Page 22 - Boca Club News - January '22
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Page 22, Boca Club News
Nature & Pets
The Environmental Enthusiast: Your Dog’s Best Year Ever
By Tina K. VaLant. Remember Dr. Take your dog places (collared and leashed), but never Wishing you, and your four-leggeds a happy, healthy and
Dolittle, the man who was able to leave your dog unattended in your vehicle. If your dog likes fun 2022. God knows we can all use it!
converse with all the animals? Boca other dogs, attend and support pet-friendly establishments
Raton’s Tina VaLant, who was named and events. Always use a standard 4-6 foot lead. Never a
Palm Beach County “Animal Friend retractable/flexi. These PBGVs (petit basset
of the Year,” doesn’t claim that ability, Walk your dog—every day, for at least 20 minutes. This griffon vendeen) are not a
but she does relate remarkably well is a minimum daily requirement. Use a standard leash (4-6 breed you see very often.
to flora and fauna. An avid rescuer feet), with the handle secured over your wrist. Walking is Members of the hound
(known for her beloved Australian physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically healthy group, they are food driven,
shepherds), she serves as a foster home to surrendered pets, for the dog and you, too. Don’t forget bio-bags. If your dog is vocal, loyal and extremely
volunteers with numerous organizations and assists wildlife. older or physically unable for a long walk, you can still take adorable. Imagine a long-
She raises/releases ten species of native butterflies, for over them in a wagon or stroller. They will enjoy the scenery and haired dachshund in a
20 years. Recently she garnered worldwide attention with an time spent with you. Leave your phone at home, stand tall, basset hound body.
unexpected animal adventure: reCRABilitation of HERbert, a and walk briskly. Try a walking meditation (no talking). Just
limbless blue land crab. For over four decades, Tina’s award- breathe, take in the sights, and enjoy each other’s company. Photo by Tina K VaLant
winning company, Extraordinary Photography, captures
portraits, pets, weddings, and events. She will answer You and Your Pet:
questions at or (561) 945-6363.
Wild animals live by natural instinct. They do not overeat,
waste energy. They devote their total attention to mindfully Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in Pets
knowingly endanger themselves, drink contaminated water or
living; whether hunting, playing, or resting. They survive,
and thrive. By Dr. B. Dermott, Calusa Veterinary Center, 6900 Congress upper respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal upset,
After the holidays, our clothes may be fitting less loosely. Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33487 (561) 999-3000. www. neurological disorders and multiple eye conditions.
Our pets may also have added weight. Is your dog’s ribcage Unfortunately, there is currently no definitive therapy for
unnoticeable? Is the indentation between the ribcage and Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is one of the most common FeLV. Veterinarians treating and managing FeLV-positive
hips missing? Does his/her tummy protrude? Yes? Your dog infectious diseases in cats, affecting up to 3% of all cats cats showing signs of disease usually treat the presenting
may be overweight. Not only is this uncomfortable for the in the United States. Cats persistently infected with Feline symptoms (like prescribing antibiotics for bacterial skin
dog, it can invite diabetes, high blood pressure, cancerous leukemia virus serve as sources of infection for other cats. infections).
tumors, lung/heart disorders, arthritis and/or joint issues. The virus is shed in saliva, nasal secretions, urine, feces The only sure way to protect cats from FeLV is to prevent
Worst of all: you are decreasing their life expectancy. Our and milk of infected cats. Cat-to-cat transfer of the virus their exposure to FeLV-infected cats. Keeping cats indoors,
dogs rely upon us to feed them nourishing foods, in proper may occur from a bite wound, during mutual grooming, and away from potentially infected cats, is recommended. All
amounts. Maintain proper weight and exercise according to (rarely) through the shared use of litter boxes and feeding cats should be tested for Feline leukemia virus prior to
their health, age and fitness level. If your dog is over seven dishes. Mother cats can also transmit the virus to their introducing them to your home. Food, water bowls and litter
years old, switch them over to a lite/senior food. They don’t kittens either before they are born or through nursing. boxes should not be shared between FeLV-infected cats and
require the same amount of protein when they were younger Cats at greatest risk for infection include those living non-infected cats. Ideally, FeLV-positive cats should not be
and need more fiber. Read labels. Avoid anything with corn, with an FeLV positive cat, or outdoor cats that may be housed with non-infected cats to eliminate the potential for
wheat, soy, or by-products. These are all nutrient-void fillers. exposed to the bite of an infected cat. Infected cats are transmission.
