Page 10 - Abacoa Community News - November '21
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Page 10, Abacoa

        PBC Fire Rescue                                  AbAcoA golf clUb

        Fire Safety Tips                                 Twilight Golf League
        directly impacted by any hurricanes, at least to this  Completes 14th Season
           We have been very fortunate to have not been

        point. Remember that hurricane season continues until
        Nov. 30, but hurricanes have formed in December, so      The Twilight Golf League at the Abacoa Golf Club      In league play, taking first place in the Palmer Flight
        please continue to be storm aware and have a plan in   completed its 14th season with a nine-hole scramble   was Team 1 made up of Jonas Bloomqvist and Zach
        place.                                           tournament in September. Winning the event was the   Johnson. Runner up was Team 3, comprised of Mike
           Thanksgiving plans are likely on the minds of many   team comprised of Vince Chilleni, Bill Serpa and Jerami   Connors and  Joey Santiago. Winning  the  Nicklaus
        residents. To ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable   Eggleston. They shot a spectacular nine-hole total of   Flight was Team 13 consisting of Rob Holden and Mark
        dinner, please keep a few things in mind:        seven under par 29. Finishing second was the team of   Patterson. Finishing in the runner up spot was Team 19
           Since the turkey may be in the oven for several   Jim Dowling, Phil Doe, Shaun Moore and Rob Holden   featuring Barry Capretta and Amine Aghzafi.
        hours, make sure to start with a freshly cleaned oven.   with a very nice 32. Long drive on the 17th hole went      The Twilight Golf League is comprised of 24 two-
        The long-term buildup of heat can cause a fire if there   to Michael Flattery with an impressive 279-yard drive   person teams and plays a 16-week schedule on Thursday
        is a lot of grease, drippings and splatter from previous   right down the middle of the fairway. Closest to the pin   evening at the Abacoa Golf Club from May through
        use.                                             on hole No. 15 went to Clark Huffstrutter whose shot   August. The league will resume play in May 2022.
           If using a deep-fryer, always use it outdoors away   was within one foot.                          For more on the Twilight Golf League, visit www.
        from anything that may ignite in a flareup, and never                                    
        have the deep-fryer sitting on a wooden deck. Also,
        never  place  a  frozen  turkey  into  the  hot  oil.  For  a
        reference of what can go wrong, do an Internet search
        of the hazards of deep-frying a turkey. Typically, there
        are many fires resulting in serious injuries and damage
        each year. Keep an extra watchful eye on children
        around the fryers.
           Having live candles on the table always adds to
        the charm of a festive setting but can present their
        own set of hazards if not attended to and extinguished
        properly. Part of the clearing-the-table process should
        be to extinguish the candles first.
           As with all activities, safety should be the top
        priority to make sure we all stay safe and healthy.
        However, should an unexpected incident, whether   Nicklaus Flight winners:   Nicklaus Flight runners up:   Palmer Flight winners: Jonas   Palmer Flight runners up:
        fire or medical in nature occur, don’t hesitate to dial   Mark Patterson (left), and   Amine Aghzafi (left), and   Bloomqvist (left), and Zach   Joey Santiago (left), and
        9-1-1. Delaying the call can have significantly dire   Rob Holden        Barry Capretta            Johnson                 Mike Connors
                                         Steen Eriksson,
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