Page 12 - Martin Downs Bulletin - January '23
P. 12

Page 12, Martin Downs

                                                    tip of thE tAil

      Xylitol – Not So Sweet For Dogs                      How is xylitol poisonous to dogs? Xylitol causes   outcome will depend on how much xylitol your dog

                                                         hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. The hypoglycemia   ingested and your dog’s weight. If the dog ate the xylitol
                                                         occurs because the body confuses the xylitol with real   recently, your veterinarian will induce vomiting to try
                                                         sugar, which causes too much insulin to be released.   and reduce the amount of xylitol your dog is exposed to.
                                                         Signs of hypoglycemia can include confusion, weakness,   Treatment of xylitol toxicity also includes monitoring
                                                         incoordination, shaking, seizures, and collapse.  The   blood sugars and liver values, and treating hypoglycemia
                                                         symptoms of hypoglycemia can start within 30 minutes   and liver damage if needed. Xylitol toxicity is treatable,
                                                         of ingestion, but can take up to 12 hours depending on   but prompt treatment and accurate information about what
                                                         how quickly the xylitol is absorbed by the body. The   your pet ingested is critical.
                                                         hypoglycemia can last more than 12 hours, so often     Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is a hidden danger
                                                         intravenous fluids to support blood sugar are needed. A   for your dog in many products. Xylitol poisoning causes
                                                         second toxic effect of xylitol in dogs is hepatic necrosis,   low blood sugar and at higher doses liver damage. It is
                                                         or destruction of liver tissue. Luckily not all dogs that   important to read the ingredients of anything your dog
                                                         ingest xylitol will experience liver problems, but liver   eats, and if your dog ingests anything containing xylitol
         Xylitol is a sweetener that is a common sugar   changes typically occur with higher doses of xylitol.   seek veterinary care immediately. Xylitol ingestion can
       substitute. Replacing sugar with xylitol in foods can help   Unfortunately  dogs  that  experience  liver  necrosis   be deadly for your dog, so keep your candy and gum well
       diabetics, aid in weight loss, and prevent tooth decay.   typically require more intensive care and have poorer   secured from your furry family members.
       While xylitol is found in a large variety of products for   outcomes. The combination of low blood sugar and liver     Established  in  1981,  Palm  City  Animal  Medical
       humans, ingesting xylitol is potentially lethal to dogs.    damage caused by xylitol is a dangerous combination, so   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
       Xylitol can be found in diabetic snacks, peanut butter,   any xylitol ingestion should be taken seriously.  for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
       mouthwashes, toothpastes, chewing gum, mints, candies,     With ingestion of xylitol prompt treatment is critical. If   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
       and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, melatonin,   you are unsure if what your dog ingested is a toxin, or if it   medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
       CBD gummies, and chewable vitamins. Sugar-free gum   is enough to be a problem, contact your veterinarian or the   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
       in particular can contain a surprising amount of xylitol,   Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 289-0358. It is also important   medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
       and a single piece of gum can be deadly for a small dog.   to save the packaging to give to your veterinarian, and   owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
       This article will discuss the toxic effects of xylitol in dogs   try to estimate how much of the product your dog may  or find us on
       and what to do if your dog may have ingested xylitol.  have eaten. The treatment recommendations and expected   Facebook at

