday, May 25
             TALK WITH AN EXPERT.                                                                          6:30 p.m. – Erev Shavuot Service and Program – Services
             Patients from across the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean                       and a special program will be held in-person and livestreamed
             turn to Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute for life-             to our Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach) to
             saving treatment options. To schedule an appointment with one of our heart                    celebrate Shavuot. Contact the Temple for more information
                                                                                                           at (561) 833-8421.
             specialists, call 877.463.2010 or visit to                   Friday, May 26
             learn more.                                                             Jose Navia, MD        11:45a.m. – Yizkor Service – Join us for a short morning
                                                                                                           Yizkor Service of Remembrance, followed by a BYO-Lunch
                                                                                                           in our courtyard overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway with
                                                                                                           Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin. Free and open to the entire community
                                                                                                           but an RSVP is requested to (561) 833-8421.
                                      The top choice for heart care.                                       Friday, May 26
                                                                                                           6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Services are held in-
                                      From routine cardiac care to complex transplants,                    person and livestreamed to our Facebook page (Temple Israel,
                                                                                                           West Palm Beach.) Enjoy music and easy-to-follow passages
                                      trust South Florida’s #1 hospital.                                   on our overhead screens. Open to all. For more info, call the
                                                                                                           Temple at (561) 833-8421.

                                                                                                           Community Calendar on page 20
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