Page 22 - Boca Club News - April '22
P. 22

Page 22, Boca Club News
      Film Review: “Man of the Year”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                   Because  she  knew the                          most votes, since there would be no other way for the public
         This review may well annoy a number of the column’s   truth, the Delacroy company                 to learn the truth. I will leave it for you to learn his decision.
      readers. If so, they would have to be rather thin-skinned   was now falsely accusing her                The fact that this entire story line was filmed in 2006—a
      considering  the  fact  that  the  film  being  discussed  was   of taking drugs as the reason       former TV personality runs for president; a voting machine
      released in 2006, and so could hardly have been intended as   for  firing  her. And  even            company  becomes  involved  in  a  political  presidential
      a commentary on—nor related specifically at all—to today’s   though she had no intention             controversy; a man is put in the position of having to make
      political scene.                                  of telling anyone else about                       a moral choice, win or lose, about whether or not to be
         That is surely not my purpose here. I am simply going to   the fact that Tom Dobbs was            honest about the results of his presidential campaign—adds
      describe the story line of a film that my wife and I decided   not actually the duly elected         an extraordinary degree of timeliness to this film.
      to view on the Amazon Prime streaming service recently for   president, her life was in                 Your own reaction to it will depend in large part on the
      several reasons: we had never seen it before; it stars the late   danger  from  a  desperate         political leanings you bring to the film. I will keep my own
      Robin Williams, whose performances we have often enjoyed,   Delacroy management and                  opinions to myself, and Boca Club News must always remain
      and the title—Man of the Year—was intriguing.     their hired hands.                                 scrupulously neutral and apolitical.
         I had no idea of the story line when we decided it would be      The crux of the film at that        Instead, I will simply point out the ironic fact that, when
      worth watching this film, having not seen it when originally   point is the decision faced by Dobbs: whether to take the   the film was first released sixteen years ago, one of the main
      released. And, since I am always interested in finding movies   easy step of moving forward and accept being sworn in as   reasons critics gave it mixed reviews was that they saw it as
      deserving of bringing to the attention of my column’s readers,   the next President of the United States...or voluntarily make   unrealistic to create a character—as here, in Tom Dobbs—who
      this one seemed a likely candidate for review.    a public announcement that he did not actually receive the   would even consider making claim to an undeserved office!
         As it turns out, there is a wholly unexpected timeliness to
      the film’s theme that has the potential to engage the emotions
      have imagined when the picture was first released sixteen  Your Healthier Lifestyle
      of its audience in ways that its producers and stars could never

      years ago.
      of producer Barry Levinson’s Man of the Year, which I will  Starts Today
         You will likely get the point when I explain the story line

      describe here as succinctly as possible:
         Robin Williams appears in the role of Tom Dobbs, who   By Beth Meirau, CSP                        3. Eat Mindfully
      is the host of a popular television show–in this case, a talk                                          Pay  attention to what you are  eating.  Enjoy each
      show devoted to humor and politics, similar to the former   1. Move More                             morsel. Chew slowly. A lot of effort went into the
      Jon Stewart show. One day, he speculates about running     Sounds simple because                     preparation of the meal (by you or someone else) so
      for President of the United States, and when he gets a   it is. Park farther from the                take the time to enjoy it. Listen to your body’s cues.
      surprisingly positive response from his fans he announces his   entrance, boogie while               Stop eating when your body is satisfied. Do not wait
      serious candidacy as an independent and debates against the   you cook, take the stairs,             until your body is full or stuffed.
      Democratic incumbent President Kellogg and his challenger,   walk to talk to your child              4. Sleep More
      Republican Senator Mills.                           or spouse instead of                               Getting enough sleep keeps you sharp. That mental
         Despite his obvious underdog status in the polls, Dobbs   texting or yelling across               clarity will mean not reaching for an energy boost from
      wins the election–to his own surprise and that of his campaign   the house (I can’t be the           a highly caloric snack or caffeine drink. More sleep will
      manager, Jack Meckler (Christopher Walken) and staff,   only one guilty of that).                    give you more energy and make you want to move more!
      including one assistant played by comic Lewis Black.  Regular  exercise  has                         5. Don’t Eat After Dinner
         But during the post-election celebration, and before   been shown to reduce                         When you eat (or don't eat) is extremely important. Your
      he can be sworn in, Dobbs is approached by an attractive   the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and of  dinner should be the last food you take in that day. Late
      young woman, Eleanor Green (Laura Linney), who—after   course help with weight loss.                 night snacks are the downfall for many. Brush and floss
      first posing as an FBI agent—confides in Dobbs that he   2. Switch To Water                          right after your last meal. Flossing is so annoying that you
      had not actually been elected president because the voting     Did you know . . . “Replacing a 20-oz. soda with  won’t want to do it again that night. It will be the signal to
      machines made by the Delacroy company, where she had   sparkling water every day would save more than 20,000  your brain and stomach that you are done for the evening.
      worked before being fired, were faulty and had miscounted the   calories over a few months, which could translate into    If you need some help or would like someone to hold
      votes—and that the head of the company, James Hemmings   more than five-pounds of weight loss!” - Brittany  you accountable (in a kind and caring manner), then give
      (Jeff Goldblum) was hiding that critical information for fear   Markides, RDN. Plus, water makes you feel fuller,  me a call/text (917) 640-8001. I can guide you through
      the truth would destroy his firm.                   causing you to eat less during a meal, so drink a couple  the process of getting healthy and feeling like yourself
                                                          of glasses prior to eating and perhaps you will find you  again.  At Sadkhin Therapy we use acupressure balls (it’s
                                                          aren’t hungry after all.                         patented!) to control hunger and flush out the visceral
               A Free Opportunity                                                                          belly fat that’s causing you harm. Get healthy today!
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