Page 4 - The Shores of Jupiter - April '23
P. 4

Page 4, The Shores

                                                         Northern Notes from page 1                          Here are some of the services that special districts provide,
        Solid Waste Authority from page 1                                                                  along with examples:
                                                           In 1845, soon after Florida became a state, the legislature     • Community Development Districts and Improvement
        AWAY: Whether you throw it, recycle it or flush it AWAY,   established the first special district by special act. Five   Districts  – Allow  new  residential,  commercial  and
        we put your waste to work. Each year, we:        commissioners were empowered to drain the “Alachua   industrial developments to occur by financing, building
          • Process more than 100,000 tons of recyclables.  Savannah.” The first special assessments were levied on   and maintaining common infrastructure and facilities (for
          • Combust approximately 1.8 million tons of trash to   landowners to finance the project based on the number of   example, roads, landscaping, water and sewer lines, street
        generate electricity at renewable energy facilities.   acres owned and the benefit derived.        lighting, and drainage systems).
          • Produce enough electricity to power approximately     There are about 1,900 special districts in Florida currently.     • Redevelopment Agencies – Attract businesses and
        74,000 homes, about the number of homes in Boca Raton   Some special districts operate in multiple counties, such as   retail establishments to specific areas by redeveloping,
        and Palm Beach Gardens.                          the water management districts. Other special districts serve   improving and maintaining commercial areas and facilities
          • Recycle more than 150,000 tons of wastewater   small neighborhoods, helping residents develop and maintain   (for example, sidewalks, building facades, bicycle lanes,
        treatment  residuals  (sludge  from  flushes)  into   common areas.                                parking facilities, signs, and roadways).
        environmentally-friendly fertilizer.               Many of these are community development districts     • Fire, Health Care and Water Control Districts –
          • Safely dispose of more than 4.9 million pounds of   created to issue bonds and construct infrastructure for one   Protect life and property by providing fire control and rescue,
        home hazards.                                    specific area/housing development. Board members are   flood control, and emergency medical services.
          • Collect water off of the roofs of Renewable Energy   appointed by the developer initially, with residents assuming     • Airport, Port and Transit Authorities – Provide
        Facility 2 and store it in a 2-million-gallon cistern, which   seats as the development is sold out.  major infrastructure and facilities serving large areas (for
        is used as part of the energy making process.      Special districts are funded through assessments that   example, airports, roads and bridges, expressways, seaports,
                                                         can be either advalorem or non-advalorem. Advalorem   waterways, and utility systems).
        Proper Waste Disposal –                          assessments are based on the property’s value (value times     • Library and Beach Districts – Help make Florida
                                                                                                           a desirable place to live, work and visit by providing
                                                         a millage rate). Non-advalorem assessments are not based on
        Bulk Waste                                       the property’s value; instead, assessments are determined by   civic, health, educational, conservation, parks, sports, and
                                                         computing the benefit derived for each parcel and allocating   recreational facilities.
          Put your waste in the proper place. Like, bulk items.   the budgeted amount to be collected based on the derived     If you’d like more information on special districts in
        Bulk items include appliances, furniture and other large   benefits. Property can be assessed at the same amount for   Florida, please go to the Florida Department of Economic
        household items that don’t fit in your garbage cart.  many parcels or different amounts based on varying benefits   Opportunity’s Special District Accountability Program,
          In unincorporated Palm Beach County, three bulk   derived (i.e., residential, commercial, or industrial).  found at
        items will get picked up from your curb once a week.     Both special districts, municipalities, and counties have   development/special-districts/special-district-accountability-
        All bulk items at the curb for disposal should be at   governing bodies, such as council members or board members,   program.
        least 3 feet away from water or gas meters, mailboxes   responsible for making the rules and approving the budget for the     NPDES tip: Please do not put any excess oils, paints or
        and fire hydrants, and not under utility wires or low   government. Some are popularly elected on the county election   solvents into lakes, canals, or storm drains! They go directly
        hanging branches.                                ballot, while the landowners elect others at the district offices.   into the ground water supply.
          If you have more than three bulk items in a week or
        want to dispose of your bulk waste items yourself, the
        Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County offers
        county residents a Customer Convenience Drop-off     Peripheral
        Center (CCDC) at the North County Landfill, 6330 N. Jog
        Road in West Palm Beach. Disposal at the CCDC does   Neuropathy?
        come with a tipping fee payable by cash or credit card.
          For residents living within a municipality or in a
        multifamily community with a common garbage area,   FREE Consultation
        be sure to check with them about  their bulk waste
        disposal requirements. A contact list of municipalities
        is posted online.                                   for Acupuncture
          Put your waste in the proper place. Guidance is
        offered for:
          •  Garbage  –
          • Recycling – /
          • Yard waste –
        Waste-Vegetation                                                                                               561-745-1002
          • Bulk waste –
        Home-Repair                                                                                                      654 West Indiantown
          •  Home  chemicals/Household  hazardous  waste  –   THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO   Road, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                            WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED
                                                            OR REDUCED FEE SERVICES, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT.

                                                                CAMPBELL AND KARLIK, P.A.

                                                                                     ATTORNEYS AT LAW
        Editorial  copy  appearing  herewith  is  not  necessarily  the  viewpoint  of
        Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
        the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
                                                                               Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning • Probate

                                                                                 Taxation • Real Estate • Corporations

         Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid
              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant

                     Production Department
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
            Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz

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        photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
           The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
        herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed       Diane L. KarLiK
        unsuitable for publication.
            1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458                                                           Tel: (561) 625-5220
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