Page 5 - Boca Exposure - May '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 5
      The Singles Scene                             ©

      How Does This Work?                                collaborative biography playtime. Then, let the fun and the   because we know everyone and have validated them!
                                                         matchmaking begin! Report back to us on your time and let      Step 6: Know thyself and be accountable. If you are only
      By: Kelly Leary, M.S.,                             us know if you want to continue dating the same person or   after “10s” in the club and you are a “6” be prepared for some
      Founder of Revolution                              keep going! We play “wing girl/wing man” for you in essence.   letdowns. Ask us what you can do to get that guy or girl. We will
      Dating                                             Everything can be done over the phone, in person, or through   tell you honestly and advise you. Remember we are “cupids” and
         Step 1: Be authentic.                           email/mail after your two meetings with us in the office. It’s   not “unicorns”...we have magic and love in us, but we can’t do

      Admit you are READY to find                        your preference. This process facilitates “the get to know you”   the job alone. We love working with our clients and as a result,

      love and/or companionship                          curve of typical dating by speeding up your comfort level with   they love us back!
      again and you don’t want to do                     your new person. We have people get engaged after only TWO      Step 7: It worked! Welcome to “You are an #RDCouple!”...
      it online or on social media for                   MONTHS of dating--if that is their goal. Relationships can move   it is time to put your membership on HOLD. Why? Because you
      obvious reasons.                                   quickly here because of the vetting process.      followed these steps. It’s science. We knew you would too! That’s
         Step 2: Make that                                 Step 4: Trust your matchmaking team. Let us take the   why we signed you up. We try to avoid enrolling non-compliant/
      CONFIDENTIAL call to                               lead and shed light on things that may be holding you back   difficult people as a rule. We are saving you--and ourselves.

      561-630-XOXO (9696) and                            romantically. Other times, we are just working to get closer to   Lucky you!
      schedule your appointment as soon as you can get in. Once you   the right match by building a good rapport with you. Engage us      Step 8: Share and tell all of your friends about the love you
      arrive, simply go through the enlightening screening process   and we will get you engaged too.      have found and how you found it. This will bring more love
      developed over my 31 years in the love biz, and if we like you   Step 5: Collaborate with us! Call/text/email and share your   into your life. Pass it on, in other words. Whether you are single,
      and you like us, join the club. We call this “The Enrollment   feedback with us. Is he or she into you? We shall assist just   divorced or widowed, we can help. Thank you to our many

      Phase” which occurs in-person in our well established office.   like a friend would in this matter. NO MORE GUESSING   clients who have been talking us up out there and spreading the
      People cannot join this club over the phone or online. Amen!   GAMES. Some have success on the first date and some on the   word! The more the merrier. Love will always win. Our word

         Step 3: Return for your photo shoot and proceed with a   tenth date--but no date will be a debacle (like online dating)   of mouth referrals have soared since in the last few years. We
                                                                                                           thank you all for being part of the love movement! Love really
                            Boca Raton To Host Free                                                        does win, right folks?
                                                                                                              I can’t wait to hear your story too. The love in us honors the

                                                                                                           love in you today and every day. Hope to see you soon in our
             Memorial Day Ceremony And Concert                                                             office for our Mother’s Day specials and please do mention this

                                                                                                           when you book your appointment! There is time to nail that
                                                                                                           summer love goal you desire! In one moment, your life could
            In honor of Memorial Day, and in remembrance of all   Proud to be an American. Led by trumpet player Jeff Kaye,   change. Always be open and stay that way.
         military personnel who died in service to the United States,   Krescendo features brass, a rhythm section and singers Bill        I can’t wait to meet you too!
         the City of Boca Raton will host two events free and open   Stafford, Alicia Branch, Joanna Marie Kaye and special                     XOXO, Kelly
         to the public on Monday, May 30 at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.  guests. Selections will include Strike Up the Band, Armed   #GetDatingAgain #LoveLocal #LoveOffline #LoveIRL
            At 9 a.m., a commemorative ceremony will take place   Services Medley and Bernstein’s America.   #TellYourFriends
         at the Boca Raton Cemetery and Mausoleum, 451 S.W. 4th      Blankets and chairs are welcome at this free event,      Kelly Leary  has 31 years in the dating industry and a
         Avenue, featuring veteran groups, city officials, music by   and chairs will also be available to rent for $5 (free for   Master’s Degree in Psychology. She’s been profiled by ABC

         the Fort Lauderdale Highlanders and Coastmen Chorus,   veterans). There is limited free parking for veterans in   News, The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart
         drills by Boca Raton Community High School NJROTC,   the lot adjacent to the amphitheater. No coolers or outside   News, etc. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened
         and the Boca Raton Police and Fire Honor Guard.   alcoholic beverages permitted. The event is rain or shine.   including background checks. Professional photos are taken by
            At 7 p.m., a spirited concert at the Mizner Park   Doors open at 6 p.m.                        the staff. Revolution Dating is not online dating or blind dating.
         Amphitheater will welcome the high-energy band     For additional information, please call (561) 393-7807,   In addition to providing matchmaking services that make
         Krescendo, presenting an evening of patriotic and American   visit or Boca Raton Special   singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club membership,
         favorites–from God Bless America to Lee Greenwood’s   Events on Facebook.                         Kelly also provides feedback from your dates when appropriate.

                                                                                                           All inquiries are confidential.
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