Page 9 - Boca ViewPointe - July '23
P. 9

July 2023                                                      Viewpointe, Page 9
      Welcome Back To The Fantastic World Of FENG SHUI!!!

      By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.            the greenery that produces the relaxing effect on our lives      Plants have the “magic” of bringing smiles, tears of joy,
                                                         and sight that they give us daily, at every moment.  even sadness, because human beings, in many cultures, say
         In this new article we will talk about plants, these living      In our homes, plants as living beings, which have a   goodbye to their loved ones with flowers and plants. In other
      beings that accompany us silently, that give our lives oxygen,   star role, added to all the benefits described above, their   words, they have accompanied us throughout our lives, in all
      color, relax our eyes, complement the decoration in homes,   characteristics are a complement to the context where they   cultures, religions, events, are silent protagonists of many
      offices, premises, gardens, balconies, even us. It makes the   are present. For example: let’s go to our garden and when we   situations in the daily life of human beings.
      spirit happy when they give us flowers and fruits. In addition   think about designing it we make a mental plan or drawing      Referring specifically to FENG SHUI, plants, to speak
      to all these benefits mentioned above, they are a gift from God   in order to distribute the position, color, size, season among   generally, not only harmonize the environment, but also give
      for us to see the miracle of life, their care is the equivalent of   many other guidelines. If we don’t have a garden because   a new air and energy to spaces, due to their living nature,
      what we offer to our loved ones, pets because they are living   we live in an apartment but we have a balcony, plants are the   proof of this is when we buy a plant and place it far from the
      beings. Many people even talk to their plants, getting silent   first guests at the party of color and decorative complement.   light, it leans towards it, which tells us about its condition
      responses such as their radiance, beauty, and even blooming.  Continuing in the same order of ideas, let’s move on to the   of life, movement, search for elements of nature itself, such
         Being the ancient science of FENG SHUI, a science and   interior of the home where plants, and especially flowers,   behavior is typical of living beings.
      its healing method, promotes harmony in every way, we must   give joy, a party atmosphere and relaxation.     Taking up again why the presence of plants and flowers
      keep in mind the role that plants play in nature and of course      Another example of this is when we want to give a gift to   in our spaces is important for FENG SHUI , the very fact
      in our lives.                                      a person, especially to the ladies, because of their birthday,   that there is living nature around us helps us to circulate the
         Let’s do this mental exercise and think of a hypothetical   professional achievement, anniversary, welcome or farewell,   energy present in them, because otherwise it remains stagnant
      world without the greenery of trees, grass and plants in   the first thing we think of is the flowers, that they are not lacking   or trapped, that constant exchange of oxygen product of
      general. It looks like something out of a science-fiction   and if the lady in matter has a preference, for a certain flower or   photosynthesis, collaborates with our environment, purifying
      movie, where everything would be cement, glass but without   plant, we strive to find the one that is in better condition, etc.  and renewing in a cycle that will be given by the care that is
                                                                                                           given, not only including water and nutrients, but also music,
                                                                                                           words of love, thanks for the daily gift they give us.
        Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule                                                      ancient science of FENG SHUI, plants are a very powerful,
                                                                                                             In previous articles we have talked about the cures of the
                         (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)                                       generous cure, with due care, they will become allies of the
                                                                                                           house, premises or office for their contributions already
                                                                                                           mentioned, keeping in mind not having them in the rooms
                                                                                                           where we sleep because of their exchange of oxygen and
          All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular schedule of   carbon dioxide, the first essential for life but the second is a
       monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are revised due to holidays, etc. If   toxic element for health.
       you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561) 395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the      For the purposes of FENG SHUI, when deciding the
       Zoom link be emailed to you.                                                                        type of plant to acquire, they must have heart-shaped leaves,
                                                                                                           circular, round shapes, and, under no circumstances, must
           Access Control & Safety Committee                 TBD                                           they be with points, thorns, because they are like arrows that
                                                                                                           point towards us. The thorny plants must be outside the area
           Architectural Control Site Committee              TBD                                           where we live, if it is the case that we like them, but trying
                                                                                                           that their edge is not directed towards the house, local or
           Board of Directors                                3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.        directly to people.
                                                                                                              Until the next installment!!!
           Budget & Finance Committee                        TBD
                                                                                                              Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng Shui Specialist
                                                                                                           is a resident of the Plum. Email: herreramilagros1983@

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