Page 14 - Boca Exposure - June '22
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      ‘It’s Too Salty!’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                               ever really paid attention to how confusing the labels can   -  Choose  whole, unprocessed  foods  and  eat  lots of
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             be? A better understanding of the lingo might help. Let’s   vegetables and fruits.
      motivational speaker who                           take a look; you have:                            - Watch out for salty sauces such as mustard, barbeque sauce,
      has spent many years as a                          - Sodium-free (less than 5 mg);                   soy sauce and ketchup; all contain large amounts of salt.
      Certified Life Coach and has                       - Very low sodium (contains 35 mg or less);       - Use herbs, spices, garlic and citrus (lemon or lime zest)
      written numerous articles                          - Low sodium (contains 140 mg or less);           to season foods during cooking and at the table.
      and e-books relating to self-                      - Reduced or less sodium (contains at least 25 percent less   - Cut back on processed and smoked meats, such as ham,
      improvement and ways to                            than the regular version);                        bacon, sausages and corned beef. Instead, consider such
      build a high-performance                           - Light in sodium (reduced by at least 50 percent from the   sandwich  fillings  as  chicken,  tuna,  egg  and  hummus,
      team. She is the author of                         regular version);                                 which are less salty.
      the recently published book,                       -  Unsalted or no salt added (no salt is added during   - Eat at home. Restaurant foods may taste great but
      “Small Steps...Big Changes:                        processing).                                      chances are they may contain too much sodium. You can
      The Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education      Wow! Good luck deciphering which products are better   monitor your salt more easily when you cook at home.
      and years of experience in physical fitness and training of   than others by checking labels. How about finding other ways      In time, too much salt may take its toll on your body.
      elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge   to curb your sodium consumption by developing a healthy   Make health a priority by being mindful of not only your
      in many health-related areas. The following introduces   eating pattern that will not only curtail salt, but will benefit   salt intake, but by making the healthiest choice in whatever
      a new approach to Brown’s series of columns devoted to   your overall health? Here are a few things to keep in mind:  foods you eat. Bon appetite!
      many topics that deal with the mind/body connection and
      the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire
      resident, can be reached at  The Polo Club Of Boca Raton
         There’s not a time that I go to Publix’s deli department
      where I don’t hear someone behind me shout out these
      common questions; “Do you have low-sodium turkey    Has Stepped Up (Again)!
      meat?” Do you have low-sodium salami?” Do you have
      low-sodium Boar’s Head cheese?”
         What is this American obsession with low sodium in      With an abundance of pride
      everything we eat? There are countless times I’m out to   and excitement, the Polo Club
      lunch or dinner with a group of friends or family and hear   of Boca Raton granted its Fourth
      someone complain about too much salt in their soup or   Annual STEP Scholarship
      on their steak.                                     Awards. These scholarships,
         I agree that no doctor would advocate having high   offered to both staff and their
      levels of sodium in your blood, but I bet he wouldn’t blame   dependents, are the membership’s
      it solely on the salt that you add, or the restaurant food   ways of saying “Thank You”
      you eat. It’s basically a two-sided coin when it comes to   and we “Support You” to their
      the amount of salt we take in every day. On the “heads   hardworking team members.
      up” side of the coin is that salt is perfectly fine to use to      Over 600 Polo Club members
      season and flavor our foods. Food simply tastes loads   joined in this effort, resulting in
      better with any type of spice, including salt and pepper.   the biggest fundraising year in
         Salt heightens our taste buds, but the “tail-side” of   the STEP Program’s history. The
      the coin delivers the bad news that too many Americans   scholarships, administered by
      consume more than double the amount of salt their bodies   the George Snow Foundation,
      demand. As I have always said, “Everything we do or eat   will help to train future lawyers,
      should be in moderation.” If that’s true, where is the salt   physical therapists, doctors, computer science professionals,   give the Polo team the chance to
      coming from? It’s not as much the seasoning on our foods   pharmacists, marketers and law enforcement officers. In   receive the education necessary to
      as it is the sodium content tucked in the store-bought   addition, many of the recipients have chosen to study in the   achieve their goals and dreams. It is
      foods we buy every day. Oddly enough, our saltshakers   fields they are currently employed in at Polo. As a result of   our way of recognizing their years of
      are responsible for only about 11 percent of the sodium   their studies and degrees, many scholarship winners have   commitment and service and to give
      in our diet.                                        advanced here at Polo by becoming members of the Polo   thanks to the team who works so hard
         Much of the salt we consume comes from processed   management team.                               to make our community the extra
      and prepared foods, such as bakery items, cereals, dairy       “The STEP scholarship is a source of pride for the   special place that it is,” explained
      products and canned goods. Just by eating a deli sandwich,   Polo membership. Whatever the field, these scholarships   Jill Fogelman, STEP chair.
      loaded with meats and cheese, you can easily chalk up
      more than an overdose of salt, especially if you throw in
      chips and a pickle.
         I would be the last person to recommend the flagrant
      use of salt without concern. Here’s why salt may be
      harmful: It’s all about the kidneys and their ability to
      keep  a  balance  of  fluids  in  your  body.  If  the  kidneys
      can’t eliminate all the sodium, it builds up in the blood,
      the arteries may increase the risk of high blood pressure,  NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy
      causing the heart to work harder. In time, this pressure in

      stroke and kidney disease.
         I know we’re told to read labels carefully, especially
      if you’re advised to lower your salt intake. But, have you   Available NoW
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