Page 2 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
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Page 2, Viewpointe                                                 September 2023
      Sports And Fitness

      By Ashley Rozo                                     But here’s the kicker: solely altering
                                                         your  diet  is  risky.  Life  has  plans  –
         Just  last  month,  I  opened  up               birthday parties beckon, vacations
      about my awe-inspiring voyage                      tempt  –  and  denying  those  pleasures
      towards losing a staggering 100                    isn’t a sustainable solution.
      pounds. Today, I’m thrilled to unveil                 After all that I’ve learned, the heart
      the secret behind my ongoing success in maintaining my   of the matter is simple yet profound:
      newfound, healthier way of life. Allow me to take you on a   Embrace life, stay active, give it your
      journey through dedication, transformation, and the profound   best shot, and above all, maintain
      impact of finding true joy in physical activity.   unswerving consistency. If you’re
         Ever since I shared my weight loss triumph, the most   contemplating  a  healthier  lifestyle,
      common question I’ve received is, “Did you completely overhaul   remember  this  –  the  journey  doesn’t
      your diet?” While dietary changes did play a pivotal role, the real   culminate with dietary adjustments
      foundation for my sustained well-being was laid elsewhere.  alone. It’s about finding your passion in
         It all boils down to discovering an activity that genuinely   movement and uncovering a lasting way
      resonates with you. Admittedly, the path to embracing   to honor your body and its well-being.
      physical fitness is only sometimes paved with immediate      So, as my journey of transformation continues to inspire,     Yours in health and happiness,
      excitement. My transformation story began with a friend   I extend a heartfelt invitation: “Join me at the gym, and let’s                 Ashley Rozo,
      who lost remarkable weight through spin classes. Intrigued   walk this path of wellness together!”              Fitness Manager, The Club at Boca Pointe 
      by her incredible results, I embarked on my own spin journey,
      determined to mirror her success.
         Starting out was tough, I won’t deny that. But I made
      a  firm  commitment  to  myself  –  I  showed  up  to  those
      spin classes week after week. As the pounds gradually
      melted away, a subtle shift occurred in my eating habits,
      showcasing the  effectiveness of my comprehensive
      approach. However, it wasn’t just about my personal
      transformation. My passion for spinning grew so much
      that I became a certified spin instructor.
         Teaching spin classes was off my radar initially. Still, here
      I am today, leading classes enthusiastically and loving every
      second! The rush of endorphins and the intentional muscle
      engagement make spin my ultimate fitness companion. And
      guess what? Not only does it put those large leg muscles to
      work while torching fat, but each knee lift also serves as a
      stealthy workout for the core muscles.
         My invaluable advice? Seek out an activity you can
      tolerate, and then give it your all to be consistent. There’s
      something truly magical about the camaraderie in group
      fitness – it keeps you on track in the most incredible way.

        Please Help

          Fall is here! Now is the time to clean out your
        closets! The homeless shelters are accepting
        used clothing. Please bring any clean, gently
        used clothing that you would like to donate. The
        drop off location is at the BPCA office located at
        6909 S.W. 18th St., Suite A120 in the Boardwalk
        shopping plaza. The donations are distributed
        to local churches and homeless shelters. Thank
        you for your generous donations this past year!        AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE IN-HOME CARE
        It is greatly appreciated! 
                                                               Companion Care    Personal Care    Live-In Care    Respite Care
       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by     Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care     Surgery Recovery Care
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
                                                                                                                Reba Cole, RN
                                                                             Your Local Representative:
                      1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                         (561) 746-3244
                        FAX (561) 746-2509

         Seabreeze Publications                                                 (561)-860-1897

                         M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid                          Call your local representative, or visit us at
                                                                               to schedule your FREE In-Home Consultation
              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                          Whitsyms In-Home Care is licensed to operate in Florida: 30210978, 30211390, 30211293, 30211382, 30211226
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