Page 15 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - November '22
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 15
       Tax Talk

      Dear Friends,                                                                                        Honoring Our Vietnam
        The 2022 tax season is
      here, and my staff is ready                                                                          Veterans
      to support you during this
      busy time of the year. Once                                                                            It is an honor to
      you receive your tax bill, I                                                                         recognize Palm Beach
      encourage you to use our                                                                             County’s Vietnam War
      convenient online payment                                                                            veterans. I am offering
      process  by  visiting  www.                                                                          Vietnam veterans a And don’t forget                                                                         special commemorative
      to pay early to take advantage                                                                       lapel  pin  as  my  way
      of the discounts offered.                                                                            of saying “thank you”
      Paying your property taxes                           1. Your estimated property tax must total more than $100.  for their service and
      by  Nov.  30  will  result  in                       2. Complete the online application by April 30, 2023.  sacrifice.  This is the
      a 4 percent discount – the                           3. The first payment must be made no later than July 31, 2023.  third year we have participated in this special partnership
      maximum discount offered!                            Want more great news? If you make your first IPP payment   with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor
        Watch your mail  for                             by June 30, 2023, you will receive a discount of nearly 4 percent   Vehicles (FLHSMV). Our office is honored to provide one
      your tax bill to arrive after                      on your property taxes! To enroll, view the payment schedule   pin to local veterans or their families in honor of their military
      Nov. 1 and please visit                            and learn more visit         service in Vietnam.  for  any                                                                               This is the official pin of the United States of America
      questions you may have regarding paying your property   New! Payment Portal                          Vietnam War Commemoration, authorized by Congress to
      taxes. Keep in mind, that my office does not determine the                                           recognize the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. It’s a
      amount of your taxes, that is determined by the property     In August, we revamped our payment portal to help users   heartfelt tribute to those who served, and a way to say, “thank
      appraiser’s office and the individual taxing authorities   navigate the site more effectively. In doing so, we have created   you,” for their service to our country.
      listed on your tax bill. Questions regarding the amount   a few tips to help make the process of paying your property taxes     Requests can be made by completing a request form
      of your taxes, must be directed to those offices, so review   online as easy as possible:            online at Your pin along with my personal
      your tax bill for contact information.               • For owner name searches, enter first name [space] last name.   letter of appreciation will be mailed. Pins are available now
        Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday!   Example: John Smith                               through Nov. 30. Veterans are only eligible to receive one pin;
                                              Sincerely,    • The Property Control Number can be found on your tax bill.   therefore, if you previously received your commemorative
                                       Anne M. Gannon,   Example: 11-22-33-44-55-666-7777.                 pin, no need to request again. We thank you for your service.
                               Constitutional Tax Collector,     • The entire Property Control Number must be entered to
                               Serving Palm Beach County  perform a Property Control Number search. No need to enter   Noteworthy Dates
                                                         the dashes.
      Don’t Get Stuck With A Lump                          • For addresses, enter your “street number” and “street name.”  Nov. 1: Tourist development taxes due
                                                           • Completely spell out the name of the street for specific
                                                                                                           Nov. 1 to March 31: Property tax season
      Sum Property Tax Payment                           results, i.e. entering “Mount” will only return records that exactly   Nov. 11: Veterans Day – Offices closed
                                                         match, it will not return “Mountain.” Do not enter the street type   Nov. 24 and 25: Thanksgiving holiday – Offices closed
        Did  you  know  there  is  an  option  to  pay  property   (Way, Street, Lane or Road).            Nov. 30: Deadline for property tax 4 percent discount
      taxes in installments? We have an Installment Payment     • An asterisk (*) may be used in the field as a “wildcard” to   Nov. 30: Hurricane season ends
      Plan (IPP) that allows you to pay your taxes quarterly.   expand results. For example, entering “Mount*” would also
      For new enrollees, the IPP goes into effect for the 2023   return “Mountain.”
      property taxes and not your current 2022 bill. Eligibility     • Avoid using street types (Ln, St, Ave) and directions (N, S,
      requirements are as follows:                       E, W) to return better results.

                                 6TH ANNUAL

                   December 3 & 4

                     Saturday & Sunday

                      10:00 am-4:00 pm

                         FREE ADMISSION!

                        Food    Demonstrations
                    Live Music    Kids Activities

                       Juried Fine Art & Crafts

                 Presented by the Laurence W. Levine Foundation

                                                                                                               Located at the Armory Art Center
                                                                                                               811 Park Place, West Palm Beach
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20