Page 12 - Stuart Exposure - October '21
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Page 12, Stuart Exposure

      Stuart Chamber Happenings from page 11

                                                                                                            October 2021
                                                                                      Please Post
                                                                                    For Employees      1650 S. Kanner Highway, Stuart, FL 34994
                                                                                                 287-1088 • Fax: 220-3437 •
                                                                                    Sunday    Monday    Tuesday  Wednesday  ursday      Friday   Saturday
                                                                                    SAVE                          ursday, Nov. 18th   1         2
                                                                                  SDS THE                           5:00-7:00PM
                                                                                                              St. Mary’s Pittenger Center
                                                                                      For Sponsorship and Vendor Info, Contact Sarah at
                                                                                   3         4         5         6          7         8         9
                                                                                                         Breakfast                     LEADERship
                                                                                                         7:45 AM                      Alumni Board
                                                                                                        Sponsored by:                   8:00 AM
                                                                                                       Salvation Army                   Chamber*
                                                                                                        of Martin Co.
                                                                                                       821 S.E. M.L.K. Jr
                                                                                                        Blvd., Stuart
                                                                                   10        11        12        13         14        15        16
                                                                                                                   Luncheon  LEADERship
                                                                                                                   11:45AM    Planning
                                                                                                                  Miles Grant    Committee
                                                                                                                  Country Club  8:00 AM
                                                                                                                  5101 S.E. Miles
                                                                                                                 Grant Rd., Stuart
                                                                                                                  Sponsored by:
                                                                                             Chamber Closed      Stuart Air Show
      Stuart/Martin County Chamber members enjoyed tasty treats at the Sept. 21 Networking
      Breakfast, hosted and sponsored by Photographics. During the breakfast, owner and Chamber   17  18  Career Connect  20 Meeting  21  22    23
      Trustee Chris Smith cut the ceremonial ribbon to celebrate his new location at 1601 N.W.           Breakfast  7:30 AM   Virtual
                                                                                                         7:45 AM
      Federal Highway, Stuart, as Chamber members and his staff cheered him on.                        Flagler Center  Chamber*  Morning Joe
                                                                                                                              Via Zoom
                                                                                                       201 S.W. Flagler   After Hours  8:00-9:00 AM
                                                                                                         Ave., Stuart   5:30-7:00 PM
                                                                                                        Sponsored by:
                    sEnior                                                                               Josephine’s    3380 S.W. 42nd Ave.
                                                                                                        Renato’s &
                                                                                                                    Palm City
                                                                                   24        25        26        27         28        29         30
                  MattErs                                                                               Networking  Transportation
                                                                                                                  Local Govt. &
                                                                                                         7:45 AM
                                                                                   31                  Martin Funeral   Meeting
                                                                                                        961 S. Kanner    Chamber*
                                                                                    Halloween           Hwy., Stuart
        Not Just For Seniors                                                              *  e Chamber Conference Center is sponsored by Treasure Coast Urgent Care  9/14/21
        Be Prepared For Caregiving
        By Arati Hammond,                                 Impact100 Martin: Making
        Realtor at Keller
        Williams Realty,Seniors                           An Impact In Our Community
        Real Estate Specialist
        and Certified Luxury
        Home Marketing                                       Since it was founded
        Specialist                                        in 2017, Impact100
           Unt i l  t he y’re                             Martin has invested
        thrust into the role of                           nearly $700,000 in
        caregiver, few are really                         grants to local nonprofits
        prepared for the job.                             for initiatives that create
           Many more people                               positive, lasting change
        have suddenly become caregivers during the pandemic   in our community.
        because they’ve opted to bring a parent or loved   To date, the women’s
        one into their home and create a multigenerational   collective giving organization has presented grants  Kickoff Set For November 2
        household. Others have pulled loved ones out of long-  of $100,000 each to Project LIFT, the Education      Anyone interested in learning about or becoming a member
        term care settings permanently.                   Foundation of Martin County, House of Hope and   of Impact100 Martin is invited to attend this year’s Kickoff set
           Maybe you’re now sharing a roof with a senior   SafeSpace.                                      for November 2 at 5 p.m. at Florida Oceanographic Society’s
        relative or are responsible for caring for one.      The group also stepped up to the plate last year at the  Ocean Eco-Center. The free event includes complimentary
           Though such work can be rewarding, it also entails   height of the pandemic, awarding $224,000 to 14 area  light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar; attendees can also tour
        a considerable amount of emotional, physical, and   health and human service organizations for COVID-19  the Eco-Center prior to the program.
        financial strain. You’re likely to need resources and   relief and recovery.                          You’re invited to join hundreds of philanthropically minded
        advice to get you through the tough days and plan for      And they’re just getting started.       women who believe in changing our world for the better.
        the obstacles that may come.                         Impact100 Martin has a goal of reaching at least 306  Bring your friends, family and associates to this inspiring and
        • Respect the autonomy of the person you’re caring   members in its 2021-2022 year, which will enable the  informative evening!
        for and include them in decisions about their care.  organization to grant a total of $1 million in just five     To RSVP to attend the Kickoff, learn more about Impact100
        • Incorporate moments of joy – music, games, and   years. Now that’s making an Impact!             Martin, or become a member, visit,
        outings – with your loved one.                       Under the Impact100 model, membership drives  e-mail or call 772-288-3795.
        • Care for yourself by taking short breaks during the   philanthropy. Each member contributes $1,000 toward     Impact100 Martin empowers women to create positive,
        day. Meditating and getting exercise can help, and so   grant monies, and for every 100 women members, a  lasting change in Martin County through collective giving.
        can saying “yes” when others offer to help.       $100,000 Impact Grant is awarded. Every member  The philanthropic organization maintains a field of interest
        • Find a caregiver support group.                 then  has  an  equal  vote  in  choosing  which  nonprofit  fund with The Community Foundation Martin-St. Lucie, and
           If you have the luxury of not facing an emergency   organizations receive that funding.         is a chapter of the global Impact100 Council.
        and you have time to plan for future caregiving                                           Paid Advertisement
        responsibilities, do it.
           Ask loved ones to get their paperwork in order
        well before a crisis. That includes advance health care                 Holy Redeemer Women’s Guild
        directives, wills, and information about their finances.
           Also, consider how well suited a loved one’s home                                  Cordially Invites You To Our
        is for aging in place and what modifications you make
        to improve safety.                                                    Christmas Holiday Fair
           After all, the vast majority of those over age 65
        say they want to age in place.
           In addition, research other housing options, even if                                Saturday & Sunday
        you plan to care for someone at home. Things change,
        and if your parent suddenly needs nursing care, you                           November 6 & 7     8:30am - 1:30pm
        won’t be forced to make housing and long-term care                       Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, 1454 SW Mapp Road, Palm City
        choices amid a crisis.
                                                                             Holiday Décor, Gifts, Home Goods, Fashion Items, Jewelry,
                                                                                         Baby Gifts, Pet Treats & MORE ...
                                                                                         Baked Goods & Lunch Available
               Advertise, Check out our website! or call 746-3244                   Purchase Raffle Tickets for a Chance to Win $200 in Holiday Cash
                                                                           For More Information Contact Adrianna Carr (772) 286-4590
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