Page 14 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - November '22
P. 14

Page 14, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Rex Recommends

      By Rex Hearn                                       citizen at 79! It deals with the fidelity of four people engaged to   25 at 7:30 p.m.; matinee is Sunday, March 26 at 2 p.m.
        Three mainstays in Palm                          be married. A safe translation of the title might be, “Women are     The Box Office phone number is (561) 833-7888.
      Beach arts, symphony, opera                        fickle, Men cheat too.” It plays Friday, Feb. 24 and Saturday,   Ballet Palm Beach
      and ballet have carefully                          Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. The matinee is at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 26.     On Oct. 26 in the Playhouse Theatre at Kravis they dance the
      chosen programs for the                            Verdi’s Falstaff is last. Written when he was 80 and in retirement,   story of Snow White (and the seven dwarfs).
      2022/23  season. And The                           this comedy based on The Merry Wives of Windsor by the Bard     Then there are four performances of the Christmas
      Society of Four Arts, (561)                        of Avon, is a romp from beginning to end. How would you like   favorite The Nutcracker to Tchaikovsky’s brilliant music.
      655-7226, has put together                         to end up in the Thames River in a huge wicker linen basket?   Performances are Saturday, Dec. 3 at 2 and 7 p.m. and
      one of their best seasons ever.                    That’s what the women do to Sir John Falstaff for his cheeky   Sunday, Dec. 4 at 1 and 5 p.m.
      Here in brief with dates, are                      swagger! Performances: Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March     The Box Office phone number is (800) 515- 2171.
      the events. Some people still
      wear masks, caution in crowds                      Northern Notes
      perhaps. Look for my monthly
      column in Seabreeze. Attend live arts in these parts.
      Palm Beach Symphony                                Easements And Rights-Of-
        Orchestral concerts are now held in the big Dreyfus Hall
      at the Kravis Center unless otherwise stated. And Maestro   Way On Your Property
      Gerard Schwarz is the conductor. Saturday, Nov. 6 at 3 p.m.,
      Sarah Chang plays the lovely, tuneful Max Bruch’s Violin   By Katie Roundtree,
      Concerto, No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26. David Diamond’s Rounds   Director of Finance and
      for Strings and Brahms’ Second Symphony are both premiered   Administration, Northern
      by the symphony. Thursday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m., pianist Garrick   Palm Beach County
      Ohlson tackles Beethoven’s difficult Emperor Concerto, No.   Improvement District
      5 in E-Flat Major. Two more orchestra premieres follow:     If you own property in
      Night Ride at Sunrise by Sibelius and Sans-Saens’ magnificent   Florida, you may encounter
      Organ Symphony, No. 3. It will rouse all your senses with   the terms easement and
      its voluminous climatic sounds. Handel’s Messiah is next at   right-of-way. Both of them
      The Rosarian Academy on Friday, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. and   affect how you can use your
      Saturday, Dec. 10 at 3 p.m. This work is 281 years old. At its   property and the rights to
      first performance in Dublin, Ireland, King George ll of Britain   your property. They are used
      stood in the Hallelujah Chorus, out of respect for the grandeur   frequently in areas where Northern Palm Beach County
      of the music. Audiences continue this tradition the world over   Improvement District has maintenance responsibilities. They   another person’s property for “use” of the property. A right-
      whenever it is played. Back in Kravis, Monday, Jan. 30 at 8 p.m.   are essential to allow the district to access areas where it may   of-way only allows a person to pass over another person’s
      the beautiful mezzo-soprano, Susan Graham, will delight with   not have ownership rights near our facilities or waterways.   property. Rights-of-way are for travel purposes across the
      four arias from Mozart, some by Lehar and Berlioz. Debussy’s     An easement is a legal agreement that allows another   land, such as a driveway or a walkway. They do not allow
      Prélude á l’aprés-midi d’un faune and Shostakovich’s rousing   party to use the subject property for a specific purpose.   you to use the land for any other reasons.
      Symphony No. 10 in E Minor, Op. 93 will eject you from your   They do not give the user ownership over the property;     Once an easement is created, the easement owner has
      seat: celebrating the late Stalin’s demise!        they enable the user to use the subject property without   the right and the duty to maintain it for its purpose unless
        No concert in February.                          being arrested for trespassing. An example is a drainage   otherwise agreed between the easement owner and the owner
        Tuesday, March 14 at 8 p.m. the brilliant pianist, Misha   easement located between two homes. Within one or both   of the underlying property. The easement owner can make
      Dichter, will play George Gershwin’s only piano concerto. No,   parcels is a designated area where the easement holder   repairs and improvements to the easement, provided that
      it is not Rhapsody in Blue! A world premiere by Schwantner   may travel to access something on the other side. Another   those repairs or modifications do not interfere with the use
      is next, Reflections on Thoreau. Stravinsky’s Firebird Ballet   example is flowage easement which allows water from   and enjoyment of the easement by the owner of the property
      Suite ends this program. Get ready for this guy: the great Joshua   one location to travel through a water body owned by   through which the easement exists.
      Bell, surely America’s best, will play Mendelssohn’s exquisite   someone else to another.              Please be mindful of easements on your property and keep
      Violin Concerto in E Minor with a cadenza written by Bell,     Some common easements in our area are drainage, water   those areas clear of personal property. Access to the district’s
      himself, who is making record appearances everywhere. He   management, utility and landscape buffers. Each of these   facilities is critical, especially during storm events.
      just hit 30 consecutive at Tanglewood. Fingal’s Cave, part of   allows the holder to access the property for the purpose     Suppose district staff or contractors cannot get to an area
      Mendelssohns’ Hebrides Overture follows and Beethoven’s   stated. They could be a means to access a pipe, a water body,   needing maintenance. In that case, there could be future
      superb Symphony No. 3 in E-Flat Major, Op. 55 “Eroica” ends   an electrical connection, or landscaping around a facility.   unintended consequences.
      the program. Finale! Monday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. Maria Joao     A right-of-way is a broader type of easement that allows     NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking
      Peres will play Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major,   anyone to travel through the subject property to reach another   lots and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer
      another orchestra premiere. The lead trombone of our symphony,   destination. Like other easements, a right-of-way agreement   system and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up
      Domingo Pagliorca, will be the soloist in Hailstock’s Monuments.   gives  the  recipient  no  ownership  over  your  property.   litter and debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots,
      The concert season ends with a stirring choice: Cesar Franck’s   However, a right-of-way does not give the holder access to   especially around storm drains.
      grand and moving Symphony in D Minor. The ending will blow
      your sox off! Be prepared to cheer the players, endlessly.
        The Box Office phone number is (561) 281-0145.
      Palm Beach Opera                                             Susan Has Moved To A
        There will be three operas this year. David Stern, the
      conductor, leads 60 orchestral players in the pit in the main hall
      of The Kravis Center. Yes, his father was the great violinist Isaac        New Location!
      Stern. I will detail the soloists nearer the month they sing. So sit
      tight. Friday, Jan. 20 and Saturday, Jan. 21 both at 7:30 p.m., you
      will hear Puccini’s Madam Butterfly also the matinee on Sunday,   Androcles Hair Salon
      Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. Next will be the delicious Mozart Opera Cosi
      Fan Tutti written by Lorenzo da Ponte who became an American   4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108
                                                                 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
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