                                                           rEAl EstAtE

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                           I recently sold my home in Palm City’s Cypress Lake.   a notice that the lights that I had were never approved and
      Report                                             When I first bought the home, I applied for a permit from the   she was afraid of being fined $100 dollars per day. In reality,
                                                                                                           the lights were fully approved by the Cypress Lake HOA
                                                         Architectural Control Committee to do some landscaping.
                                                         I wanted to put expensive curbing around the gardens and   Architectural Control Committee on Sept. 18, 2019.
      Know What You Are Getting Into Before              use a red river rock for ground cover in the gardens.    She said that she was also told that my previously
      Buying A Home In An HOA                              The curbing was approved, but the HOA president told   approved garden edging was never approved and had to be
      By Jim Weix                                        me that the stone would not be allowed, as wood mulch was   removed. I explained to her that the head of the Cypress Lake
        According to Cinch Home                          the “community standard.” When I objected, he asked if I   HOA Architectural Control Committee was present when the
      Services, an online home                           thought that I was special and above the “rules.”  garden curbing was installed as she wanted to make sure it
      warranty company, Florida                            I suggested that he might want to look at the HOA’s vice-  stayed within the lot lines.
      ranks No. 2 in the nation                          president’s home, which had a stone ground cover, and walk     I investigated further and found that the problem was that
      for the most complaints                            around the block and look at all of the homes with stone   there was a new HOA president and some board members.
      against homeowners and                             ground cover. In reality, the “community standard” of wood   This is a classic case of why rules should be well-defined,
      condo  associations. As                            mulch didn’t exist other than in his head.        and not up to the whims of a new board or president.
      we saw recently in Stuart,                           This so-called “community standard,” unless well defined,     Once you decide to move into a community with an
      sometimes disputes  can                            can also change with who is on the Board of Directors at   association, you should attend the Board meetings. All it
      get so crazy that people are                       the time. That happened in Cypress Lake when there was a   takes for one bad decision or opinion to gain traction, is for
      killed.                                            new president that didn’t like her neighbor’s landscaping.   nobody to point it out.
        Fortunately, most disputes don’t end up like that.   She created turmoil in the neighborhood by declaring that     Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
      However, disputes with homeowners or condo associations   some of the “community standard guidelines” were invalid.   I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
      can sometimes be annoying and even expensive. That is   Fortunately, she moved, and things returned to normal.    Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      why buyers need to thoroughly understand the rules of an     So, I was amazed when I returned to my old house to pick   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      association before buying. They should also check with   up a package mistakenly delivered there. I noticed new exterior   estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
      other owners about the “political environment” of the   lights and asked if the new owner didn’t like the lights that   of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
      development regarding the association.             were there when she bought my house. She said that she got   2941 or
        In most cases, an association provides the benefits of
      living in an attractive development with well-maintained               Art hAppEnings
      homes and landscaping. An association might also provide
      such things as discounted Internet services.
        However, when reviewing the association documents
      beware of such things as “community standards,”    Start The Year With A                             • Michaelann Bellerjeau
      unless they are clearly defined. In too many cases, the                                              • Patricia Pasbrig
      “community standards” can be based on who is on the   Kaleidoscope Art Exhibit                       • Renee Keil
      Board of Directors at the time.                                                                      • Sally Browning Pearson
                                                         By Jackie Holfelder                                 While you’re enjoying the fabulous show, be sure to
                     Answer for                            Martin  Artisans Guild’s first exhibit of 2023,   check out the very special and one-of-a-kind items in the
                                                                                                           Artisans Boutique – you’ll find great Valentine’s gifts for
                                                         Kaleidoscope Art, is currently running through March 4
                Crossword Puzzle                         at The Palm Room Art Gallery and Artisans Boutique,   the special people on your list.
                                                                                                             The Palm Room Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday
                                                         located at 3746 S.E. Ocean Boulevard in Harbour Bay
                                                         Plaza in Stuart.                                  from noon to 6 p.m.
                                                           Take advantage of an opportunity to “Meet the Artists”     For more information, visit
                                                         that is planned for 4 to 6 p.m. on Feb. 1.                           Photos by Martin Artisans Guild
                                                           The talented artists
                                                         included in Kaleidoscope
                                                         • Barb Bucci
                                                         • Caryl Pomales
                                                         • Denise Jackson
                                                         • Doreen Lepore
                                                         • Dot Galfond
                                                         • Glen Allen
                                                         •  Jacquelyn  Roesch-
                                                         • Jane Lawton Baldridge
                                                         • Kim Beltrame
                                                         • Lynn Morgan
                                                         •  Margarita  Nielsen-
                                                         • Maria Miele           Dot Galfond               Sally Browning Pearson
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