Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 4

Page 4, Viewpointe                                                 September 2023
      Welcome To The Fantastic World Of Feng Shui!!!

       By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.              Those that we buy on a trip bring back nice memories,      Another idea that this work of ordering and classifying
                                                         in short, more than a storage space for physical objects,   will generate is that it will produce a balance of what we
          Today we will talk about a topic that may seem trivial but   they become an extension of our hearts for obvious   really need to complement an outfit, for example, once we
       is important in our lives. Like the FENG SHUI is a science   reasons and we continue to give them a place more in it   have finished reviewing our clothes and their subsequent
       that deals with order and harmony, we will dedicate it to   than in our closet.                     arrangement as we have proposed, we are going to
       storage and what better and bigger space to store things,      Our main objective in this article is far from criticizing   realize that our white dress requires specific footwear
       personal objects, among many others than our CLOSET.  the above, on the contrary, we want to help you to carry   that complements it, or something else, such as summer
          If our closet is a whole world, sometimes more than   out an organization, categorization, cleaning work in   is coming and our accessories are very worn, and thus,
       a  world  it  is  an  ecosystem  where  clothing,  footwear,   order to have a better vision and perspective  of our   having more space, we can acquire those garments that are
       accessories for our garments are deposited, such as: wallets,   memories and sentimental values, which promotes us.   really needed without falling into purchases “emotional,”
       belts, scarves, hats, umbrellas, and a long etcetera.  emotions of moments of happiness and a sharing with   which then spend a long time stored without proper use.
          We must take a break before getting into the matter   people, places and situations that make our mind fly   Of course, we must not forget that everything that we no
       to distinguish that not all of us order our belongings by   towards lived spaces of time and that give breath to our   longer need can be very useful for a person or family.
       categories, colors, seasons, sizes (that is, when I was a size   lives in the present, product of a beautiful past.     The question that fits at this moment that my dear
       12 now I am 8) to name a particular situation, to that we      We will begin by obtaining containers where we classify   readers may be asking themselves:  This previously
       will add the gifts of people loved ones, deceased people,   according to a personal classification, that is, seasonal   explained in detail is FENG SHUI?
       past loves, and a garment that we longed to buy for a long   garments, which in the case of the State of Florida, do not      Well yes my dear followers, because for this
       time because of its cost, is now out of style and we do not   have much variation, but if we travel to places where there   ancient science FENG SHUI, the ORDER AND THE
       want to get rid of it.                            are cold seasons, they require storage, to those events. We   HARMONY is its premise and therefore, having our
                                                         can label that container as winter clothing. Then come   spaces clean and tidy is to attract positive energy
                                                         those garments, personal objects keeping in mind their use,   or  “CHI”,  otherwise  we  will fall  into  situations  of
                                                         utility, such as various party outfits, ornaments, accessories,   accumulators, which is a lifestyle that damages our mental
                                                         footwear, which can also be stored in other spaces or in   health, among other consequences, without ignoring other
                                                         containers or wardrobes specially designed for that purpose.  responses for our environment.
                                                            For this moment we have already made space in our and      When we carry out remodeling in our home, premises
                                                         continue with objects that belong to gifts, personal objects of   or some space, we immediately think about cleaning,
                                                         our deceased relatives and that are part of those imperishable   painting,  putting,  and donating  among  many  other
                                                         memories, which can be stored in boxes of colors of our   activities derived from the arrangements, and therefore
                                                         preference and with it increase order cleanliness and space   we see the different areas being the same as we have but
                                                         simultaneously. They can even place the word memories, a   with a new perspective.
                                                         photo, whatever their creativity tells them.                             Until the next installment!!!
                                                            An idea borrowed from department stores is sorting by                                 Milagros.
                                                         color, garment, and even frequent use. This will allow our                              Klein | law | Group
                                                         daily look and search to be an easy, fast job and therefore      Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
                                                         requires less “going around” in the closet as if by magic   Shui Specialist is a resident of the Plum. Email:
                                                         what we want to find appeared.                            freedom to start fresh

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