Page 1 - The Shores of Jupiter - April '23
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Our Village Voice
VOL. 34 NO. 4 APRIL 2023
Northern Notes Bill’s Box
What Is A Special District? however, that area can cross
several municipalities or By Bill Thompson
By Katie Roundtree, counties. Northern Palm What’s Next?
Director of Finance and Beach County Improvement I’ve never had this
Administration, Northern District overlaps eight cities much fun! So, I went to
Palm Beach County and unincorporated Palm one of my doctors due
Improvement District Beach County. The South to extreme fatigue. His
There has been quite a bit Florida Water Management test showed a dramatic
of news lately surrounding District is a special district increase in a bacterial
special districts and what that manages water resources infection which had been
they are and are not allowed in the southern half of the diagnosed as E. coli and
to do. They are a little- state, covering 16 counties 19th century image of intermittently treated for over three years. He instructed
known but widely used type from Orlando to the Florida Franklin as firefighter me to immediately report to the hospital. My wife and I
of government. A special Keys. Every parcel of land in ( registered me upon arrival after standing in line. From
district is defined by Florida Statutes as “… a unit of local Florida is served by at least there I was ushered (herded) to three other stations with
government created for a special purpose, as opposed to a one special district. papers in hand, waiting in line at each location. You
general purpose, which has jurisdiction to operate within a Did you know that special districts date back as far as know the drill. I was assigned a space to lie down and
limited geographic boundary and is created by general law, 1736? Benjamin Franklin established the first special district waited a pretty long time for a real room. Next an IV
special act, local ordinance, or by rule of the Governor and on Dec. 7, 1736, when he created the Union Fire Company was inserted and affixed to a pole that I had to drag to the
Cabinet.” (Section 189.012(6), Florida Statutes) Special of Philadelphia, a volunteer fire department. Residents in a bathroom. That’s as far as one can reach. Then, due to the
districts have limited powers specifically given to them, such specific neighborhood paid a fee to receive fire protection poorly chosen vein in the bend of my dominate arm every
as water control, fire, airport, health care, etc. Special districts services. Any resident not paying the fee had no fire protection time I bent that arm the IV mechanism would set off
exist for a specific reason and can only do what is in their services. There are more than 30,000 special districts in the an alarm. After multiple such occurrences, I persuaded
charter or enabling legislation. Municipalities and counties United States – the majority are fire protection districts. the nurse to reinsert the IV into my nondominant wrist,
have broad powers, such as police, fire, code enforcement, The first special district in Florida began in 1822. It was which cut down on the beeping on the malfunctioning
building inspections, parks, etc. They are enabled to provide created to establish and maintain public roads. The first road mechanism that was in bad need of technical review.
whatever services are needed within their geographical districts had no taxation authority and solved their labor Finally, I determined how to make some adjustments
boundary, except when expressly prohibited by law. needs by conscription (mandated enlistment). Men failing without calling the very busy nursing and assistant staff.
Municipalities and counties can only operate within to report to work were fined one dollar per day. Amazing. All businesses are shorthanded.
their specific geographical area. Special districts are I then served five days in an uncomfortable hospital
similar in that they have a particular geographical area; Northern Notes on page 4 bed tethered to a bag of saline and correctly diagnosed
venal antibiotic for five long days. During that time
Solid Waste Authority there was a steady parade of people knocking and
opening the room door all hours of the night and day
to perform required duties. Then others dropped in to
Change The Way You Dispose One of SWA’s locations is: see if I wanted occupational therapy, physical therapy
and even spiritual counsel. I politely declined all. The
Of Mercury-Containing Devices North County Transfer Station food was pretty good.
14185 N. Military Trail (SWA Road) in Jupiter The upshot of all this is I was discharged with two
If you’ve swapped out your Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weeks’ supply of oral antibiotic and instructions to
standard incandescent lightbulbs Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. follow up with three doctors, including one I have not
for fluorescent lightbulbs, Other locations can be found on our website at www. seen before. This whole episode has made me more
remember one key thing: Your tired than I was in the beginning. Helluva thing but
new, energy saving lightbulbs Commercial quantities of items that contain mercury necessary. Should be better soon.
contain mercury and should not may require special disposal. Call (561) 687-1100 for
be thrown away in the trash. details on recycling mercury and mercury-containing Bill’s Box on page 3
Palm Beach County residents devices from your business.
can bring fluorescent lightbulbs Remember, pollution prevention starts at home. A full list
(both long tubes and curly shaped of household hazardous wastes can be found at
bulbs) and an array of other mercury-containing devices HCRC or call (561) 697-2700 or (866) SWA-INFO (toll-free)
such as thermostats, thermometers and electrical to learn more about the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach
switches, to any of seven Solid Waste Authority of Palm County’s Home Chemical and Recycling Centers.
Beach County Home Chemical and Recycling Centers. The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County is a
In the last fiscal year, Palm Beach County residents dependent special district that was created by the Florida
recycled more than 35,800 pounds of fluorescent lamps Legislature in 1975. Since then, the SWA has developed an
and 150 pounds of other mercury-containing devices. award-winning integrated solid waste management system to
Each year, the SWA’s Home Chemical and Recycling handle the county’s waste and recyclables. We call ourselves
Centers either recycles or safely disposes of almost 5M
pounds of household hazardous wastes. Solid Waste Authority on page 4
(561) 799-4445
Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
Do not leave valuables in the car.