Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - October '23
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Page 2, The Jewish Voice

      Volunteers Prepare from page 1                    Back  events  throughout  November
                                                        and December to honor the miracle
      Giving  Back  during                              of  lights.  Federation’s  partners
      Hanukkah,  Martin                                 at Alpert  Jewish  Family  Service,
      Luther King Jr. Day                               The Kind Kitchen and MorseLife
      of Service, and Good                              Health System also have several
      Deeds Day. Since its                              opportunities  throughout  the  year
      inception, Kohl JVC’s                             for volunteers of all ages. Contact
      projects have helped                    
      nearly 100,000 local                              for more information about how you
      community members                                 can help.
      in  need  thanks  to
      more than 5,000                                   Alpert JFS Provides Food
      annual volunteers of
      all ages, faiths, and
      backgrounds.                                      for High Holy Days
        Kohl JVC will be
      seeking volunteers for its annual 8 Days, 8 Ways of Giving
                                                           In advance of the Jewish Holy Days, Ferd &
                                                        Gladys Alpert Jewish Family Service assembled
                                                        and delivered Rosh Hashanah baskets filled with
                                                        gefilte fish, matzah ball soup, honey, honey cake,
                                                        cans of carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and
                Medicare                                in need. Recipients of the food baskets included:
                                                        a holiday greeting card to 200 local households

                                                        Alpert JFS kosher food pantry clients, counseling
                                                        clients, homebound seniors, single-parent families,
        open enrollMent                                 families who recently lost a job, households
                                                        that have trouble making ends meet, ALICE
                                                        households (Asset Limited, Income Constrained,
                                                        Employed), households with three generations,
                                                        clients experiencing health complications, etc.    said Belinda Lasky, Director of Volunteer Leadership and
                                                           Alpert JFS volunteers also distributed hot Rosh Hashanah

                    for 2024                            meals to Holocaust survivors living in Palm Beach County   Food Insecurity, Alpert Jewish Family Service.
                                                                                                             The assembly of the baskets
                                                        ahead of the High Holy Days. These meals were prepared by

                                                        The Kind Kitchen, a nonprofit that provides warm, nourishing
                                                        meals to those in need.                            was done by Alpert JFS volunteers
                                                                                                           and residents of the Levine Jewish
                                                           “We are grateful to the community for supporting this
                cHecK For                                 program through donations collected through food drives. We   Residential & Family Service.
                                                                                                             Alpert JFS provides food for

                                                        are also grateful to the many Alpert Jewish Family Service
                                                                                                           those in need throughout the year.
                   eXcItInG                             staff and volunteers who deliver the baskets to our clients.   If you are in need, or want to learn
                                                        Coordinating over 200 deliveries throughout the county
                                                                                                           more,  visit
                                                        means we have to rely on a dedicated team of volunteers,”   food-insecurity/.
                                                                                                             Photos courtesy of Alpert JFS
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