Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - November '20
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Page 12, Viewpointe                                                 November 2020
      Is Your Home

      Safe From Falls                                      Residents Are Registered on

      By Joseph Gillespie, MSPT; Deana Hicks PTA  Are You?

         It is  known that the                                If  you  have  never  registered  on  the  Community   web site Residents Only page and click on the “User
      most common cause of falls                           Association web site, call Access Control for our   Profile” link.
      occur in our homes where                             “Community Code,” then go to      Once you are a registered user, to log onto the web
      we are most comfortable. A                           Click on the “Not registered yet?” link right under the   site, you simply go to and you will
      fall can happen as easily as                         log in box.                                     find the User name and Password boxes in the top right
      tripping on a rug which can                             If you think you are registered, but just can’t   hand corner. Fill in your information, then click on the
      result in a fracture, ending                         remember your User Name and Password, click on the   small blue forward arrow. The log in is “case sensitive.”
      up in the ER and leading                             “Forgot your password?” link and it will be mailed to      If you are a smartphone user, we now have a mobile
      to decreased quality of                              the email address you used when you registered.  version of the web site for your use that even includes
      life, losing independence                               Want to update your email address or add your   a Comment Form. Let us know what you think and
      and possible disability. We                          mobile number to receive text messages? Go to the   give us your suggestions for improvements. 
      all know someone who has fallen in their home or has it
      happened to you personally??
         More than 1 in 3 people of age 65 or older fall, leading to
      injury. Simple home improvements can keep you and your
      loved ones safe from this. Here are a few tips:
         1) Clean up clutter!! Make sure walking paths are clear.
      Keep stacks of stuff out of the way such as papers, clothes
      and shoes. KEEP AREAS NEAT AND TIDY!
         2) Remove throw rugs, repair flooring that might be
      damaged and arrange furniture so navigation can be easy with
      clear paths throughout all rooms of the home. Also remove
      all chairs that have wheel casters on them!!
         3) Install grab bars and handrails. Handrails should be
      installed by stairs and grab bars by toilets and showers/bath
      tubs. Non skid mats can be placed on the shower/tub floors
      and shower chairs can be placed inside the shower. Be sure
      to clean up any water on tiled floors, as this creates a very
      slippery surface and is often the cause of major slips and
         4) Avoid wearing loose clothing. Loose clothing can be
      comfortable, however can also get caught on items which
      can result in imbalance and falls.
         5) Light up rooms. Inadequate lighting can be a hazard. A
      well lit area with brighter lights can be less hazardous. Install
      brighter lights and/or night lights in areas such as stairways,
      hallways and bathrooms.
         6) Live in a 1 level home. Stairs can cause falls especially
      without handrails for people with decrease strength, balance,
      endurance and over mobility. If stairs are unavoidable or
      you cannot move from your present home, you can consider
      installing the “Easy Climber Chair Lift’ that is a motor chair
      lift that can be installed to allow seated transport up and down
      the stairs.
         7) Take your time!!! Go slow and be aware of your
      surroundings. We are comfortable in our own homes which
      can be a false sense of security.
         There are many uncontrollable factors which can lead to
      falls such as changes in aging, decreased eyesight, decreased
      hearing, decreased reflexes and neuropathy.
         These changes can affect our balance, strength, endurance
      and over mobility. Fall related problems do arise as we
      age and prevention is the key. Decrease your risk of falls
      by eating healthy, staying physically fit and practicing
      balance exercises. Physical Therapy can be a major factor
      in improving your balance. With a good program you can
      decrease your risk of falling by improving coordination and
      improving your confidence.
         Once a fall has occurred your fear of falling increases so
      clean up your house and get on a good balance program. We
      at the Physical Therapy department can help you get started

         Joseph E Gillespie, MSPT and Deana Hicks, PTA are
      licensed Physical Therapists providing therapy in the Athletic
      Center at Boca Pointe.
         Members and non-members are welcome. Medicare and
      private insurances are accepted. 

               Grand Opening

        Best Price cleaners

                    163 N.Powerline Rd.,
                      Ross/KFC Plaza

         Most  Garments  3            .49*


              *No limit, must pre-pay, restrictions apply
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