Page 13 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '22
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 13

      Bruges The Bridge from page 12                     gothic City Hall, dating from 1376, can be seen and appreciated.   buildings that surround the city, but will also pass beneath the
                                                         In the corner of the square is the Basilica of the Holy Blood,   seventh century Roman bridge that gave Brugge its name.
        The lace work that is produced in the city is truly amazing.   built in the Roman style and dating from 1139, with the upper     For the more active, there are guided bike tours of the city
      I developed an appreciation for this skill several years ago   floors converted to gothic style in the 15th century. One thing   during the day and evening. And for those who don’t like to
      while watching an elderly woman tying lace with more than 50   worth noting about Burg Square is that it’s the start and end point   rifle through a guide book and look like a lost American, you
      individual wooden spools of thread being incorporated in the   for the horse-drawn carriage rides, which can save your feet as   can rent a Walkman with informational tapes on Brugge.
      pattern. About two years later I again visited the shop to inquire   you tour the city and experience the architecture in a mode of     One can only go so far in describing the spirit of this
      about the artisan that I had previously seen tying the pattern.   travel similar to what you’d find in Brugge’s heyday.  medieval city of the past. Brugge’s architectural heritage,
      The shop owner advised that, at 103, the master lace maker was     Most of the city’s important buildings are pointed out during   beauty, charm, artistry, Belgian chocolate, and most
      starting to slow up, only visiting the shop periodically. Hopefully   this carriage ride. Typically, the carriage ride takes about an hour,   importantly, its friendly people are more than enough reason
      her artistry will not be lost.                     after which you may want to tuck down Blinde Ezelatraat, an   to visit Brugge, again and again.
        Brugge is not one of those places you can truly appreciate in   alley located in the opposite corner of the square. You’ll find a     Don Kiselewski writes from his personal experiences,
      a two-hour shore excursion. However, if given the opportunity,   covered archway between the City Hall and the old Recorders’   having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans, seas
      any time spent in the city is well spent. If traveling on your   House; this passageway takes you into the heart of Old Brugge.   and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders,
      own, I suggest starting on the perimeter of the canal that   The street opens up to a small square with numerous outdoor   his family owned and operated agency, is located at Mirasol
      surrounds the city and walking through history to Halles   cafés that specialize in local cuisine. This is also where one   Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6,
      market plaza. The canal that surrounds Brugge is oval-shaped,   boards the boats for cruises of the city’s canals.  Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been serving the travel
      only .54 miles from east to west and .82 miles from north to     The narrated canal cruise presents a leisurely perspective   needs of the South Florida area for over a quarter of a century.
      south. Whatever direction you take will present the feeling of   of those intriguing spots that you missed during the carriage   Contact him at (561) 694-9696 or
      walking back in time.                              ride. The vista from which the cruise departs is perhaps one
        The market square is easily recognizable because of the   of the most photographed spots in all of Europe. During the
      belfry on the east side. Measuring 272 feet high, it towers above   cruise you’ll not only get an opportunity to see the landmark
      the city and contains 47 bells weighing 27 tons. It is acclaimed
      to be one of the finest belfries in the world and concerts are held
      here three times a week.
        Brugge is best experienced on foot. Organized walking tours
      start from the market or Burg Square, however a less structured
      approach, and easier on the feet, is to walk from the market
      square, one block to Burg Square. It is here that the beautiful

      The Minnewater, also known as the “Lake of Love”   A typical city street                             The Church of Our Lady
                                 Photo by Don Kiselewski                            Photo by Don Kiselewski                          Photo by Wolfgang Staudt

                New Nest, Messy Nest, Empty Nest & Snowbird






                Homeowners &                                                                                            Seniors &

                those on the go!                                                                                           Family

              Most of us wish we had more time                                                                    Experience One-on-One
             to enjoy life but face balancing what                                                                   Personal Service &
            we want to do with what needs to get
             done. Hours working all week keep                                                                          Peace of Mind
             that “big cleanup” from happening.                                                                Downsizing has become a necessity
                 We have families, friends &                                                                   for seniors coping with health issues,
              obligations on our days off.  Living                                                               mobility problems or the loss of
             life wins the tug-of war to leave it for                                                            a spouse. Seniors require time &
                         another day.                                       The                               patience during this transition. Family
                     Let us do it for you.                                                                       members lack availability to help
                                                                Well-Organized                                 with the entire process, which can be
                    Anna M. Shapiro                                                                             overwhelming & time consuming.
                   Samuel A. Shapiro                                       Nest

                Professional Organizing                                                                         Call today for a consultation
                           for the                                860-304-3356                                   Together we assess room by room
                 New nest, Messy nest,                                                                        what to donate, give to family, consign,

                Empty nest & Snowbird                                         toss or keep for the new space.
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