Page 11 - Martin Downs Bulletin - January '23
P. 11

Martin Downs, Page 11

                                              loCAl govErnmEnt

      Martin County Property                             Excellence in Assessment Administration from the   Angel trees in all of our
                                                                                                           offices,” commented Ruth
                                                         International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO).
      Appraiser                                          Approximately 13,000 offices in the United States and   Pietruszewski, Martin
                                                         Canada are members of the IAAO, and our office was   County Tax Collector.
      By Jenny Fields, CFA                               one of only 49 to be honored with this prestigious award.     Each Angel tree is filled
        Jan.  5,  2023  will  mark  my                   This certificate affirms that we are operating at the highest   with the names and wish
      second year as your Martin                         level of performance for our customers.           lists of local children. The
      County  Property Appraiser.                          In addition, the office was recognized with seven   list consists of toys, and
      I continue to commit my                            Gold Addy Awards  by  the American Advertising    sizes for shirts, pants, and
      office  to  providing  excellent                   Federation Treasure Coast Chapter for our messaging   shoes. The donor’s name
      customer service, education,                       and communication methods to reach the public.    is kept anonymous. The
      and community outreach for the                       None of this would be possible without my talented   Salvation Army Angel
      residents and business owners                      team of professionals.  Their hard work, dedication,   Tree  is  one  of  the  true
      of our great county!                               unique knowledge, and accessibility is what makes the   spirits of giving and a
        In 2022, we gained an                            office truly great!                               way to bring Christmas to
      additional partner to our library of seven print and digital     Thank you for the honor of serving   Martin County children who are less fortunate.
      publications to distribute monthly informational articles   as your Martin County Property             The majority of the staff at the tax collector’s office
      to you (ICares, Hometown News, Seabreeze, TCPalm   Appraiser. Happy New Year and all                 personally donated to fill all the angels that were on the trees
      Real Estate Source, Treasure Coast Real Estate and   the very best in 2023!                          at the four offices. The spirit of Christmas giving and cheer
      Local Living, Friends and Neighbors of Martin County,                     Sincerely,                 filled the air in our office!
      and Out2News). We have also collaborated with Martin              Jenny Fields, CFA,
      County Television (MCTV), as another distribution point   Martin County Property Appraiser
      to air our monthly educational videos and infomercials.
        Our  presentation  schedule  to  local  groups  and  Martin County Tax Collector
      organizations increased by 63 percent over the prior year.
      Presenting to homeowner associations and attending new   By Ruth “Ski
      business openings in Martin County are two additional   Pietruszewski, Martin
      community outreach initiatives.                    County Tax Collector
        The office incorporated three new software modules   Salvation Army
      which have significantly impacted productivity and   Christmas Tree Angels
      accuracy (iLOOKABOUT, GeoViewPort Desktop Review
      and Assessment Project Management). In addition,   The True Meaning Of
      more than 25 enhancements were made to our website   Christmas
      increasing overall favorable customer service. In fact,     Angel trees brighten                     Ruth “Ski” Pietruszewski, Martin County Tax Collector,
      the website saw robust traffic, receiving more than 3.5   Christmas for children. “We                announces that the Real ID Act compliance date has been
      million page views in 2022!                        hope to help bring the true                       extended for two years. The extended date is May 7, 2025.
        Because of these achievements  and  so  many     meaning of Christmas to                           Look for the gold star in the upper right-hand side of your
      more, the office received the Recertification of   local children and help the Salvation Army by putting   driver’s license to confirm you are Real ID compliant.

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