Page 18 - Boca Club News - January '22
P. 18

Page 18, Boca Club News
      Dining Out: If You Can’t Get to Italy…

      Then Let Italy Come to You!

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                          First Impressions: First, you’ll need to know that   sauté pan in a bath of citrus wine, herb, and heirloom cherry
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                    Louie is located directly on Palmetto and Federal Highway,   tomatoes. Nice job!
      for food started very young.                      sharing the space with the Hyatt Place Hotel. The parking      Hungry Al went on a more traditional path with one of
      Never satisfied with his Mom’s                    is tight, so I highly recommend splurging the five dollars   Louie’s freshly made in-house pasta dishes. I love a good
      dishes, he started to cook his                    for the valet service and save your energy and time for the   Carbonara Spaghetti ($24) made the classic way, without
      way through her “Betty Crocker                    good eats inside.                                  the addition of heavy cream. Here Louie includes diced
      Cookbook.” During the years                          Louie does a great job making you feel like you’re   house-cured pancetta, eggs and the key ingredient–good
      to follow he spend many hours                     actually dining in a ristorante in Italy. Wooden floors, brick   Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. All that’s needed is a ladle
      working in restaurants, both as server and cook, attending   walls, open kitchen, Parma bar, tufted upholstery booths,   of the starchy pasta liquid and you have a thick but light
      cooking classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand   open beef-hanging fridge, and tasteful hanging photos   creamy sauce. Well done!
      his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his   address the Italian ambiance.             Side Note: It would be a disservice if I didn’t mention
      perspective on current food trends and guides you through      You’ll also find a huge bar area for socializing, and an   that, with the Bistecca, this beef is hand selected and dry-
      your local restaurant options.                    abundance of outside seating for perfect al Fresco dining   aged on premises, served bone-in with roasted garlic and
                                                        in the beautiful cool ocean breezes.               rosemary. As an indirect testimonial of popularity, the table
      Louie Bossi                                          Prime Your Taste Buds: Louie Bossi is great at starting   alongside us were all served the same Ribeye steaks ($38).
      Hyatt Place Boca                                  off your lunch or evening with a huge array of pizzas,   Gotta be good!
      100 E Palmetto Rd.                                appetizers and antipasti. I would certainly consider on my      From the Dessert Cart: I was wondering at this point
      Boca Raton, FL 33432                              return visit (yes, there will be one!) to simply work my way   if there was room for dessert, but with everything going so
      (561) 336-6699                                    through these smaller plate options as an alternative to the   well we couldn’t refuse, and happy that we didn’t. Not a                                    full Monty.                                        big fan of Tiramisu, I was hesitant of this choice until our
                                                           Hungry Al decided to open up with a small dish of   excellent waiter convinced me it was going to live up to
         Food for Thought: Having been to Louie Bossi only   their Sicilian Olives and Provolone ($8.50) to enhance   Hungry Al’s expectations.
      twice before tonight, I was certain that I had written a previous   the enjoyment of my glass of Orin Swift Abstract blend.      Louie’s version was spot on with the right infusion
      review. To my surprise I discovered that had never happened.   Nothing beats authentic Italian olives.   of coffee flavors, good imported savoiardi (lady fingers)
      In retrospect, it seemed that my initial visit was about two      Hungry D gave immediate thumbs up after hearing the   and the perfect texture of the whipped eggs, sugar and
      weeks after their grand opening. Usually, I caution myself   description of the special appetizer of wine poached pears,   mascarpone cheese.
      not to visit a new restaurant until they have gotten off the   freshly sliced Di Parma Prosciutto, and probably the best      We also selected Louie’s Nonna’s Cheesecake ($9.50)
      starting blocks with enough time to iron out the wrinkles in   Mozzarella Di Bufala that both of us quickly devoured. This   to share. By now I’ve tasted hundreds of variations of
      a new operation. This was obviously a miscalculation of my   dish hit on all cylinders: sweetness of the pears, saltiness   cheesecakes and baked a few myself. This one was a real
      first handshake with Louie.                       of the ham, and the richness of the creamy cheese.   winner. I believe it had to do with the blend of both cream
         So here I am back again after a six-year hiatus, wondering      I also decided to sample the very popular Arancini Con   cheese and ricotta in the filling that gave it a light but rich
      why the return visit was so delayed. Maybe it was the huge   Tartufo ($13.50), which is comprised of crispy rice balls   taste. Not too sweet…not too cheesy.
      singles crowd that pushed me toward calmer pastures. Maybe   filled with fior di latte cheese and a hint of truffle aioli.      Check Please: By now you can easily assume that our
      it was the early misfires of the few items I initially sampled,   These little bocce ball delights will scatter from the table   dining experience here at Louie Bossi delivered excellence.
      or maybe I simply got distracted to other dining destinations.   so fast you might want to consider a take-home box.   These  are  tough  times  for  restaurateurs  to  handle  the
      Regardless, it left me scratching my head as to why I left all      Side Note: Don’t miss their excellent Neapolitan wood-  onslaught of patrons returning to dining out post-COVID,
      the good meals on the table.                      oven pizzas.                                       the difficulties of securing good personnel, and the sourcing
         There are all kinds of restaurateurs, ranging from small      Straight From The Kitchen: Some will state that the   of ingredients to satisfy the demand of our well-educated
      Mom & Pops to corporate restaurant franchises, to an array   menu at Louie Bossi is limited in the offerings of entrees. I   eaters. But Louie answered his loyal fans with keeping his
      of local food trucks–all the way up to the latest concept of   would say it’s better to have fewer good plates than a Greek   kitchen in order, his wait staff vigilant, and his Nonna’s
      restaurant groups.                                dinner list of run-of-the-mill options. As for our selections   smiling in pride knowing he is
         Louie Bossi falls in the latter category within the   this evening, Hungry D chose the market fish of the day,   utilizing her recipe in the effort to
      framework of the Big Time Restaurant Group. You might   Grilled Branzino ($32).                      satisfy others.
      recognize these names: City Oyster, City Cellar, Rocco’s      I was impressed that the grill master got this one perfect      The Hungry Squad is delighted to
      Tacos, Elisabetta and Big City Tavern. The good news is,   in both seasoning and temperature. Light-charred on the   round out his pizza dough with four
      Big Time…delivers BIG flavors.                    outside and moist on the inside, it was then finished in a   huge golden slices of perfection.
      Grape Expectations: Fun Wine Quiz!

