Page 7 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '22
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 7
      The Second Annual Purse Drive Was Held

      In Support Of The Upcoming Old Bags Luncheon

      To Be Held At The Colony Hotel In February

        Center for Family Services held their Second Annual   Colony Hotel and Worth Avenue. If you missed the purse   Kristen Bardin at (561) 616-1257 or email at kbardin@
      Purse Drive, generously hosted by Daniella Ortiz, in Via   drive, it is not too late to participate. Contact the center
      Amore on Dec. 7. Ragtops assisted with a 1959 Ford   today to donate a new or gently used designer handbag for   About  Center  For  Family  Services  (CFS)  Of  Palm
      Galaxie Convertible to collect the over 50 designer   the auction. Proceeds from the luncheon go to strengthen   Beach County, Inc.
      handbags including Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Bottega Veneta,   families in our community through mental health and     CFS is a nonprofit social service agency whose
      Nancy Gonzalez, Cecy Martinez, Tory Burch and others,   psychoeducational services.                  mission is to strengthen individuals and families through
      donated during the drive. Guests enjoyed delicious hors     Tickets and sponsorships are available now for the   behavioral health services and education. Since 1961,
      d’oeuvres and live music in the courtyard on the designer   much-anticipated Old Bags Luncheon.  Top sponsors   they have been serving children, adults, and families in
      Florida winter day. Following the reception, Luncheon   include Auction Sponsor Nest Seekers International,   Palm  Beach  County  through  an  array  of  services and
      Committee members moved to Saks Fifth Avenue for a   Shoulder Bag Sponsors Tammy and Charlie Pompea and   collaborations with other human services agencies. Their
      beautiful kickoff luncheon and fashion chat with stylist   The Colony Hotel, and Cross Body Sponsors Allison   goal is to help clients surmount psychological distress
      and editor, Katherine Lande and Sydney Evan jewelry   Nicklaus and Barbara Nicklaus, Cecy Martinez Handbags,   and harmful behaviors, educate them about safeguards
      designer, Rosanne Karmes.                          Esplanade Palm Beach, Frances Fisher, Lola Dré, Renee   and  coping  strategies,  and  empower  them  to  become
        The drive supports the designer handbag silent auction   B. Scott, Sally Kimball, Classic Collections and Karen   emotionally  healthy  individuals,  ultimately  protecting
      held during the center’s signature fundraising event, the   Murray, Fivestory Palm Beach and Saks Fifth Avenue.   the mental health of future generations. Learn more at
      Old Bags Luncheon, planned for Friday, Feb. 11 at The     For more information contact Director of Special Events
       Benefits Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Kids

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              patterns can lead to unhealthy behavior patterns. CBT focuses     • Increase confidence in the ability to problem solve over time
      School Psychologist                                on the cognitive factors that cannot be observed (unhealthy,   (Last time, I was able to…).
        Cognitive Behavioral                             irrational and obtrusive thoughts), but are known to serve as     It also addresses unhealthy behavior patterns using some of
      Therapy (CBT) is a form of                         triggers for the unhelpful, and sometimes harmful, behaviors   the following methods:
      counseling used to treat a                         we experience.                                      • Cognitive Restructuring: replacing irrational thoughts with
      number of psychological and                          The cognitive behavioral methods backed by research are   more balanced ones
      behavioral conditions that                         those that systematically and simultaneously address unhealthy     • Containment: setting parameters around when and where
      commonly occur in children                         thinking patterns by helping the learner:         negative emotions and behaviors will be processed and addressed
      including: anxiety disorders,                        • Understand thoughts are automatic but changeable.    • Graded Exposure: facing fearful situations in a gradual and
      obsessive-compulsive                                 • Recognize distorted (irrational, unrealistic) or catastrophic   therapeutic way over time
      disorder, attention deficit                        (worse-case scenario) thoughts.                     • Successive Approximation: breaking down complex tasks
      hyperactivity disorder,                              • Evaluate these thoughts in terms of reality (e.g., how true   into smaller more attainable steps to build confidence and self-
      depression, and autism.                            is…?, how likely is it…?).                        efficacy along the way
        Research suggests that typically developing children ages 7     • Reframe thoughts based on this evaluation (e.g., what is     Check for local counselors. We offer
      and older are reported to benefit most from CBT. CBT can be a   more likely?).                       dyslexia, learning disability, IQ, anxiety, depression, and ADHD/
      very welcomed treatment with benefits for your whole family.     • Problem solve situations based on this evaluation (e.g., If it   ADD testing. Visit or call (561) 625-4125.
      The core principle of CBT is the premise that unhealthy thinking   is likely…, then I can).

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                                                                                                           • Participation in clinical research trials for some of
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