Page 17 - The Jewish Voice - November '20
P. 17

The Jewish Voice, Page 17

                                                          asK the rabbi

      Two Against One                                       Unfortunately, what we are seeing today is an effort   It is not his job, and he doesn’t really care if someone else
                                                         to create divisiveness between people, which can be used   will do good or bad. In contrast, the G-dly soul cares and
      By Rabbi Leib Ezagui                               to gain control or manipulate large groups. In truth, this   wants others to do good as well.
         Question:  With  so                             does not represent the majority of good people out there      We can see this same issue on small scale with toxic
      much negativity constantly                         who deep down truly want to connect and respect others.   relationships.
      being shoved at us from                               Kabbalah explains that every person has a G-dly      Toxic people will share deep secrets with people just
      the media,  what  can  I do                        inclination and an evil inclination. The G-dly soul is   to seem momentarily interesting and they will frequently
      to create a more positive                          constantly pushing us to get in control and do good, even   judge or gossip about people behind their backs. Toxic
      environment in our family                          when we don’t feel like it — while the evil inclination   people will often talk behind somebody’s back to you in
      business? I  feel  as if  the                      wants us to let ourselves go and give in all the time!  the hopes that you will agree with them. They will then
      division makes employees                              The key is to remember that spirituality is selfless and   go and tell the other person what you said. This creates
      second  guess  each  other                         always looking out for the greater good and the good of   friction  between  two  people,  leaving  the  toxic  person
      and puts a peg in between                          others. The evil inclination, on the other hand, is selfish   in the middle holding all the cards. It’s a divisive and
      the workers.                                       and just wants us alone to mess up.               manipulative  method  of  gaining  friends  or  power  in  a
         Answer: We live in one of the greatest countries in      There is a famous saying that when two Jews get   social group. Do not take the bait.
      modern-day history, a place where all people can practice   together it is two G-dly souls against one animal soul.      We just came from Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New
      what they believe in without being bothered or bothering   Because in the struggle to take control of a person, the   Year) and the holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot is one of the most
      others.                                            animal soul only cares that we follow our instincts blindly.   beautiful holidays because, after Yom Kippur when we
                                                                                                           prayed and asked forgiveness, we are elevated to such a
                                                                                                           level where every type of Jew can sit together in the same
                                                                                                           sukkah. The sukkah is a mitzvah that surrounds us and is
                                                                                                           compared to G-d hugging us — and everyone is welcome
                                                                                                           to get in on the hug!
                                                                                                              The answer is if we can learn to gain control of our
                                                                                                           own toxic and evil inclinations, those around us won’t
                                                                                                           have to second guess themselves and will feel empowered
                                                                                                           and comfortable to do the same. It’s two against one!
                                                                                                              Rabbi Leib serves as youth director for Chabad House
                                                                                                           Lubavitch of Palm Beach and runs the Jewish School of the
                                                                                                           Arts kid’s program, (561) 624-7004. The advice offered in
                                                                                                           this column is for informational purposes only and is not
                                                                                                           intended as a substitute for professional advice. To ask the
                                                                                                           rabbi a question, email

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