Page 18 - The Islander - December '20
P. 18

Page 18, The Islander


                               The Taj Mahal … New World Wonder

                                                    By Don Kiselewski, MCC, D.S., Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders

         Since the Taj Mahal was                         Whomever the designer,
      proclaimed one of the “New                         there were numerous details
      Seven Wonders of the World,”                       incorporated into the design
      one might think that the Taj                       to trick the eye and give the
      is the primary structure in                        building its unique qualities.
      Agra, India … however, this                        One such detail was the
      is not the case. The structure is                  border that was placed around
      nothing more than a tomb that                      the arched entrance door.
      stands just outside the Agra or                    This border was intentionally
      “Red” fort. This fort has been                     widened as it rises up the wall
      a stronghold in Indian history                     to create the optical illusion
      and dominates the area. The                        that the width of this trim is
      Taj is located just to the east of the fortress of Agra on the south   constant when seen from the
      bank of the Yamuna River.                          ground. Perhaps the subtlest
         The Agra fortress got its “Red” nickname from the red   architectural feature that
      sandstone from which it was built. Although a fort, the interior   truly sets the stage to frame
      of the structure has the trappings of a palace with the roof of   the building is the 138-foot-
      the throne room covered with gold leaf. An intricately carved   tall minarets on each corner,
      marble pavilion dominates the center of the open space to go   which actually lean out. These were purposely constructed   perfect surroundings. It was believed that the Shah Jahan had
      along with the palatial décor. I’m not sure exactly when they   so that the axis of the circular tower is not vertical but rather   started to construct an identical monument on the north side
      showed up, but today man shares the Red Fort with his ape   leans away from the main structure … causing an illusion   of the river, just opposite the Taj. It was said to be constructed
      ancestors. The monkeys can be seen everywhere running along   that the mausoleum is rising up.       in contrasting black marble. Today, two small tilting towers
      the railings and parapets, and gathering in small groups to play.     The complex that the Taj Mahal sits within is a rectangular   are all that remain from this effort. The barren bank behind
         Shah  Jahan  was the  third  son of  Emperor Jahangir   space measuring 1,900 feet by 1,000 feet. In the center is a   the Taj and the fields across the river remain free of structures,
      and grandson of Emperor Akbar. He was born 100 years   rectangular garden and pool that is oriented in a north/south   maintaining the visual eloquence of the Taj. Recent findings
      after Columbus discovered America and was titled Prince   direction. At the south end is the gateway building, while at   submit that the plan was not for a black mausoleum to mirror
      Khurram in 1612 when he was just 20 years old. This is the   the north end is the mausoleum. Two identical buildings flank   the Taj, but rather a large pool that would reflect the image of
      year when he married Arjumand Banu Begum. Jahan was   the mausoleum building on the sides. One is a mosque, and   the Taj on the other side of the river.
      ambitious to gain the throne of the Mughal Empire in the   the other is called jawah, which means “duplicate.” These      Joking about the Taj Mahal has long been a standard
      Indian subcontinent, so when he was 30 years old he staged   buildings are built of red sandstone. The Taj Mahal itself is   of describing the very best in architectural excellence and
      a rebellion against his father. The attempt was unsuccessful   constructed of white Makrana marble. It is a square measuring   construction workmanship, especially when we describe
      and Jahan went into exile. For the next three years he traveled   186 feet on each side with grooved corners and massive arches   governmental buildings. I can assure you that no modern-day
      around the country waiting for his father to forgive him. They   that rise to a height of 108 feet. The onion-shaped dome in the   structure could possibly meet these standards. You must see it
      reconciled in 1625, just two years before his father died.   center is some 243 feet above the garden level below. Matching   yourself to believe it. It took a personal visit to drive home the
      With the support of his wife’s family, Shah Jahan proclaimed   parapets stand above the arches in each corner of the building.  fact that unquestionably, the Taj is the most beautiful structure
      himself emperor at Agra in February 1628.             A close-up inspection reveals the magnitude of the work   in the world. I have never witnessed such dynamic architecture
         The next 25 years, Shah Jahan proceeded to enlarge and   effort, where it can be truly appreciated. The carvings on   and exquisite workmanship. After experiencing the complex,
      strengthen Mughal power throughout India. In 1657 he became   the marble panels that surround the Taj are literally icing   it becomes apparent why it took 20,000 laborers and masons
      ill, and once again there was struggle for power within his   on the cake. Interior partitions within the mausoleum are   22 years to complete.
      family. The winner among his four sons was Aurangzeb, who   approximately 4 inches thick and were sawed completely      Don Kiselewski writes from his personal experiences,
      declared himself emperor in 1658. Aurangzeb placed his father   through, cutting the marble into puzzle pieces. These marble   having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans, seas
      under house arrest until his death on January 22, 1666. It is said   pieces were then replaced with colored semi-precious stones,   and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders,
      that the only solace Jahan had during these last years of his life   creating floral designs. Colored light is carried to the inside   his family owned and operated agency, is located at Mirasol
      was in the memories of his loving wife. The balcony of his   of the space through these stones, much like the stained-glass   Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6,
      chamber faced the beautiful monument that he had built for her.  windows found in the cathedrals of Europe.  Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been serving the travel
         Arjumand Banu Begum (Begum is the title for a Muslim      The location of the Taj makes it so that there is nothing in   needs of the South Florida area for over a quarter of a century.
                                                                                                                                    GRAND OPENING
      woman of high social rank) was the favorite wife of Jahan,   its background. It is the only structure that can be viewed …   Contact him at (561) 694-9696 or
      and they are said to have been inseparable companions until   no buildings are behind or adjacent that could interfere with its   Photos by Don Kiselewski
      her death from childbirth in 1631. He affectionately called her
      Mumtaz Mahal, which means, “ornament of the palace.” The
      mausoleum containing her body was named the Taj Mahal,
      stemming from his term of endearment. It is also the burial
      place of Shah Jahan.
         Three names have been suggested as architect of the
      Taj. Ustad Isa,
      the master builder
      of Persia at the
      time, is a possible                                                           
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      from afar, taking   Interior view of the mosque that is part                                                          Ceramic X3
      in its majesty.   of the Taj complex, Agra.                                                                                 (Reg. $22)

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                                                                                           (next to Popeyes Chicken)
       The Agra fortress known as the “Red” Fort, Agra, India
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