Page 16 - Boca Exposure - June '22
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Exposure
      From The Desk Of Palm Beach County Mayor

      Robert S. Weinroth: Miracle Landing At PBI

      Robert Weinroth, a former                          inform residents on how to avoid scammers who prey on   that residents should be prepared to survive on their own for
      member of the Boca Raton                           emotions and bank accounts. For more information, call   at least 72 hours. Supplies sell out fast once a storm has been
      City Council, was elected                          (561) 688-3970 or email           forecast, so it is imperative to plan ahead.
      as a Palm Beach County                                Homeless Resource Center 2. Palm Beach County      Please take some time to prepare and access the resources
      Commissioner to replace                            recently broke ground on its second Homeless Resource   below:
      Steven Abrams,  who                                Center (HRC2) on Lake Worth Road in Palm Springs.     • PBC DART (app) for vital information such as storm
      retired due to term limits                            The 20,000-square-foot center, due to open in 14 months,   surge evacuation areas, flood zones, shelter locations, and
      requirements.                                      will feature over 70 beds, a sheriff substation, health care   locations with emergency generators.
         Our community                                   services, laundry, pantry and community room. Additionally,      •  AlertPBC is the county’s Emergency Alert &
      is incredibly grateful to                          HRC2 will offer supportive services including housing   Notification System that notifies users of imminent threats
      the  air  traffic  controller                      placement and job training to restore individuals to self-  via text messages, email or telephone calls. To sign up, visit
      who skillfully guided an                           sufficiency.                            
      individual with no piloting skills to a safe landing at Palm      The county currently has other homeless resource      Nonprofit Spotlight: Special Spaces. Special Spaces is
      Beach International Airport.                       facilities, including the Philip D. Lewis Homeless Resource   a local nonprofit dedicated to creating dream bedrooms for
         The pilot of the single-engine plane was incapacitated   Center, Belle Glade Intake Center, Lake Village at the Glades   children ages 2 to 19 in south Palm Beach County who have
      by a sudden medical emergency as the plane approached the   and Lewis Center Annex (South Florida Fairgrounds).   cancer.
      coast near Boca Raton. The recordings of their conversation   Additionally, groundbreakings will soon take place for 17      Through the child’s imagination – and at no cost to the
      were calm and focused under harrowing circumstances.  cottage homes for homeless families.           family – volunteers transform the child’s existing bedroom
         Fortunately, the controller was also a flight instructor      Addressing our homeless population remains a top   into a magical place of hope, a place not only to sleep but
      and quickly printed a picture of the cockpit to assist with the   priority for the Palm Beach County Board of County   also to recover and spend time away from the challenges of
      landing. The patient, heroic efforts of both pilot and controller   Commissioners.                   their illness. Most importantly, it is a space where they can
      averted an emergency from becoming a disaster.        Hurricane Resources. Colorado State University’s   just be a kid.
         Learn About Scams. Palm Beach County Sheriff’s   hurricane forecast projected 19 named storms, with nine of      The Boca Raton chapter started in 2016 and will be
      Office Volunteers Against Scams Team (VAST) is urging   those storms predicted as major hurricanes.  transforming its 38th bedroom in June. For more information,
      residents to be vigilant in protecting themselves against      While county emergency officials are prepared, we   visit
      identity theft and scams.                          urge everyone to take the necessary steps in preparing for a      If you require assistance, please contact our office at (561)
         VAST offers community presentations to educate and   potential active hurricane season. Emergency officials advise   355-2204 or email
      Mayor’s Update:

      Boca Raton Recreation And Parks Update

      Scott Singer is the 35th                           the waterfront and we’ve greatly expanded options for   look forward to working with the hotel’s ownership on
      Mayor of Boca Raton.                               residents to enjoy it.                            beautification efforts for Camino Real. In addition, the
      A South Florida native,                               For the 42nd straight year, Boca Raton earned the Tree   Mandarin Oriental has made significant progress toward
      attorney, mediator, and                            City USA designation, as well as receiving a Growth Award   adding another world-renowned brand to our downtown.
      small business owner, Scott                        for our tree canopy assessment. We are adding even more      Bloomberg News ranked Boca Raton as one of the
      and his wife Bella live in                         shade trees throughout the city. In October, with support   25 places in the world to see this year, and one of only
      Broken Sound with their                            from Brightline, we opened the new Junior League garden   three places in the United States. They called us suddenly
      two young children.                                at  Meadows  Park  –  the  nation’s  first  iguana-resistant   “cool,” but for those of us here, we’ve been cooler for
         Boca Raton has long                             community garden – and the Pearl City community added   longer than some people give us credit.
      been known as a city within                        a second community garden in memory of Allen Willis.     For more updates on recreation or any other current
      a park, with our 47 parks,                            Tourism, our area’s leading industry, is back and   topics, please check out the city’s website at myboca.
      ample green space and                              poised  for  greater  success.  The  former Boca  Raton   us. Please email me at with any
      miles of pristine beaches. We are in the middle of a major   Resort & Club, the  destination  around  which  our  city   thoughts and stay connected with me on social media @
      expansion of our recreational assets. After the generous   was planned, has been restored to historical luster and   ScottSingerUSA on all platforms. I’m running to keep
      donation by the owners of The Boca Raton, the city has   transformed into The Boca Raton. The $200 million   serving as mayor in the March 2023 election to ensure
      been working hard to transform the former Boca Country   renovation will continue to attract major conventions and   we continue to progress as an unparalleled place to
      Club into the new public Boca Raton Golf & Racquet   tourism, fueling our economy and continuing to bring   live, work, learn and play, including in all our abundant
      Club. In 2021, we spent several million of the $65 million   leaders in government and industry to Boca Raton. We   recreational space.
      we gained from the sale of our western golf course to
      refresh and update this new addition.
         In November, we opened our 18-hole championship
      golf course. We are adding new landscaping, renovating
      the clubhouse, and expanding the tennis courts into
      a premier racquet facility that will include pickleball
      courts. These amenities are designed for our residents
      and will also serve the neighboring Boca Golf and Tennis
      Community. We also have professional tours coming to
      Boca Raton for these sports.                                    Upscale Resale
         In the past few months, Boca Raton was the site for the
      PGA Champions Schwab Cup senior golf tournament and    Experience The Difference
      the APP Pickleball Tour, along with the Boca Raton Bowl,
      with millions of eyes watching these televised events. We   New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
      all know the world-class recreation and green space in our   Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
      city; the national TV audiences see some of that, along
      with the many other benefits of life in Boca Raton.
         We’re hard at work on the next addition to the
      Waterfront Master Plan. After years of planning,
      including visioning sessions with residents, this park
      will open in the fall, creating a six-acre, downtown green
      space that connects under the bridge. The centerpiece is
      a new, wide pedestrian promenade linking both sides of
      Palmetto into one space. You can see the new sea wall to
      support this promenade and protect against rising waters.
      Work on a pavilion, public art, and play areas will follow.
         At Silver Palm, we are doubling the size of our boat                     Call us to sell. See us to buy.
      ramp and adding launches for canoes and kayaks. These   Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!
      parks will open later this year and will enhance both our
      downtown and a prime gateway to our pristine beaches.   PALM BEACH GARDENS:                New Location
      Boaters will have more options as we begin work in the   7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
      coming year restoring Lake Wyman Park, which includes
      reopening canoe trails.                             WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
         The most recent of our waterfront parks, Hillsboro El   13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222
      Rio South, opened in 2020 and was a prime destination
      last year for residents with its own sandy boat launches,                                     Nanci Smith, CEO
      playground,  pickleball  courts  and  more. We  all  love
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