Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 8

Page 8, Viewpointe                                                 September 2023
       College And On My Own

      By Josette Veltri                                  my emotional exhaustion                           I just want you to know that it will be OK. I believe in you
                                                         and, excruciating knots in                        and love you son.” We talked a little more than I said, “I love
         Over  time everyone,                            my stomach only added to                          you Mom,” and hung up.
      individually and collectively,                     my loneliness. The heavy                             The  first  week  melted  fast  into  Sunday  morning.  I
      develops a sense of safety                         downpours contributed to                          decided to have a conversation with God and go to church.
      and security. The process                          the uncertainties of my first                     As I entered the vestibule, I felt nausea from the scent of
      is slow and continuous                             night and worse yet, my                           burning candles and the sound that emerged from the huge
      as we venture out on the                           morning classes.                                  pipe organ filled the air with sadness not cheer. I quietly
      journey called our life. And,                         I woke leery about the                         selected a pew, knelt, prayed and began to cry. It was the
      when our  sense  of  safety                        upcoming events of the day and the inclement weather   first time I released the emotions I held inside. Emotions I
      and security  is shattered,                        made my spirits hit rock bottom. I found the attitudes of the   tried so desperately to hide.
      it creates turmoil in our                          professor’s cold which contributed to the eerie silence in all   He concludes:
      thoughts, emotions and physicality. In other words, it is one   my classrooms. Occasionally the silence broke when a few      Since then, I would ask myself over and over, “Why
      heck of a traumatic experience.                    professors provided a minute of sympathy. I thought this is   are you here?” Eventually, I noticed a subtle change in my
         The following is a true story about a young man venturing   their attempt to force students to develop maturity rapidly.   answer - this is not a prison but an opportunity to grow -
      off to an out of state college leaving behind the safety and   The syllabus was immediately presented followed by a brief   and, I knew then I was free to stay or leave. I decided to
      security of his family. And, with that said, this could be   introduction to the curriculum.         stay and after several weeks of college living, I realize I
      your story entering a new normal after a loss, a breakup or      At the conclusion of classes, my peers and I walked   can do this, AND I did!
      a relocation; it could be your children’s or grandchildren’s   through knee-deep puddles of water in a desperate      I share this young man’s story to encourage and reassure
      story as they start the beginning of a new school year.   attempt to reach the bookstore. I found myself desperately   those transitioning into the unknown that new beginnings
         I have read and re-read this story many times and,   rummaging through thousands of books to find the assigned   will be uncomfortable and difficult at first. During these
      each time I embrace new feelings of loss and discovery,   material needed and, reluctantly walk toward the back of   times of uncertainty, expect your emotions, anxieties to
      helplessness and hope, despair and encouragement, defeat   an endless line to complete my purchases. I waited in a line   feel chaotic and don’t be surprised if you feel unsafe and/
      and victory.                                       for what seemed hours but then relief, the cash register was   or insecure. If you remember nothing else from this young
      From the beginning he writes:                      finally insight. I tried lifting my textbooks but decided to   man’s experience, remember this, if you patiently hold fast
         Home has always given me a sense of safety and inner   drag them across the floor until I eventually reached the   and stick with this situation or that event, after a while, you
      peace. In the back of my mind I have always realized this and   counter. I then picked them up and dropped them with a   will begin to notice opportunities of next steps and new starts.
      now a sizable gap separates me from my household. I was   sigh. The salesperson grinned as she began ringing up the      Now, with that said, CRY IF YOU MUST, BUT DON’T
      feeling discouraged and unprotected. The most memorable   items with various prices. I dreaded the total, looked, took   YOU QUIT!
      event of my life was saying good-bye to my family and   a breath, and wrote the check.
      leaving for college.                                  The dreariness of the day dragged on and contributed      Josette Veltri, a Boca Point resident, is a certified
      And, so the day came he continues:                 to my sadness. I kept thinking of home and how I took for   educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose, to
         It was a gloomy, wet Wednesday morning when my mom,   granted the affection and understanding I received. So, I   assist clients heal and move forward so they can go from I
      sister and I drove away in a car filled to the brim with college   decided to call home. My mom knew from the sound of my   Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be reached at
      paraphernalia embarking on a 700 mile journey to my new   hello how I was feeling and what I needed to hear. (
      home in Fredericksburg, Virginia. As we slowly approached      She began with, “I know you are dealing with a lot, and   in/josettejveltri/) 
      the college gates, I felt the exuberant, enthusiastic energy
      of the students and families as they unloaded cars, vans and
      u-hauls. I remember taking a deep breath as we parked and            OFFERINg 4.5 % COMMISSION ON NEW LISTINgS!!
      walked toward the steps of my dormitory. I recall hearing                     I AM A RESIDENT OWNER & SELL ALL AREAS OF BOCA & BOCA POINTE!
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      after receiving my where-to-go directions, my mom, sister
      and I descended down the lonely steps to my dorm room.                               ExPERIENCE ISN’T ExPENSIvE - IT’S PRICELESS!
         My first impression was disappointing. I noticed the                       Prudence J. (PJ) Carswell
      barren interior, non-carpeted floors and empty walls. My
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