Page 5 - Martin Downs Bulletin - November '22
P. 5

Martin Downs, Page 5

                                                  ScholarShip NewS

      Kiplinger Foundation Offers                        grassroots action that really makes a difference in their lives,”     Here’s how the challenge

      $25,000 Challenge Grant For                        Sewall’s Point resident and philanthropist Knight Kiplinger said.   grant works: The Kiplingers
                                                                                                           will match, dollar for dollar,
                                                         “Education is the key to lifetime financial security. We’d like to
      Scholarships                                       see this opportunity made available to many more deserving   every new sponsor of the
                                                         women in Martin County, and we’re challenging our fellow   Holiday Home Tour. In
        The Kiplinger Family                             citizens to help the Woman’s Club make this happen. Meeting   addition, the Kiplingers will
      Foundation has announced                           our challenge can double the funds raised, with great impact.”  match, dollar for dollar, any
      a $25,000 challenge grant to                         The Woman’s Club annually conducts a Holiday Home Tour   increase in a prior sponsor’s
      benefit the scholarship fund of                    of several homes beautifully decorated for the holidays. Funds   donation. All funds raised
      the Woman’s Club of Stuart,                        raised support the club’s college scholarship program. This   by the $25,000 challenge
      with the potential to more                         year, the club awarded $42,000 in scholarships, with a total of   grant will go to scholarships.
      than double the scholarship                        $350,000 in scholarships awarded since the home tour began 13   The Woman’s Club is an
      funds raised by the club’s 14th                    years ago.                                        all-volunteer  nonprofit
      annual Holiday Home Tour,                            “We are so grateful for this challenge grant,” said Sharon   organization, with no paid staff.
      Dec. 4.                                            Mason, president of the Woman’s Club. “The Kiplingers     For information about sponsorships for the Dec. 4 Holiday
        “Ann and I have long been                        have been so generous in their support of education and our   Home Tour and the Kiplinger challenge grant, go to www.
      fans of the Woman’s Club                           scholarship program, and we hope, with everyone’s help, we’ll
      scholarship program for young women in our area – a model of   be able to meet the challenge.”

                                                                                                            Hundreds Take Part In Out Run Hunger from page 1

                                                                                                            awareness of hunger and
                                                                                                            encourage everyone to get
                                                                                                            involved to help fight hunger.
                                                                                                              Runners and walkers took
                                                                                                            to the route at 7 a.m. for the
                                                                                                            trek that started and ended
                                                                                                            at the marina. Top overall
                                                                                                            finishers and top finishers
                                                                                                            in each age group received
                                                                                                            awards, and everybody
                                                                                                            left with tee shirts, finisher
                                                                                                            medals, and the rewarding   Chris Regal and Beverly
                                                                                                            feeling of having made a   Jones
                                                                                                              “It was great to see so
                                                                                                            many people from throughout
                                                                                                            our community come out to
                                                                                                            join in the fight against hunger
                                                                                                            on the Treasure Coast,” said
                                                                                                            Judith Cruz, president and
                                                                                                            CEO of Treasure Coast Food
                                                                                                            Bank. “With one in four
                                                                                                            people on the Treasure Coast
                                                                                                            not sure of where their next
                                                                                                            meal will come from, this   Wylie and Cindy Green
                                                                                                            year’s Hunger Action Month
                                                                                                            was especially important, and we thank everyone who
                                                                                                            participated in big and small ways.”
                                                                                                              Throughout the month, people made donations and hosted
                                                                                                            food drives for Treasure Coast Food Bank. Elected officials
                                                                                                            issued proclamations, and on Sept. 23, Hunger Action Day,
                                                                                                            people wore orange to show support for the fight against
                                                                                                            hunger. Treasure Coast Food Bank’s other signature event,
                                                                                                            Out Laugh Hunger, brought in a sold-out crowd to enjoy
                                                                                                            a comedy show at the Bailey Auditorium of Indian River
                                                                                                            State College.
                                                                                                              Each year, Hunger Action Month brings new supporters to
                                                                                                            Treasure Coast Food Bank who may not have been aware of
                                                                                                            hunger in the community. With the need reaching levels not
                                                                                                            seen since the Great Recession, there’s always opportunities
                                                                                                            to support neighbors who don’t always have enough to eat
                                                                                                            by giving time or making a donation. Learn more by visiting
                                                                                                                                  Photos by MaryAnn Ketcham

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