Page 16 - The Islander - December '20
P. 16

Page 16, The IslanderThe Islander
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                                                          commissioNer’s Update


                                                                By County Commissioner Maria Marino

         As the newly elected District                   to move people from place to place. Whether that be from   facilities both tutorial and afterschool, camp programs and other
      1 County Commissioner, I                           home to work, school, entertainment or recreational venues,   opportunities for our children to have a healthy, physically fit
      am thrilled to be serving our                      autonomous vehicles, ridesharing, light rail or walking will   and mind-expanding life.
      residents in Northern Palm                         be the future. I look forward to the day when moving people      Many of you may ask, “What are your priorities?” My
      Beach County. I look forward                       means more than just getting in your car and when development   immediate priorities include:
      to working with all of you to                      is centered near a mobility hub to make that easy. With the      • Investing in public safety and our first responders to keep
      enhance the high quality of                        advent of Brightline, the county and the municipalities will   our neighborhoods and businesses safe and sound
      life we enjoy as well as being                     continue to ensure quiet zones are installed at rail crossings,      • Expanding our parks and recreation systems for the health
      a watchdog on our budget to                        security measures are in place and train horns will be used just   and well-being of our children and families
      make sure your tax dollars are                     for emergencies.                                     • Protecting our natural resources
      being spent wisely.                                   As a lifelong small business owner, I appreciate the      • Working with our community partners for economic
         During my tenure on the Palm Beach Gardens City Council,   challenges that face our local businesses when adapting to   growth and job creation
      as mayor, vice mayor and council member, I focused on keeping   crises and changing market conditions. The lifeblood of our      • Making sure our agricultural industry continues to be a
      our tax rates low and investing public dollars wisely. This   local economy is our small business owner, 80 percent of which   leading economic driver for our county
      included encouraging economic development, bringing jobs   employ 10 people or less. Also, we are blessed to live in an area      •  Improving  the  roadway  network  to  reduce  traffic
      and new businesses to the community all while balancing the   where our climate and lifestyle are attracting larger companies,   congestion and encourage safety
      creation of quality housing, recreational venues and preserving   thus diversifying our industries and job opportunities. Palm      • Collaborating with educational institutions to develop
      conservation lands and water storage for future generations.  Beach County, along with our Business Development Board,   more technical programs for our youth
         Collaborating with national, state, and local officials on   has been actively pursuing high technology and financial      • Promoting open, transparent, and accessible county
      regional transit issues has also been a focus of mine. Looking   services companies, many of which have landed in the north   government
      for alternate modes of transportation is a priority as mobility is   end of the county like the Carrier Corporation in Palm Beach      My door is always open and my phone on. Please feel free
      on the rise all around us. A goal would be to take more cars off   Gardens. I plan to be a part of those future continued efforts.  to reach out anytime at (561) 355-2201 to share your thoughts.
      the roads but have more cost-effective and convenient options      Philanthropy, volunteerism, and physical health are high   I look forward to a continued partnership with all of you and
                                                         priorities. This desire to give back has led me to raise much   attending an upcoming meeting in your community. Remember,
                                                         needed funds for at-risk children and their families, educational   I am a public servant. I was elected by the public to serve.
             NoNprofit News

                                                           LocaL GoverNmeNt from page 14                      It is important to understand that your physical driver
                                                                                                           license or ID will not be replaced. The new digital format
                                                              We are currently accepting applications for the 2021   complements traditional driver licenses/ID cards, allowing
                  The Arc’s                                property tax season now through April 30. Enrollment   Florida residents to provide proof of their identity and driving
                                                                                                           privileges from a mobile device. The Florida Department of
                                                           is complete when your first installment payment is
            President And                                  received during the month of June. Apply online at   Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports the program will
                                                                                                           be rolled out in 2021.
         CEO Recognized                                       Ask Anne: Can You Please                            Important Dates And
                                                                 Explain Digital Driver
           As Community                                      Licenses And What Changes                     Dec. 24-25  Offices closed for holidays
                                                                                                                     December installment payment due
                                                                                                           Dec. 31
                                                                     We Can Expect?
                       Giant                                  Anne: Florida will soon become one of the first states to   Dec. 31   Last day to receive 3 percent property tax
                                                                                                             Born in February? Registrations

                                                           offer digital driver licenses and identification cards through   expire at midnight on your birthday.
         Kimberly  McCarten                                a smartphone app. Digital licenses and IDs are optional and   Renew 90 days in advance at www.
      consistently leads The Arc of                        are considered a valid form of identification.
      Palm Beach County to new
      heights as its president and
      CEO. So tremendous are the
      nonprofit’s achievements that
      the Inner City Youth Golfers
      organization has named
      McCarten a Community Giant,
      recognizing her contributions
      to the future and to the stability
      of children in the community.                                   Upscale Resale
         The Arc’s Stand Up program exemplifies McCarten’s impact.
      Stand Up matches high school student mentors with same-age
      peers at The Arc, and serves as a model of how to build inclusive   Experience The Difference
      communities. The result has been improved understanding and
      acceptance of people with disabilities. After two short years, the   New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
      student mentor program has achieved national recognition.  Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
         “Learning to accept people of all abilities should be part of
      every young person’s education,” said McCarten, The Arc’s
      president and CEO. “We are proud to offer a program at The
      Arc that helps kids to bridge their differences and find ways to
      connect. We want them to take those lessons into their future
      interactions and leadership roles.”
         McCarten and her team strive to empower, engage, and
      enhance the lives of people with developmental disabilities.
      Since taking over as the president and CEO in 2014, The Arc
      has expanded its programs, improved client outcomes, and
      strengthened community and donor relationships.
         The Community Giant award will be presented to McCarten                  Call us to sell. See us to buy.
      at the Inner City Youth Golfers’ annual Community Service   Over 16,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!
      Awards and Auction on Saturday, Dec. 12, at Eastpoint Country
      Club in Palm Beach Gardens.                         PALM BEACH GARDENS: Promenade Plaza
      About The Arc Of Palm Beach County                  9810 Alternate A1A • 561.694.0964
         The Arc is changing the conversation around disabilities by
      defying definitions, inspiring possibilities, and improving the   WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
      lives of the people we serve, their families, and our community.   13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222
      Since 1958, The Arc has envisioned a community where every
      person feels welcome, connected and accepted.                                            Nanci Smith, CEO
                         Photo by Tracey Benson Photography
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