Page 15 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '22
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 15
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                       As the deadline to file for a homestead exemption   listed below. The application deadline for all additional
        My office is busy                                is March 1, this is an excellent time of year to review   exemptions is March 1.
      preparing the 2022 Tax Roll,                       your homestead exemption status and examine additional     • Civilian disability
      a report of the combined                           exemptions that may yield tax savings. In this month’s     • Institutional exemptions
      value of all the property (real                    newsletter, you will find information to help you do just     • Florida law enforcement and first responders (disabled
      and tangible) in Palm Beach                        that. I hope you find it useful.                  in the line of duty)
      County as of Jan. 1.                                                                    Respectfully,     • Living quarters for parents or grandparents (also known
        This report will reflect                                                   Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS,  as the Granny flat)
      the ongoing COVID-19                                              Palm Beach County Property Appraiser    • Senior citizen (limited-income)
      impacts on property values                                                                             • Veterans disability
      in Palm Beach County. In                           Homestead Exemption On                              • Widow/widower exemption
      addition to market data                                                                                For more information, visit or call
      reflected in property sales last year, my staff is   Real Property                                   Exemption Services at (561) 355-2866.
      analyzing new construction, demolition, land splits,
      land combinations, ownership changes, and additions or     If you are a permanent Florida resident, you may be   Portability – You Can Take It
      removals of exemptions.                            eligible for a homestead exemption, which can save you
        The numbers cited below are as of Jan. 4 and are   generally $750 to $1,000 in property taxes each year. All   With You!
      subject to change.                                 homestead exemption applications must be submitted
        Our estimates show a 21 percent increase in sales   by March 1.                                      If you sell your home and buy a new one, there is good
      volume over last year.  This is a good indicator of     A $25,000 exemption is applied to the first $50,000 of your   news – you may not lose all the tax savings accumulated
      increased demand that continues to spur an increase in   property’s assessed value if your property is your permanent   over the years.
      sale prices.                                       residence and you owned the property as of Jan. 1. This     Portability  refers  to  Florida’s  Save  Our  Homes
        •  Commercial  sales  are  up  from  517  to  786  or  52   exemption applies to all taxes, including school district taxes.   provision which allows you to transfer all or a significant
      percent.                                           An additional exemption of up to $25,000 will be applied if   portion of your tax benefit, up to $500,000, from a home
        •  Condo  sales  are  up  from  18,742  to  24,404  or  30   your property’s assessed value is between at least $50,000   with a homestead exemption to a new home within the
      percent.                                           and $75,000. This exemption is not applied to school district   state of Florida that qualifies for a homestead exemption.
        • Residential sales are up from 20,899 to 23,471 or   taxes. In addition, a homestead exemption limits any increase   The application deadline for portability is March 1.
      13.6 percent.                                      to your assessed value to a maximum of 3 percent each year     You can e-file for portability when e-filing for your
        Our county has seen a surge in new construction, as   or the amount of the change in the Consumer Price Index,   homestead exemption. Or, if you have already filed for a
      well. While strictly an estimate, our latest projections   whichever is lower.                       homestead exemption and need only to file for portability, visit
      show that new construction is up by 40 percent for 2022.     Three ways to apply:                    our website or call Exemption Services at (561) 355-2866.
      An estimated 5,673 new structures will be added to the     • E-file at
      2022 tax roll.                                       • Visit one of our five service centers to file in person.  Office Closed Due To Holiday
        • New single-family homes – 3,985                  • Complete the application online, print it out, and mail it
        • New condominium units – 1,382                  to the Property Appraiser’s Office.                 In honor of Presidents’ Day, the Palm Beach County
        • New commercial buildings – 306                   Once you qualify, your homestead exemption will be   Property Appraiser’s Office (including all of our service
        Some of this growth can be attributed to large new   renewed for you annually as long as you continue to qualify   centers) will be closed on Monday, Feb. 21.
      residential subdivisions out west that were approved a few   for the exemption.
      years ago that we are continuing to add to the tax roll. New     Visit to e-file and for information on other
      construction numbers are always fascinating for me because   available exemptions for seniors, families, veterans, and more.
      they represent property that has never been taxed before.   Additional Exemptions
      These structures will add new value to the 2022 Tax Roll,     If you receive a homestead exemption, you may be eligible
      contributing to a tax base while sharing the tax burden.  for additional exemptions or discounts in the categories

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