Page 3 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
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April 2024                                                                 April 2024                                                   PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
      From The Editor:

      Touched By An Angel …

         Most of us have never                          the Detention Center in Belle Glade. Inmates remain at those   Angela and her sister would sometimes accompany their
      been  arrested  so  we  can                       locations until they are released, their trial is completed or   father and sing and play an instrument. When the Pastor
      only imagine the feelings                         they complete one to two years of confinement.     of Faith Church in West Palm Beach told the congregation
      experienced when some of                             Faith leaders in our community have organized a ministry   he was looking for volunteers for a program here, Angela
      our freedoms are restricted.                      to serve those who are in custody in the jails. A friend of mine,   instinctively volunteered. Roy Kauffman is the author of a
      Fortunately, my only                              Angela Kauffman, is one of the Lord’s angels on earth who   book entitled, “Breaking Out of Your Prison – 12 Keys that
      experience with an arrest was                     volunteers to help those who are detained in Palm Beach   Unlock the Door.” It is available on Amazon and I ordered a
      my visit to Lake Park police                      County. Weekly she drives an hour to Belle Glade to provide   copy. He discusses anger, depression, loneliness, fears and
      station 30 years ago to bail                      a spiritual dimension to the experience of the women assigned   reality.
      out two elderly clients who                       to that location. Angela also visits the Gun Club Road Center      Although not physically constrained, we are all in a prison
      were arrested for shoplifting                     twice a month and sometimes ministers to the men. Bible   in our mind when we allow issues to isolate us. We must learn
      at Kmart on Northlake                             study is incorporated in the visits along with DVD’s from   to evaluate what is good for us and our relationships with
      Boulevard. They tried to exit the store through the Garden   clergy and music. Angela has developed a Pen Pal program   family and friends.
      Department with items wrapped in their sweaters. The police   in which inmates provide prayer requests to Angela and      Re-entry to society is another challenge for inmates when
      were called and they were handcuffed and placed in a police   volunteers respond with email letters to the women. Privacy   they are released. Angela is working on a re-entry housing
      car. I paid the bail and they were released within minutes.   is maintained since only first names or nicknames are used   program. Two thirds of inmates released are likely to be
      If I had not been available that evening, my clients would   and the letters are forwarded to Angela and she uploads them   re-arrested within three years. The challenges are housing,
      have been transported to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s   to the County portal.                     employment, drug and/or alcohol use and mental health
      Office Stockade on Gun Club Road in West Palm Beach.      Roy Kauffman, Angela’s father, was a minister in Franklin   programs.
      Those arrested in western Palm Beach County are taken to   County, Pennsylvania who was a prison chaplain. As a child,      Angela met an inmate who has been at the Belle Glade
                                                                                                           Center for five years awaiting trial. That is an unusual situation
                                                                                                           but there is nothing about jail that is usual. Every case has
        Commissioner’s Update from page 1                                                                  different circumstances and varying factors that affect the
                                                                                                           time of confinement including the legal representation.
        Spring Training utilized an additional 96,000 room nights.   the St. Louis Cardinals and Miami Marlins each year for   Inmates range in age from juveniles to those in their eighties.
        In total, these sports events created an estimated $300   their Major League Baseball Spring Training and CACTI      I encourage you to consider becoming a volunteer for the
        million in economic impact to Palm Beach County.   Park of the Palm Beaches in West Palm Beach, hosts the   Pen Pal Program by contacting Angela Kauffman by email at
           This past year has positioned Palm Beach County at   Washington Nationals and Houston Astros. A letter can be up to 6,000 characters
        the top of the sports spectrum. As Florida’s Golf Capital,      As residents of Palm Beach County we know how truly   when communicating with the inmates who are lonely and
        the PGA TOUR, PGA TOUR Champions, NCAA DI        valuable our location in the country is. With an average   afraid. You can change the course of someone’s life by letting
        Women’s Golf Championship, and the Jackson T. Stephens   year-round temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit, 47 miles   them know they are not forgotten and provide encouragement.
        Cup call Palm Beach County home. Palm Beach County   of breathtaking beaches, over 160 golf courses, 45 parks   These women and men will appreciate the communication
        hosted the best of racquet sports with international tennis   with vast multipurpose playing fields, and more than 346   from you and Angela and they will understand that they were
        and pickleball events, and equestrian sports continue to   acres of polo and equestrian facilities, it is no wonder that   touched by an angel.
        thrive with Wellington’s Winter Equestrian Festival. Our   Palm Beach County continues to increase its sports tourism      Until next month…
        sports commission partnered with the United States Polo   economic impact.                                                 James A. Cioffi, Esq., Editor
        Association in bringing FIP World Polo Championships to      For more information on ways to experience sports in        
        the National Polo Center and the United States for only the   Palm Beach County, please visit www.palmbeachsports.
        second time. Jupiter’s Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium hosts   com/events.                            P.S. If you would like to share a story related to this topic,
                                                                                                           please forward it to me.

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