Page 4 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
P. 4

Page 4, Abacoa

      The Cajun Crawfish & Music Festival from page 3                                                         Virginia Sinicki from The KVJ Show, will serve as the
                                                                                                           master of ceremonies throughout the weekend and will
      triangle, and harmonica. Other various folk instruments thrown                                       bring her personal flair as a local who grew up in New
      in for flavor can be the upright bass, fiddle, fretted instruments,                                  Orleans.
      bouzoukis and drums. Without the accordion, fiddle, rubboard,                                           General admission tickets, reserved VIP stage pods
      and triangle, many of them created especially for the musical                                        and VIP chalet tents are available for purchase at: https://
      world of South Louisiana, the music would not exist. And one                               
      of the reasons for its unique sound is that it relies on some  of
      these locally made instruments.
         There will be the most authentic Cajun cuisine as you
      stroll through the festival…
         As intriguing as the music, the festival also offers a
      tasty food lineup of trademark Cajun cuisine. Enjoy the
      characteristic fragrance
      and flavors of the Cajun
      “Holy Trinity” base and
      special rouxs found in
      the  famous  crawfish
      boil, gumbo, jambalaya,
      and more. There will be
      delicious food, cooking
      demonstrations and great
      shopping.            Triangle, button accordion, fiddle Handmade fretted instruments  Frottoir (French) rubboard

      The Cajun Crawfish & Music Festival
      Benefits Two Local Charities:                     Barber’s Edge – Giving Back To The Community from page 1  do some things in the community that have a positive
      Maddie’s Fight Foundation And Little Smiles       happen! Working in the community we discovered another   impact. That’s what our shop is all about … keeping
                                                                                                           positivity flowing and passing it on to others. I have to
         Maddie’s Fight Foundation was born to fulfill   need. We heard many stories of families with members on   say it again, it’s really the guys’ involvement and support
      Maddie’s desires to help others. The foundation provides   the Spectrum, and other special needs being refused, turned   in our endeavors to serve this community that really
      financial support for families who have children fighting   away from basic services we could supply. With the guys’   makes it happen! We all agree it’s better to put a smile
      cancer and raises money to fund osteosarcoma research.   support we’ve been able to open Sunday and offer a quiet,   on a person’s face, and sometimes a whole family’s face,
      For more information about Maddie’s Fight Foundation,   safe place to meet specific needs. On Sunday we welcome   than putting cash in the register.
      please visit       children and their families by appointment. Visits on Sunday      If you’re curious, have questions, or special needs
         Little Smiles proudly works alongside child life   are just with the client, client’s family and myself. There is no   please call, or even better come on in, meet the team, and
      specialists, nurses, law enforcement, and other critical   commotion, no television, no music, distractions. The focus   say hello! As soon as you walk through the front door
      staff members at over 30 facilities to bring (big) little   is on the individual and what accommodates their specific   you’ll feel the vibe, the joy, and the willingness, always
      smiles. Their programs are created to provide experiences,   need and there is never a charge. The reward is in the relaxed   ready to take the time to help.
      toys, and essential items to children in need through   comfort and the grateful smiles on the faces of the children      I, Joe the Barber thank all of our team members in their
      the help and generosity of our community. For more   and their families.                             time in support of all we do working together and with
      information about Little Smiles, please visit www.     The older I get the more I say to myself, “How can   the community. We, as a team, thank all of you for taking                               I be the best person I possibly can in helping others,   the time to read this little article and getting to know us
                                                        recognizing others for who they are and what they do?” The   better.
                                                                                                             We look forward to serving you.

                                                        answer came in answering
        aPoa uPdate                                     the call to those who serve                          Downtown Abacoa,
                                                                                                             Barber ’s Edge,
                                                        us. Recently, again with
                                                        the  guys’  willingness  and                       1203 Town Center Drive,
              Abacoa POA                                support, we were able to                           Suite 106, Jupiter, FL
                                                        do a month of free haircuts
                                                                                                           33458, (561) 530-3819.
                                                                                                             W alk-ins and
           Meeting Notices                              for community police, fire                           appointments –  cash
                                                        and  rescue,  teachers  and
                                                                                                           or check only. Monday
                                                        wounded veterans.
                                                           It take s a  t eam  t o                         to  Friday,  9  a.m.  to  7
            Official notification is posted via the bulletin   accomplish all we do at our                 p.m. and Saturday, 8
        board outside the POA office as well as the Abacoa   little shop and everybody’s                   a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday
           website. Members may view and/or download    on board.  We do our best                          closed – special needs
         Abacoa POA agendas and approved minutes from   while all doing our fair share.                    appointments only.
                                   We’re grateful to be able to

        Notice of March Monthly CAC Meeting – Wednesday,
          April 3, 2024, 3:30 p.m. – APOA Office or Zoom
                                                             Need More Storage?
       Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting – Tuesday,
          April 16, 2024, 11:30 a.m. – APOA office or Zoom   WE CAN HELP!

          Notice of April Monthly CAC Meeting – Tuesday,
          April 23, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – APOA Office or Zoom

        The deadline to submit CAC materials for review is one
                  week prior to the CAC meeting.
              All Meetings Subject to Change
                                                                                             WINE STORAGE Now Available!

           All meetings to be held at the offices of the
              Abacoa POA, 1200 University Blvd.,
                Suite 102, Jupiter, FL. 33458 or                                                           Ask About Our
              via Zoom.US unless otherwise posted.                                         MOVE-IN SPECIALS!

        Articles herein are the creation of the individual writers,
            and do not express the opinion of the APOA.
        By printing an article herein, the APOA is not endorsing                                    * Certain restrictions apply. Mention or present this offer.
        the writer, the article’s content, or any business referred
        to herein.  The APOA will not be responsible for errors     State-of-the-art                 Climate-controlled                 Secure
              contained herein, or related to, articles.
                                                                    facility                         storage units                      car storage

                 Deadline for the next
                  Abacoa newspaper                           Store.  Pack.  Move.                             50 Frederick Small Road
               is the 11th of the month.                     And More!                                             Jupiter, FL 33458

             Submit articles/pictures to                                                                       (561) 556-2191             
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