      By Ed Wolfarth, who moved to                      private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can be reached at   10. What in wine gives it a “vanilla” flavor? A. Tannin, B.
      South Florida after retiring with his                                    Adding vanilla ice cream, C. being fermented in oak barrels,
      wife, Vicki, as Professor of Sports                  Every month I host a wine and food event at a local   D. grape skins.
      Sciences & Physical Education at                  restaurant in the Boca/Delray area. One of the more popular   11. Which of the following is not a wine producing region?
      both Queens College and Hofstra                   things we do is have a trivia quiz that focuses on the food-  A. Rioja, B. Chianti, C. Chablis, D. Burgundy, E. All are
      University. He is a nationally                    wine history and geography and other related facts of the   wine regions.
      ranked  senior  tennis  player  and               country or region we are at. This month we have 56 peeps   12. Which statement is false about sparkling wines? A.
      long-time USPTA Elite Teaching                    at an Italian restaurant in Boynton Beach. Italian food and   Champagne comes from France or the USA, B. Cava comes
      Professional. Ed has written many                 Italian wine, of course. Below I have posed some of the   from Spain, C. Prosecco comes from Italy, and D. sparkling
      educational and tennis articles in the past. Over the past   questions we included in a few of our Trivia quizzes over the   wine can be made from red grapes. E. All statements are
      few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine collecting   years. Some are generic in nature and others more specific   true.
      into a way of continuing his passion for writing, and has   to the country or culture. See how well you do!  13. What is the most popular wine on any restaurant’s
      written on the subject for publications. As a self-proclaimed   1.  In the movie, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter was   wine list? A. Pinot Grigio, B. the 2nd cheapest, C. Robert
      “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many wine lists for   drinking a nice bottle of what with his liver and fava beans?   Mondavi or Kendall Jackson, D. Chianti.
                                                        A. Merlot, B. Cabernet, C. Chianti, D. Pinot Noir.  14. Wine coolers are preset to 55 degrees. Which statement
             Southern Exposure Technologies             2.  How many ounces are there in a standard bottle of wine?   is true about the proper temperature to serve wines? A.
           Computer Install/Setup/Repair                A. 25 ½, B. 28 ozs., C. 32 ozs., D. 750 ML.        Reds at room temperature (72) and whites at 32 degrees,
                                                        3.  In 1997 the sale of Dom Perignon Champagne was down
                                                                                                           B. Reds at 65 degrees and whites at 45 degrees, C. Reds
                     (561) 315-0144                     from the previous year. What did LVMH, the owners, do?   at room temperature and whites at 35 degrees. D. Reds at
                      A. spend more on marketing, B. add sugar to the mix, C.   room temperature and whites at 45 degrees.
                            * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install  increase the price, D. change the label.    15. Wine is produced in all 50 states. Which three states lead
                            * Networking, Troubleshooting  4.  Bordeaux red wines are a blend of up to five grapes.   the way in proper order from most to least? A. New York,
                            * Instruction               Which grape varietal is not a Bordeaux grape? A. Pinot   California and Oregon, B. Washington, California and New
                            * Hardware/Software Installation  Noir, B. Malbec, C. Cabernet Franc, D. Merlot.  York, C. Oregon, Washington and California, D. California,
                            * Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix  5.  In the movie  Sideways, what wine was revered? A.   Washington and New York.
                            * Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup
                            * Business Consult/Startup/Move  Merlot, B. Cabernet Sauvignon, C. Pinot Noir, D. Chianti.  Save this column. Based on your answers:
                            * Website Design/Maintenance  6.  In wine lingo, what does BYOB mean? A. Bring your   7 to 9 right …………moderate drinker, average intelligence.
              Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer  own booze, B. Bring a young bottle, C. Best you buy, D.   10 to 12 right ………total drunk and smarter than the
                       and wireless network”!           Bring your own bottle.                             average bear.
                       GET S.E.T. GO!                   7.  Which of the following is  not a grape varietal? A.   13 to 15 right ………Mensa member, wine snob, great
         REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES       Chianti, B. Sangiovese, C. Syrah, D. Riesling.     guesser, probably cheated, all the above.
       FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,  8.  What is the compound added to wine to make it travel      Next month, I’ll give you the answers. Enjoy!
             WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH,         better and keep its freshness? A. Tannin, B. Histamine, C.
                  BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.          Oak, D. Sulfites.
          START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS,      9.  In proper order, from most to 4th most, what countries
        QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND    produce the most amount of wine? A. Italy, France, Spain,
                 PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT!            USA, B. USA, France, Spain, Italy, C. USA, China, France,
                        (561) 315-0144
          CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!    Italy, D. France, USA, Italy, Australia.
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