Verify everything is made in the USA. typically diagnosed via blood sampling. A relatively effective vaccine against FeLV is available,
Well-meaning guests may attempt sharing from their Feline leukemia virus is the most common cause of cancer although it will not protect 100% of cats vaccinated. This
plate. Feeding dogs from the table creates beggars, can cause in cats and may lead to a state of immune deficiency that vaccination is recommended for all cats that are allowed to
problems in the pack, and can lead to a fight. Some dogs have hinders a cat’s ability to protect itself against other infections. roam outdoors.
sensitive stomachs, or may be on restrictive diets. Some foods Common bacteria, viruses, etc. that typically do not affect It is important to realize that cats with FeLV can live
can be dangerous to dogs (grapes, chocolate, raisins, onions, healthy cats can cause severe illness in FeLV positive cats. normal lives for prolonged periods of time. The median
mushrooms). Always ask if you can give a dog something During the early stage of infection, most cats do not survival time for cats after FeLV is diagnosed is 2.5
and wait until after the people eat. Stimulate the dog’s brain. experience any clinical signs. However, over time—which years. Once a cat has been diagnosed with FeLV, careful
At least ask them to sit––no reward without work. could be weeks, months, or even years later—an infected monitoring of weight, appetite, activity level, elimination
Do you eat from dirty dishes? Drink from slimy glasses? cat’s health may begin to deteriorate. Common clinical habits, appearance of the mouth and eyes, and behavior is
Enjoy cloudy water? Then don’t ask your dog to, either. Wash signs associate with FeLV include loss of appetite, weight an important part of managing this disease. Any signs of
your dog’s bowls every day with hot, soapy water. Rinse in loss, poor coat condition, enlarged lymph nodes, fever, abnormality in any of these areas should prompt immediate
hot water and allow them to dry. Keep water bowl(s) filled pale gums, gingivitis and mouth inflammation, skin and consultation with a veterinarian.
with fresh, (preferably bottled/filtered) water. Elevate your
bowls, so the dog is not working against gravity for hydration
and nutrition. Everyone deserves a doctor who they
An ice cube now and then is fine, but never a bowl full,
especially when s/he is overheated–doing so can lead to bloat. trust and like. One who listens and
Most dogs have the inherent need to chew. It exercises
their gums, cleans their teeth and calms them. Rawhide is a takes their time to answer questions
beef by-product (read: leftover). It is usually bleached and
preserved with chemicals. Ingesting rawhide can lead to and address concerns. A doctor who is
blockage and death. Raw beef bones (cooked bones splinter),
or porkhide (more digestible) are better choices. available when you need them most.
Recently, one early morning, a small dog squeezed
through a fence. No collar, no ID. He was found by dog lovers
and taken to the shelter, 20 miles away. Luckily, he was home
safe and sound by that evening. Always have a snug collar I provide proactive, preventive, wellness & sick care to
with ID on your dog. Don’t rely on their microchip. Most of adult patients at my concierge medical practice.
us do not carry a chip reader. All readers do not register all
chips. On the tag, use your last name (not the dog’s name)
and two phone numbers. It’s more likely to have your dog To discuss your health needs, and my care model, you
returned if the finder thinks “they don’t even know their
own name.” I always add on the back of my tags: “Needs are invited to a complimentary meet and greet with
Medicine”, along with my vet’s name and number. me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits,
Attention Dog Owners in-person at my practice.
It is your responsibility to Please call 561.368.0191 to schedule your meet and
pick up after greet with me. I look forward to meeting you.
your dog. It’s the law.
Some of you have been Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
negligent in doing so.
Please keep our Recognized as a “Best Doc”. Practicing in our community since 1979.
Boca community
beautiful! 7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433