Page 4 - PGA Community News - December '22
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Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 December 2022                                                                                                                                                 December 2022
      Let Me Tell You…

      Hope For The Future Through Self-Action Leadership

      By Marie Pinschmidt                               to give his textbooks a shot. Somewhat to my surprise, I found   training in their business, professional or personal future than
         One of the many pleasures                      the books to be fascinating from Page One on. Like many other   to read, study, and internalize the self-action leadership
      I have enjoyed while living in                    reviewers, I find his writing masterful, even poetic. And speaking   textbooks. For those of you who have “been there and done
      PGA National in Palm Beach                        of poetry, you lovers of verse may be interested in knowing that   that,” you will enjoy the exceptional writing, poetry, and quotes
      Gardens, Fla., the past 25 years                  he has also published an anthology of his own, original poems he   from inspirational people throughout history who have lived
      is meeting interesting and                        has composed – Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection, available   exemplary lives of leadership.
      often fascinating neighbors.                      for sale at and           Jensen  has  published  six  books,  hundreds  of  news
      One of these engaging and                            Jensen’s leadership books are anchored in true principals   articles and worked with thousands of people in hundreds
      productive neighbors is                           of philosophy and human behavior. They contain not only   of audiences throughout the United States, Canada, and the
      Jordan R. Jensen, who, with                       the requirements to lead in the professional world, but how   U. K. He is also a triathlete, having completed 13 marathons
      his delightful wife and three                     to live successfully with dignity and honor in a general   and one 70.3 Ironman triathlon. To learn more about his
      young children, recently                          sense. As we all know, in modern society we often find   textbooks and professional work, visit www.freedomfocused.
      moved into a home just a few miles from my condominium.   leaders who excel in their endeavors but fall short in the   com. Then, if you would like to sign up to receive his free
      I am a columnist for our neighborhood’s monthly newspaper,   categories of honor and integrity.      weekly blog articles on personal leadership, just email him at
      and I met Jordan and his family through my work as a writer.      These books helped me revisit my long life with renewed Lastly, if you are interested in
         Jordan is the founder, CEO, and master facilitator of   interest, and to evaluate why I succeeded in certain areas and   buying his comprehensive life textbooks yourself, you can do
      Freedom Focused LLC, The Center for Self-Action Leadership,   failed in others. I’m sure most of us have those moments of   so by visiting
      a professional leadership training organization. He is the author   introspection. I wish his teachings had been made available when      Once again, the holidays are knocking at our doors and
      of several books and hundreds of articles that have appeared   I was just starting out in my adult life. In these two volumes   the above-mentioned books could be a life-changing gift,
      in a variety of different newspapers and periodicals, including   Jordan has gifted his readers with his personal and candid history   especially for the young adults on your list. Keep in mind
      multiple academic journals. A skilled writer and educator, he   of survival during many trying times, including chronic mental   that I have touched only briefly on the insightful lessons to be
      has facilitated training events throughout the English-speaking   illness (OCD and depression), to evolve as a great educator   learned from Jensen’s books, and the hours of joy his writing
      world. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English as well as a   and a courageous human being. His books are a combination   has given me. Until next time, wishing all my neighbors peace
      doctorate in education. I have just finished reading Jordan’s   of textbook, autobiography, memoir, and inspirational survivor   and goodwill now and throughout the new year.
      “Magnum Opus,” which includes Volume 1: Self-Action   story, and should be in the permanent collection of every library,              Marie Pinschmidt,
      Leadership – a Theoretical Framework for Existential Growth,   high school, and every other institution of learning, business,          (561) 510-5006,
      and Volume 2: Self-Action Leadership – An Action Research-  etc. Our young people would need no greater comprehensive
      Based Character Development Model.
         At age 94, I am long past the stage of life for collegiate course
      study. Despite this fact, my friendship with Jordan motivated me

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