Page 3 - PGA Community News - December '22
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December 2022                                                            December 2022                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
      From The Editor:

      “Do You See What I See?”…

         As I exited the                                volunteered his time to raise funds for many humanitarian      In October, 1962  Noel  Regney  and  Gloria  Shayne
      supermarket, I heard the                          causes. I have known about the Lions Clubs for many   Baker wrote the lyrics and music, respectively, to the
      first Christmas bells of                          years but was not aware of the multitude of programs   Christmas carol, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” It was
      the season and then saw                           in which it engages. The organization was founded in   released after Thanksgiving as a plea for peace during
      the bell ringer standing                          1917 by Melvin Jones and a group of business leaders   the Cuban missile crisis. Bing Crosby recorded the song
      beside the red donation                           in Chicago who wanted to address the betterment of   for Capitol Records on November 22, 1963 – the day that
      bucket as he wished me a                          their community and the world through service projects.   President John F. Kennedy was assassinated!
      blessed holiday. Memories                         In 1920 Helen Keller was a speaker at the Lions Club
      flooded my mi nd of                               convention and asked them to become “knights of the   The first verse is:
      joyous  Christmases past                          blind in the crusade against darkness.” Since that time the   Said the night wind to the little lamb,
      and anticipation filled my                        Lions have worked tirelessly to aid the blind and visually   Do you see what I see?
      heart with Christmas 2022                         impaired. The Lions program, “Opening Eyes,” has saved   Way up in the sky, little lamb.
      approaching. Soon I would see the beauty of the season   the sight of more than 400,000 athletes. Please include   Do you see what I see?
      with  decorated  trees and  sparkling lights and  hear  the   the Lions Club International in your list of charities to   A star, a star, dancing in the night
      Christmas carols sung by a host of artists.       which you donate and advise others of the many altruistic   With a tail as big as a kite,
         Reality brought me back to the moment as I pondered   endeavors of the Lions.                     With a tail as big as a kite?
      that some in our community will not see what I see or hear      Allen’s visual impairment did not impede his zest
      what I hear. Those with vision and hearing impairments   for  life.  He  has  flown solo in  an airplane  with  audio      May we all be inspired by Allen Preston this holiday
      are not exposed to all of the sights and sounds of the   instructions and scuba diving. Allen hosted a cooking   season by “seeing” that the gift of ourselves is more important
      holidays. Years ago I met an extraordinary man, Allen   television show on our local public broadcasting Channel   than tangible gifts. Let’s keep in mind the significance of the
      Preston. I attended a wonderful performance at the Kravis   42, WXEL, entitled, “Cooking Without Looking.” His   lyrics, “Do You See What I See?”
      Center. During intermission, Allen approached me with   sense of humor adds a lot to the show. I viewed an      Until next month…
      his  guide  dog,  “Jolly.” We  exchanged  salutations  and   episode on Youtube after Allen described the experience              James A. Cioffi, Editor
      agreed that the musicians were outstanding.       to me. Recipes are presented live for the blind and vision               
         Allen sees only light and dark shadows as a result of   impaired – many of whom cook for themselves each day.
      myopic retinopathy. He was born in Waukegan, Illinois.   It is a valuable service to the vision impaired and blind
      For the first ten years of his life, Allen lived with his   in South Florida. The show was produced by the Vision   Commissioner’s Update from page 1
      maternal grandparents near Toronto, Canada. It was an   World Foundation. Allen is quoted as saying, “I thank
      affluent home with servants attending to the family. His   God for the opportunity to see the world in a way few   to fit current conditions and activities occurring in the
      grandparents’ advancing age necessitated a move by Allen   others see it. I hope we can inspire you to maintain your   river. The objectives include:
      at the age of ten to a farm in north central Minnesota   independence and stay safe in the kitchen.”     •  Improving  overall  river  hydrology  and  water
      to live with his mother and stepfather. It was a culture      Allen also volunteered for Southeastern Guide Dogs and   quantity through accelerated land acquisition for water
      shock inasmuch as he was expected to work a farm with   other charities that promote independence and dignity for the   storage on public lands by implementing restoration
      30,000 chickens!! Allen received his B.S education at   blind and visually impaired. Southeastern Guide Dogs is a   projects, coordinating with stakeholders, and monitoring
      the University of Minnesota. After graduation, Allen   not-for-profit organization that provides dogs at no expense   the health and restoration of the river.
      taught high school shop for 8 years – the final year in   to the recipients. The puppies are trained and socialized for      • Improving water quality by identifying and reducing
      Clewiston, Florida. He has a technical mind that can repair   a two year period and then the recipient attends school with   points of pollution; increase storm water treatment and
      mechanical equipment.                             the dog for 26 days. All funds are raised through donations.   retention; decrease turbidity/cloudiness; reduce harmful
         Allen is retired and was the president of the West   It has been in existence for 38 years and is headquartered in   bacteria; and, utilize best management practices in the
      Palm Beach chapter of the Lions Clubs International. He   Palmetto, Florida. Its website is  remaining agricultural areas surrounding the river.
                                                                                                               • Protect and preserve the native wildlife, fish and
                                                                                                            vegetation by acquiring additional parcels in the Pal-Mar
                                                                                                            Water Control District; monitor sedimentation, erosion,
                                                                                                            and flows affecting valued ecosystems.
                                                                                                               • Protect and preserve historical, cultural sites and
                                                                                                            recreational resources.
                                                                                                               • Increase environmental education and stewardship
                                                                                                            opportunities within the river.
                                                                                                               Preserving and protecting the National Wild and
                                                                                                            Scenic Loxahatchee River requires a balance in managing
                                                                                                            the wetlands and natural areas filtering water that feeds
                                                                                                            into the basin, so that the water entering the river is of the
                                                                                                            highest quality possible, while at the same time helping
                                                                                                            to provide flood protection for our community.
                                                                                                               Palm Beach County’s Comprehensive Plan identifies
                                                                                                            the Loxahatchee River as an “Area of Particular Concern”
                     driveway                                        courtyard                              to preserve in its natural state. Our land development
                                                                                                            code contemplates additional setbacks from wetlands and
                                                                                                            other environmentally sensitive areas, and this process
                                                                                                            has been effective is directing land development activities
                                                                                                            away from the river area.
                                                                                                               If I can be of assistance to you, please contact me at
                                                                                                            (561) 355-2201 or by email at

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