Page 3 - Palm City Spotlight - May '23
P. 3

Palm City Spotlight, Page 3
      Treasure Coast Outdoors

      Bait And Bonita Showing Up                         swivel, and a 25-foot leader. Hopefully, you will hook   Manatee Pocket, but they sell out quickly. You can call
                                                         into a mutton or mangrove snapper, a grouper, or a cobia.  them at (772) 985-0425.
      By Jim Weix                                          I then fish two flat lines on the surface. I might sound     Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
        Bait is showing up,                              like a bluegill fisherman from Wisconsin, but I like to use   conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is
      which is great, as weeds                           a float on the flat lines. It helps me keep track of where   included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s Hall of
      can make trolling difficult.                       the baits are and keeps them near the surface. I would   Fame for helping restore thousands of acres of wetlands.
      Mahi is being caught in 150                        suggest adding a stinger hook with wire, as hooking a   Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes Company. He
      to 200 feet and you will find                      kingfish is common.                               can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or by email: jimweix@
      a few blackfin tuna. If you                          Other spots to fish are around the 60-foot wrecks and
      are going to drift fish live                       reefs or the Sand Pile and Pipe Barge. There are also
      bait,  Push  Button  Hill  or                      numerous other types of structures and manmade reefs.
      a nice weed line is a good                           If you want to fish inshore, you can find snook by   Piper’s Landing from page 1
      place to start. You can fish                       docks and bridges. You can also find them on the north
      shallower  for  sailfish,  but                     side at the St. Lucie Inlet, where waves wash over low   the shelter such as safety planning, mental health
      you may have to deal with a lot of bonita.         spots in the rocks.                                counseling for victims and their children, legal
        My personal favorite is to drift the Loran Reef starting     Although catching your own live bait is fun, it is never   assistance, financial literacy training, child protective
      just south of Hobe Sound. I fish with two lines on the   guaranteed. You can often buy it from Bryan and Mike   services, youth violence prevention education, and
      bottom, using a one-ounce egg slip sinker above the   of Stuart Live Bait. They are often selling live bait in the   more – all free of charge.
                                                                                                              “Federal and state grants cover only about half of
                                                                                                            the agency’s expenses,” says Albizu, “so SafeSpace
                                                                                                            is very grateful to Piper’s Landing for raising over
                                                                                                            $26,000 to help us sustain the programs and services
                                                                                                            that will help victims become survivors and transition
                                                                                                            to a life free from violence.”
                                                                                                              The charity event would not have been successful
                                                                                                            without the donations of items for the auctions and
                                                                                                            raffles from PLWGA members and Piper’s Landing
                                                                                                            staff, as well as from others in the Martin County
                                                                                                            community:  Diane Anthony’s  Permanent  Make  Up,
                                                                                                            Frank Bianco/Miracle Jewelry Exchange, Marjorie
                                                                                                            Collins Massage Therapist, Lourdes Cortina/Tapas
                                                                                                            by Lourdes, Cat Kaltenhauser Personal Trainer, Dr.
                                                                                                            Charles  Oliveri/Spinal  Health  & Wellness  Center,
                                                                                                            Michelle  Radich/Alyce  &  Co.,  Sailfish  Point  Golf
                                                                                                            Club, The Gafford and The Lyric Theatre.
                                                                                                              Piper’s Landing could not have held this fundraiser
                                                                                                            without the help of its many volunteers. They are:
                                                                                                            Susan Ash, Zenta Barger, Nancy Bowden, Michele
                                                                                                            Bragg, Lois Brooks, Sue Chase, Sandra Conley,
                                                                                                            Micki Dion, Pattie Dunn, Sonita Farr, Barbara Flynn,
                                                                                                            Ann  Grace,  Linda  Harlan,  Maryann  Kiely,  Shirley
                                                                                                            Kohl, Gretchen Kundahl, Deborah Lovequist, Shirley
                                                                                                            MacDonald,  Judy  Papayanakos,  Nancy  Patterson,
                                                                                                            Leslie Robinson, Mary Sabbatelli, Mary Simpson,
                                                                                                            Ellen South and Helene Young.
                                                                                                              For more information about SafeSpace, visit www.
                                                                                                   or call (772) 223-2399. Hotline help
                                                                                                            is available 24/7 at (772) 288-7023.

                                                                                                                                  Sunday, May 14th


                                                                                                            Editorial  copy  appearing  herewith  is  not  necessarily  the  viewpoint  of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
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