Page 3 - The Jewish Voice - October '23
P. 3

The Jewish Voice, Page 3

                                                         From the rabbi

      Would You Rather                                     As the father of 11 children, I marvel each time my wife      Hundreds and thousands of people who pray every day to

      Get What You Want                                 gives birth to a healthy child. Millions, nay billions of details   be blessed with children, and would give all that they have
                                                        have to work together in perfect synchronicity to allow a
                                                                                                           for a single son or daughter, have yet to merit it (may G‑d
      or Want What You Get?                             healthy child to be born — indeed, the miracle of a healthy   bless them with the speedy fulfillment of their heart’s desires),
                                                        child never gets old.                              while you, who received this blessing (seemingly without an
      By Rabbi Dovid Vigler                                Eckart Tolle says that gratitude is an essential part of being   overabundance of praying for it) do not recognize what a
         When a fellow woke up                          present. When you go deeply into the present, gratitude arises   treasure and joy this is, writing as you do in your letter…
      from a three-day coma in the                      spontaneously. Sadly, I know many people who seem to have      My point is that perhaps the reason for your weak health
      hospital, he cried when he saw                    it all, yet are miserable. One could be living in Paradise and be   and your difficulties in earning a living is your utter failure
      the medical bill for $15,000.                     like Adam who complained to G-d for creating his wife, or you   to appreciate G‑d’s blessing to you in a far more basic matter
      Confused, his wife tried to                       could be living in Auschwitz and praise G-d each morning for   than perfect health and abundant sustenance — the blessing
      calm him down, assuring him                       giving you another day of life. Your attitude affects not only   of sons and daughters who follow the ways of G‑d. When one
      that they could afford to pay                     your mood, it actually impacts your outcome.       does not recognize the explicit good bestowed from Above,
      it. “These aren’t tears of fear,                     Gratitude is a choice, not a result. It’s not joy that makes us   particularly when one’s lack of recognition is so extreme that
      they’re tears of gratitude,”                      grateful; it’s gratitude that makes us joyful. What we focus on   it results in statements such as you express in your letter, is
      he explained. “If 72 hours                        magnifies — what we choose to focus on becomes our reality.   it any wonder that blessings are not forthcoming from Above
      of  breathing  oxygen  costs                         Two biblical women had lengthy struggles with infertility,   in other matters?
      $15,000, then each minute of air costs around $3.50. I am moved   with two profoundly different outcomes. When Rachel      This principle is fundamental to the Jewish approach in
      to tears as I think of my gratitude to G-d that I have overlooked   eventually gave birth to her son, she named him Joseph, which   how G-d chooses to operate: What you give is what you get,
      for all the air He has freely given me all the years of my life!”  means “more,” expressive of her desire for another child.   and you’ve got to be careful what you pray for.
         As human beings, we struggle with a peculiar malady known   When Chana gave birth to her son, Samuel, she immediately      When we’re thankful for what we have, we’ll end up
      as broken tile syndrome. When observing a ceiling, our attention   sang a song of gratitude and praise to G-d. Sadly, Rachel died   having more. When we focus on what we lack, we’ll never
      will always be drawn to the single broken tile, overlooking the 99   soon after, during the birth of her second son, Benjamin, while   have enough. Emphasizing the light attracts even more light;
      tiles that are perfect. This negativity bias can easily ruin a perfect   Chana proceeded to give birth to six more sons. When we focus   obsessing over darkness keeps us in the dark. No one likes a
      day with a single foul encounter or even a negative text message.   on joy, the blessings flow. Indeed, when the farmer would   grouch. When G-d sees us thanking Him for what we have,
         This is why we Jews spend so much time acknowledging   graciously thank G-d for the First Fruits, the Torah promises   He gets inspired to give us ever more!
      our Creator countless times each day. Not only do we pray   him that he will merit another year of bounty.      With deep sensitivity, the Rebbe encouraged the letter-
      three times a day, but we actually are supposed to recite at      When someone wrote to the Rebbe complaining bitterly   writer to force himself to be happy, and explained that this
      least 100 blessings every single day. We learn about the   about his life, the Rebbe’s incredible response was that his   was for his own good. Serving Hashem with overflowing joy
      affirmations of gratitude that Jewish farmers recited when   own negative attitude was hindering his success! His choice   will immediately initiate a reciprocal response from Heaven
      they gratefully brought their First Fruits as a gift to G-d in   to overlook the great blessings of marriage and children   that will cause your blessings to overflow in all matters dear
      the Holy Temple. There’s even a blessing we’re supposed to   that G-d had showered upon him was repelling his ability to   to you. Thus the Rebbe concludes his letter:
      recite each time we emerge from the bathroom!     experience more abundance in his life. An attitude of gratitude      My hope is that these few lines will suffice to open your
         In a sermon delivered on Shabbos, November 29, 1986,   is the key to prosperity.                  eyes to see your situation in its true light. And when you begin
      the Rebbe explains that the purpose of these blessings is not      In answer to your letter … in which you write of the   to serve G‑d with a true and inner joy, surely G‑d will increase
      so G-d should know how much we appreciate Him, but rather   current state of your affairs, adding that “all my life, no   His blessings also in regard to health and sustenance...
      so we know how much He appreciates us. When it dawns   good has befallen me” … It seems that you are unaware of      Don’t be upset when there’s a detour on the way to your
      upon us how many gifts G-d continuously showers upon us   the contradiction in your letter.          destiny. Keep your spirits up and that’s what will make it all
      — from the breath we breathe to the food we eat and from      For a man whom the Creator has provided his partner   work out!
      the glorious sunshine to the people in whose love we thrive   in life, and has blessed them with children, to say that,      Rabbi Dovid Vigler is spiritual leader at Chabad of Palm
      — we are filled with gratitude and joy for the undeserved   “all my life, good has eluded me,” is ingratitude in a most   Beach Gardens and host of the Jewish Schmooze Radio Show.
      bounty that constantly flows our way.             shocking manner…                                   Email him at

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