Page 12 - Martin Downs Bulletin - April '23
P. 12

Page 12, Martin Downs

                                                    tip of tHe taiL

      ‘Hot Spots’                                        sprays or creams may also be used. A systemic corticosteroid   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and

                                                         will keep the animal from biting or scratching the affected area   rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics, and
                                                         and give quick relief from the irritation. With proper treatment   emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center combines
                                                         the lesion usually cleans up in a few days to a week with hair   exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
                                                         growth in a few weeks.                            their owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
                                                           Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is or find us on Facebook
                                                         dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With   at

                                                                                    reaL estate

        Hot spots! No it is not the new hot teen spot in town or the new
      restaurant in town or the new development where everyone wants
      to live. A hot spot on an animal is an acute moist inflammatory/ Treasure Coast Real Estate          Brightline is also a multi-billion dollar reality that won’t be
      bacterial dermatitis. It goes by the names such as moist eczema,   Report                            going away. But no, it will not cause ocean-access real estate
      pyotraumatic dermatitis, and acute moist dermatitis. Pruritus, hair                                  west of the railroad trestle to collapse.
      loss, pain, redness, severe inflammation, irritation, and exudate                                      First of all, there is only so much ocean-access real estate
      characterize this disease. Because of self-trauma by the animal,   Brightline Is Unlikely To Cause Prices   and unless sea levels rise 8 feet, there won’t be any more.
      the spot grows quickly.                            For Ocean Access Properties West Of The           We can turn farmland into a subdivision, but we can’t turn
        Usually only one location on the body is affected at a time. The   Railroad Trestle To “Crash”     it into ocean-access waterfront. Secondly, much ocean
      most likely places are around the neck and head or around the tail                                   access property west of the railroad trestle is in the form of
      or distal back, but they can occur anywhere on the body. There is   By Jim Weix                      manmade canals, which can no longer be done. These canals
      not one single cause of this condition. Allergic skin reactions is     This  is  a  subject  that    offer safe mooring sites during storms. In fact, all ocean-
      the most common, but can also be caused by flea bites, infected   nobody wants to address,           access waterfront property west of the railroad trestle offers
      ears, mosquito bites, impacted anal glands, or clipper burns. Once   particularly  if  they  own     better protection from major storms than the ocean-access
      the skin is irritated, the animal bites or scratches at the area and   ocean access property west    waterfront east of the railroad trestle.
      causes the acute moist dermatitis. It can develop within a few   of the railroad trestle.  I           Some will say that Brightline is causing waterfront prices
      hours and enlarge rapidly. Some dogs are more prone to moist   even hesitate to address it           to go down. In reality, the only thing going down are the
      dermatitis than others, especially golden retrievers. These lesions   in this column. It would be    super-inflated asking prices that were based on prices during
      are more apt to be seen during allergy season. Even though moist   much safer for me to simply       the super-inflated housing market in 2021 and the beginning
      dermatitis is a painful, acute, and aggressive lesion, it can usually   scribble something about     of 2022. Higher mortgage rates and common sense, not
      be cured easily if treated properly. This is not a condition to wait   painting your front door,     Brightline, are causing prices to correct themselves.
      and see if it will go away. It is usually gets worse and can possibly   planting flowers to improve     The St. Lucie River is an important navigable waterway.
      cause scarring if left untreated.                  curb appeal, or some other trivial subject.       Although there will be some changes and inconveniences,
        Immediate treatment by the owner will slow down the     However, the planned closings scheduled for repairing   waterfront owners and others will continue to have easy
      progression of the lesion. Gently washing the area with soap will   the 100-year-old railroad trestle have brought the subject of   access to the ocean.
      help along with a cortisone cream or antibiotic cream. Keeping   Brightline front and center. It is coming. That means that there     Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
      the pet from bothering the area is the most important thing.   may be 50 daily closures, which take 20 minutes each, for a   I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
      Socks over the feet will hinder scratching from harming the area.   total of 16.6 hours per day. When discussing the issue with     Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      Each veterinarian has their own protocol, but each treatment is   owners of ocean-access property west of the railroad trestle,   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      basically the same. The hair is clipped over the area. The area is   there is either a general denial that there may be a problem, or   estate full time. If you have questions or want the services
      then cleansed gently to remove the debris and a drying agent or   they are somewhat panicked. I think the truth is in the middle.  of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
      astringent is used to dry out each lesion. Antibiotic and cortisone     Yes, 50 daily closures will create issues for boaters.   2941 or

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