Page 9 - The Islander - April '22
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The Islander, Page 9

                                                           loCal government

             Professional Firefighters/Paramedics Of Palm Beach

                                                        County Safety Tips

         Hopefully, you remembered to check              immediately. Every home should have a safety plan with   impossible to see, taste, or smell it can begin to kill you before
      your smoke alarm when you set your                 your family, especially if you have young children, or   you’re even aware it’s in your home. CO binds to red blood cells
      clocks with the “Spring Forward”                   immobile family members. Fire can spread very quickly. It   blocking oxygen from the bloodstream. CO is known as the
      daylight savings time adjustment.                  is important to think of personal safety first, and evacuate.   “silent killer.” Common causes of CO in the home are faulty gas
      As a reminder, when you set your                   There are multiple reasons for false alarms such as dirty or   appliances, vehicle exhaust, outdoor grills, generators, and lead
      clocks for the time changes twice a                malfunctioning sensors, but you should initially react to every   acid battery charging (faulty charging of golf cart batteries).
      year, that is a good prompt to check               alarm until it can be determined to be false.        Properly working smoke detectors have been proven to play
      your smoke detectors.                                 Many newer smoke alarms also detect carbon monoxide   a major role in the survivability of residents in the event of a fire.
         Most newer smoke detectors now have 10-year     (CO), but independent CO detectors are also available. Carbon                        Steen Eriksson,
      nonreplaceable batteries, but they still need to be tested   monoxide poses a much different threat to residents. Unlike   Professional Firefighters/Paramedics
      regularly to ensure they are in working order.     smoke and fire, carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless,                       of Palm Beach County,
         Smoke and alarms are set off by smoke, heat, or possible   poisonous gas that is the byproduct of incomplete combustion            IAFF Local 2928,
      false alarm. If you see or smell smoke, leave your house   of carbon, or the burning of fuel sources. Because CO is      

       artS & entertainment from page 8

      programs for students at the theatre, in schools, and online.
      Committed to fostering the future of theatre, PBD has become a
      hub for playwrights in Florida and around the country to nurture
      their work through initiatives including Drama (in the) works and
      the annual New Year/New Plays Festival. PBD is a member of
      Theatre Communications Group, Florida Professional Theatres
      Association, and the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County.
      Obtain more information at
         Evening performances are Wednesday and Thursday at
      7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sunday (select
      ones) at 7 p.m. Matinee performances are on Wednesday,   Rita Cole         Gracie Winchester         Gabrielle Lee           Krystal Mosley
      Saturday, and Sunday at 2 p.m. Post-performance discussions
      follow Wednesday matinee and Sunday evening performances.   identification (other restrictions apply). Group rates for 20 or      The Don and Ann Brown Theatre is located in the heart
      Individual tickets are $79, with specially priced preview tickets   more and subscription packages for four or five plays are also   of downtown West Palm Beach, at 201 Clematis Street.
      at $59 and opening night tickets at $94. Student tickets are   available. Tickets can be purchased through the box office, in   For  ticket  information  contact  the  box  office  at  (561)
      available for $15, and pay-your-age tickets are available for   person or by phone at (561) 514-4042, Ext. 2, and online 24   514-4042, or visit
      those 18 to 40. Tickets for educators are half price with proper   hours a day at

               SPRING AT

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               ©2022 Marriott International, Inc.

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